Posted: February 8, 2021

The Penn State Extension Master Gardeners in Susquehanna County have been hosting a monthly photo contest and you can take part! January’s theme was: ‘Winter Landscapes.’ February's theme is 'Spring Dreaming' Take Part! Winners are receiving super prizes!

Janie Packard Stabinsky's winning photo

Janie Packard Stabinsky's winning photo

Although there were several super photos from: Valerie Winters, Gay Detweiler Wood, Nancy Sharer, Jim & Sue Stoklosa, Frank Margotta, Rachel Hobbs, Julie Maloney, Lisa Vaskas, Yvonne Sickler and Victoria McNamara we had to only pick one!

We are proud to announce January's winner: Janie Packard Stabinsky of Wyoming County.

Janie is an avid photographer and loves taking photos of gardens, fruit, flowers and vegetables. She is a enjoys crafts including bead work and small sewing items. She lives along Chamberlain Pond (which is where her winning photo was taken) in the Jenningsville area, Windham Township in Wyoming County.

Do you have some spring photos on your phone or camera that you would like to share in a contest and win some super prizes? Join the Penn State Extension Master Gardeners in Susquehanna County monthly photo contest! The theme for the February's contest is 'Spring Dreaming' and it begins February 1st and ends February 28th! It's simple: Please indicate entries with #photocontestFeb on our Facebook page: Penn State Ext Master Gardeners of Susquehanna County, PA. While you are there check out our informative gardening posts! And LIKE our page!

Winning photos will be posted on Facebook-Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Susquehanna County, PA, the Susquehanna County Master Gardener website and in local newspapers along with a brief interview about the winning photographer! Plus a great prize for the winner-gift certificates, gardening books etc!

Criteria to submit photo(s) for the Master Gardeners Monthly Photo Contest:

  • Photos must be your own work
  • Please enter up to 3 photos taken within the contest month.
  • Please indicate entries with #photocontestFeb on our Facebook page: Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Susquehanna County, PA
  • Include a description with your photo

If you need any additional information contact us at: , call us at 570-666-9003 or message us on Facebook: Penn State Ext Master Gardeners of Susquehanna County, PA.