The Quakertown Community Garden is located at 670 S. Main Street in Quakertown (behind Free Fall Action Park). The theme of the Garden bed for the 2023 season is Companion Planting with Flowers and Vegetables. The Community Garden was the brainchild of Courtney Burns, Parks and Recreation Coordinator with mentorship from Joan Pavlica and Donna McCloskey of Adams Hollow Community Garden in Bristol, PA.
After three years of planning, the garden opened in 2022 with only 7 of the 24 beds rented. The theme for the first year of the Master Gardener bed was to plant to attract pollinators. In 2023 all 24 beds have been rented and planted. Anyone can visit and view the garden. Keep in mind the gardeners have rented the plots and may not want to engage. Look but don't touch!
2023 Plant List:
- Bronze Fennel
- Fernleaf Dill
- Flat-leaf Parsley
- Zinnia 'State Fair Mix'
- Suntastic Yellow with Black Center Sunflower
- Helianthus annus
- 'Big Girl' Tomato
- Sweet Pepper 'Gypsy'
- Bell Pepper 'Golden Bell'
- Pepper 'Sweet Banana'
- Green Zucchini
- Squash 'Autumn Acorn Blend'
- Yellow Marigolds