Please print and fill out this form to request a speaker from the Bucks County Master Gardener Speakers Bureau.

Date of request:__________________________________________________

Requested by:____________________________________________________

Name of group/organization:________________________________________

Contact name, address, phone & e-mail:_______________________________


Presentation day/date:_____________________________________________

Presenter set-up time:_____________________________________________

Presentation time (prior to any business meeting, please):_________________

Topic 1st choice:__________________________________________________

Topic 2nd choice:__________________________________________________

Topic 3rd choice:__________________________________________________

Presentation site address / room location:______________________________



Type of presentation requested (circle one):

  • Lecture only
  • hands-on
  • both

Budget for hands-on workshop?

  • Y / N (if yes, please provide details.)

OK to bring handouts / publications / samples?

  • Y / N

Target audience & experience:_______________________________________

Expected attendance number:_______________________________________

Specific instructions for presenter on arrival:____________________________



Additional comments:_____________________________________________



Please email (preferred) or mail the completed form to:

Amy Kwasnicki, Master Gardener Coordinator
Penn State Extension Bucks County
576 Penns Park Road, Suite EXT
Newtown, PA 18940
