Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Chester County work on a changing array of projects. The mission of Master Gardeners is education, so all projects must have a teaching component. Past activities have included creating demonstration gardens, helping create a vegetable garden connected to a food bank, and working with students to install a wetlands garden at a school. Master Gardeners reach out into the community through special activities and projects that educate.

Demonstration Gardeners

The Master gardeners of Chester County have three demonstration gardens for teaching purposes.

Speakers Bureau and Workshops

Master Gardeners provide presentations and workshops for the public on horticultural topics, Spotted Lanternfly, and more. These are held in libraries, municipal buildings, restaurants, and more. If your group is interested in a presentation, please reach out to the Chester County Coordinator. Also, keep an eye open for our seasonal workshops and winter swag workshop!

Community Projects

There are numerous community projects that are supported by Master Gardeners. These include community garden support, increasing pollinator gardens, working with a youth home to learn about growing food, and more. We love supporting the places we live!

Fairs, Festivals, and Farmers Markets

Penn State Master Gardeners of Chester County staff displays at area fairs, festivals, and farmers markets to teach about pesticide safety, the importance of pollinators, composting, the use of native plants, and other topics.

Seed to Supper Program with Chester County Food Bank

Seed to Supper is a curriculum designed to teach economical and sustainable vegetable gardening. The project is a collaboration between Chester County Food Bank and the Chester County Master Gardeners that began in 2019.

Educational Outreach Creation

Master Gardeners create and update materials that are used to educate the public. Some of these materials are physical, such as displays, others are used by Master Gardeners during events, such as presentations, and others provide virtual education.

Social Media