The Master gardeners of Chester County have three demonstration gardens for teaching purposes.

Herb Garden, one of the GSC Demonstration Gardens

Herb Garden, one of the GSC Demonstration Gardens

The Master Gardeners of Chester County design and maintain three demonstration gardens for educational purposes.

The original and largest garden is located at the Chester County Government Services Center in West Chester.

Master Gardeners collaborate with park rangers on a historically inspired tenant garden at Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site in Elverson.

Master Gardeners collaborate with residents on themed demonstration gardens a Luther House in West Grove.

All of these gardens are a delight and used for direct workshops such as on site workshops, and indirect education through signage and plant identification.

Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site Demonstation Garden

This historically inspired tenant garden is a collaboration between the National Parks Service and Master Gardeners.

Chester County Government Services Center Demonstration Gardens

Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Chester County maintain four demonstration gardens on the grounds of the Government Services Center, 601 Westtown Road, West Chester.

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