Posted: June 7, 2019
4-H'ers competed Wednesday, June 5th, at the Farm and Home Center.
The 2019 Lancaster County 4-H Strawberry Roundup was a success in spite of a tough year for the berries. The 4-H'ers put forth a lot of effort preparing for this event and we are proud of their hard work.
4-H participants were Amanda Ellenberger, Callison Miller, Lily Graybill, Scott Zimmerman, Donovan Eberly, Cohen Miller, Justin Zimmerman, Gracelynn Anger and Gabrielle Anger.
Congratulations to Amanda Ellenberger who grew and sold her Division 3 Champion quart of strawberries at Strawberry Round Up to Lancaster Rotary Member Harold Keller for $500! Division 3 Reserve Champion quart of strawberries was grown by Justin Zimmerman and sold to Rotarian John Herr for $120.00.
First-time berry exhibitors for Division 2 are Gabrielle Anger who sold her Champion quart of strawberries to Matthew Adams for $225, and Callison Miller who sold the Reserve Champion quart of strawberries for $175 to Tom Baum of Daniel Baum Company.
The strawberry auction raised a total of $1,620 to 4-H members and $350 for the Max Smith Scholarship. We recognize that this event would not be possible without the Rotary Club of Lancaster and the generous people who purchased strawberries! Thank you!
Lancaster County 4-H
1383 Arcadia Road, Room 140Lancaster, PA 17601-3184
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Email
- Office 717-394-6851