The vision of the leaders is build leadership and life skills of youth that are involved in the dairy industry.

The 4-H Milk Duds Club is a county-wide club focusing on raising dairy animals and learning about the dairy industry. The vision of the leaders is build leadership and life skills of youth that are involved in the dairy industry.

The club meets monthly, typically the first Monday of the month. All members are encouraged to participate in club and county activities and community service projects. There is something for everyone, from club officer positions to hosting club meetings and making club presentations.

Members are encouraged to participate in the hands-on workshops, dairy bowl practices, fieldtrips, social activities as well as the local, regional and state dairy shows. Members planning to show dairy projects must have animals registered in their name by the end of May.

All members are expected to complete a project book each year in order to be eligible to participate in 4-H shows. Teen members are also encouraged to hold officer positions and help provide leadership to the club and fellow members.

Milk Duds 2023 4-H Dairy Schedule

The 4-H Dairy leadership team has made plans for your upcoming 4-H year. We ask that you bring your project book to each meeting. We will try to start club meetings at 7:00 an effort to avoid late nights for the members.
