The vision is to teach members how to raise, prepare and show their sheep.

The Lancaster County 4-H Woolies Club offers a program to youth who enjoy raising sheep and lambs. The 4-H Woolies Club meets once a month beginning in March. At the meetings, the club discusses topics relating to sheep. They also use "hands on" workshops to teach members how to prepare and show their sheep. Members and leaders can assist you with any questions you may have concerning your project animals.

What You Need to Know About Raising Sheep in 4-H

  • 4-H members must own their market lambs by June 1 to show at the 4-H Round Up.
  • Ideally, February born lambs will reach the desired market weight of 100 to 130 pounds by the 4-H Round Up.
  • 4-H members may show a maximum of two market lambs at the 4-H Round Up.
  • 4-H members must own breeding sheep projects by June 1 to show at the 4-H Round Up. Crossbred breeding ewe and ram lambs are eligible for the 4-H Fair. Members are allowed two sheep per class in the breeding show.
  • Members will also have the opportunity to exhibit their animals at their local fairs and the Pennsylvania Farm Show.
  • All 4-H members are required to submit a completed project record book to their leader at the fall meeting.
Woolies Club Schedule-2024

The following is your club's schedule of events for 2024.