Seed to Supper is a curriculum designed to teach economical and sustainable vegetable gardening. The project is a collaboration between Chester County Food Bank and the Chester County Master Gardeners that began in 2019.

S2S Facilitator Training Winter 2019

S2S Facilitator Training Winter 2019

Seed to Supper was created by the Oregon Food Bank and the Oregon State University Extension Service. The course materials were subsequently adapted for our local climate by Raina Ainslie, who is the Raised Bed Garden Manager for the Chester County Food Bank.

Designed as a 6-week 2-hour per session course, it teaches 3-season gardening, from planning and planting through maintaining and harvesting. Classes are taught by volunteers who have gardening experience. Chester County Master Gardener Richard Fennelly began with the program last year by attending "facilitator" training at the Chester County Food Bank. Afterwards, he participated in the first trial presentation, and this year he team-taught a 2-hour introductory class and 4-sessions course. (Photo is during facilitator training.)

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