Tweaking Your Garden Calendar for Pollinators and Beneficial Insects

June 24, 2024

Create a healthy garden teaming with pollinators and other beneficial insects by adding, changing, or removing a few tasks in the gardening process through the seasons.

2023 Penn State Extension Master Gardener Annual Report

May 6, 2024

View the full report of Penn State Extension Master Gardener county, state, and even national accomplishments!

Local Gardeners Gather and Grow

April 27, 2024

The Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Susquehanna County recently hosted the annual Spring Garden Day in partnership with the Montrose Area Adult School. Interest in the program soared this year, with attendance more than doubling in size.

Mr. Yuk Poison Prevention

March 18, 2024

The Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Susquehanna County teach students to practice poison prevention throughout the year and participate in National Poison Prevention Week during March.

Spring Plant Fundraiser Encourages "Think Spring!"

February 15, 2024

The Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Susquehanna County Spring Plant Fundraiser catalog is now available!

Master Gardeners Grow Together

February 15, 2024

The Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Susquehanna County grew together in volunteer service and learning in 2023.

To Buy or Not to Buy - The Gear Your Houseplants Really Need

January 16, 2024

What should the gardener make of houseplant products that abound, especially on websites and in catalogs? This article recommends which accessories are necessary for indoor plant care and which are not.

Seed to Supper Program Educates and Donates

October 16, 2023

The 2023 Seed to Supper Program donated over 1,000 pounds of locally-grown vegetables to organizations and individuals in Susquehanna County.

Grow Your Own Butterfly Garden

August 1, 2022

Planting a few host plants for caterpillars can attract this beautiful butterfly to your garden and is an excellent introduction to gardening for pollinators and supporting native insect species.

Off the Beaten Path: Ground Cherries

February 7, 2022

You are familiar with the cherries that grow on trees. But there is another kind of cherry, the ground cherry. When these cherries are ripe, you will not find them on the plant but the ground, hence one of their common names.

Master Gardener March Photo Contest Winner Announced and April Contest Theme is: ‘April Showers Bring…?’

April 9, 2021

The Penn State Extension Master Gardeners in Susquehanna County have been hosting a monthly photo contest and you can take part!

Master Gardener February Photo Contest Winner Announced and March Contest Theme is ‘Marching into Spring’

March 3, 2021

The Penn State Extension Master Gardeners in Susquehanna County have been hosting a monthly photo contest and you can take part!

Master Gardener January Photo Contest Winner Announced and February Contest Theme is: ‘Spring Dreaming’

February 8, 2021

The Penn State Extension Master Gardeners in Susquehanna County have been hosting a monthly photo contest and you can take part! January’s theme was: ‘Winter Landscapes.’ February's theme is 'Spring Dreaming' Take Part! Winners are receiving super prizes!

Master Gardener December Photo Contest Winner

January 1, 2021

The Penn State Extension Master Gardeners in Susquehanna County have been hosting a monthly photo contest. December’s theme was: ‘Holiday Decorations’. Winners are receiving super prizes!