4-H members, who are between the ages of 13-18 as of January 1st, may serve as a Teen Leader in their local 4-H Club.
Guidelines for the project include:
Unit 1
Age: 13-15
Guidelines: Help at least three younger members. Must enroll in at least one other 4-H project
Unit 2
Age: 15-17
Guidelines: Teach part or all of a 4-H project; OR help to plan, organize and carry out one or more major club activities; OR a combination of project and club activity. Must enroll in at least one other 4-H project.
NOTE - If teaching/leading alone, teen must be screened & it's recommended that an adult leader always be present
Unit 3
Ages: 17-19
Guidelines: Plan to assume leadership responsibilities which best fit the needs of the club and the member's own capabilities. 4-H member may choose whether or not to take an additional project
To complete the 4-H Teen Leader Project:
- Submit a "4-H Leadership Project Plan" sheet (yellow copy) to the Extension Office by May 1st.
- Complete the appropriate level project book, based on what you plan to do as a teen leader (see above guidelines). Include your story as requested on the last page, and have your book signed by the 4-H leader who worked with you on the project.
- Enter Teen Leader Project at the 4-H Fair (Optional) - Submit completed project book, with member copy of the "4-H Leadership Project Plan" sheet (white copy). See 4-H Fair Book for pre-registration and entry deadlines.
- Enter Teen Leader Project for an award at 4-H Recognition Night (Optional) - Submit completed project book, with member copy of the "4-H Leadership Project Plan" sheet (white copy). If you enter the project at the 4-H Fair, and it is complete, you may leave it at the Fair for your Recognition Night submission. If it is not complete, or you do not enter it at the Fair, they are DUE to the Extension Office by September 1st! Books will be returned to you at 4-H Recognition Night.
Lancaster County 4-H
1383 Arcadia Road, Room 140Lancaster, PA 17601-3184
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Email LancasterExt@psu.edu
- Office 717-394-6851