The following senior- and graduate-level courses are offered by the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering and may be used to fulfill a portion of a student's Graduate Program degree course requirements.

400-Level Courses

Undergraduate courses are designated as B E (Biological Engineering)

  • 461 - Design of Fluid Power Systems (3) Hydraulic systems, hydrostatic transmissions, electro-hydraulic systems in application to agricultural production and processing systems.
  • 462 - Design of Wood Structures (3) Structural prope.0rties of wood; design of wood structural elements; design of wood structural systems; design of post-frame buildings.
  • 463 - Design Principles of Mechatronics for Biosystems (3) Applies the basics of mechatronic systems such as controller, sensor, and actuator theory to agricultural and biological systems.
  • 464 - Bioenergy Systems Engineering (3) Fundamental theories and applied technologies for production and conversion of biomass into energy and co-products.
  • 465 - Food and Biological Process Engineering (3) Reactor design, kinetics, fluid flow, thermal processes, and other topics applied to the design of systems for the food and biological process industry.
  • 467 - Design of Stormwater and Erosion Control Facilities (3) Design of best management practices for stormwater management, erosion and sediment control as applied to the agriculture-urban interface.
  • 468 - Microbiological Engineering (3) Application of basic engineering principles and designs in biochemical and biological processes.
  • 477 - Land-Based Waste Disposal (3) Analysis, design, and management of land-based systems for recycling and disposal of municipal, industrial, and agricultural wastes.
  • 487 - Watershed Modeling for Water Quality Design (3) Application of common watershed models used to investigate design alternatives for flow and quality effects.
  • 494 H - Senior Honors Thesis (1-9) Students must have approval of a thesis adviser before scheduling this course.
  • 495 - Agricultural Engineering Internship (1-6) Independent study and supervised cooperative education experience related to the student's career objective.
  • 496 - Independent Studies (1-18) Creative projects, including research and design, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.
  • 497 - Special Topics (1-9) Formal courses given infrequently to explore, in depth, a comparatively narrow subject which may be topical or of special interest.

500-Level Courses

  • 500 - Research Methods in Agricultural and Biological Engineering (3) Introduction to research philosophies, methodologies, issues and policies; measures of research quality; research report writing; research ethics.
  • 504 - Mechanics and Properties of Particulate Materials (3) Constitutive equations for cohesionless and cohesive particulate materials; measurement of properties; application to storage, flow, and consolidation.
  • 513 - Applied Finite Element, Finite Difference, and Boundary Element Methods (3) Applications of numerical methods in the areas of structures, fluid dynamics, heat and mass transfer, machine design.
  • 517 - Surface Transport of Agricultural Pollutants (3) Understanding and modeling the surface transport processes of agricultural pollutants; particularly erosion, sediment transport, and movement of sediment-attached constituents.
  • 559 - Biological and Agricultural Systems Simulation (3) Continuous simulation modeling of biological and physical systems, numerical simulation techniques, validation and verification, difference measures, sensitivity analysis. Prerequisites: MATH 111 or 141.
  • 562 - (EMCH) Boundary Element Analysis (3) Numerical solution of boundary value problems using fundamental solutions; application to problems in potential theory, diffusion, and elastostatics. Prerequisite: A B E 513, E MCH 461, or 560.
  • 568 - Food Safety Engineering (3) Predictive microbiology and modeling, conventional and novel detection and enumeration methods, conventional and novel processing methods, applied to plant layout, construction materials, and equipment design for microbial food safety.
  • 590 - Colloquium (1-3) Continuing seminars which consist of a series of individual lectures by faculty, students, or outside speaker
  • 596 - Individual Studies (1-9) Creative projects, including nonthesis research, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal course
  • 597 - Special Topics (1-9) Formal courses given on a topical or special interest subject which may be offered infrequently; several different topics may be taught in one year or term

Additional Grad Courses Outside ABE Department

  • BIOE 517 (MATSC 507) Biomaterials Surface Science (3): Special properties of surfaces as an important causative and mediating agent in the biological response to materials.
  • C E 555 Groundwater Hydrology Analysis and Modeling (3): Introduction to groundwater resource analysis, model formulation, simulation, and design of water resource systems using symbolic and numerical methods.
  • CE 561 Surface Hydrology (3): Quantification of the processes that govern the movement and storage of water near the land-surface including precipitation, evapotranspiration, and runoff.
  • C E 564 Sediment Transport in Alluvial Streams (3): River flow, river channel formation, the physical characteristics of rivers, responses of rivers to natural and human-made changes.
  • C E 567 River Engineering (3): Introduction to river mechanics and fluvial geomorphology applied to problems of sediment transport and channel morphology.
  • C E 576 (CH E 576): Environmental Transport Processes (3) Fundamentals of chemical transport in engineered environments, such as biofilm reactors, and natural systems including aquifers and rivers.
  • CH E 524 Chemical Engineering, Application of Thermodynamics (3): Elements of thermochemistry and thermodynamics of greatest importance in chemical engineering.
  • CH E 535 Chemical Reaction Engineering (3): Optimal design of batch and continuous chemical reactors and reactor batteries; effect of mixing on reactor operation.
  • CH E 544, General Transport Phenomena (3): Formulation and solution of transport problems involving momentum, heat, and mass transfer, with chemical engineering applications.
  • CSE 583 Pattern Recognition - Principles and Applications (3): Decision-theoretic classification, discriminant functions, pattern processing and feature selection, syntactic pattern recognition, shape analysis and recognition.
  • CSE 584 Machine Learning: Tools and Algorithms (3): Computational methods for modern machine learning models, including applications to big data and non-differentiable objective functions.
  • CSE 586 Topics in Computer Vision (3): Discussion of recent advances and current research trends in computer vision theory, algorithms, and their applications.
  • E MCH 507 Theory of Elasticity and Applications (3): Equations of equilibrium and compatibility;stresses and strains in beams, curved members, rotating discs, thick cylinders, torsion and structural members.
  • E MCH 560 Finite Element Analysis (3): General theory; application to statics and dynamics of solids, structures, fluids, and heat flow; use of existing computer codes.
  • M E 512 Heat Transfer, Conduction (3): One- and two-dimensional conduction heat transfer for steady state and transient systems with varying boundary conditions.
  • M E 513 Heat Transfer, Convection (3): Laminar and turbulent flow heat transfer in natural and forced convection systems.
  • M E 514 Heat Transfer, Radiation (3): Thermal radiation fundamentals; specular and diffuse systems; differential and integral methods; numerical techniques; industrial applications.
  • M E 545 Mechatronics (3): This class will facilitate hands-on investigation and learning of mechatronic systems using a problem-based approach.
  • ME 556 Robotic Concepts (3): Analysis of robotic systems; end effectors, vision systems, sensors, stability and control, off-line programming, simulation of robotic systems.

*Other similar graduate engineering courses (5XX or 8XX) can be taken by petition.
*Approved by ABE Graduate Faculty on September 5, 2024