These talented speakers are available for your group's education and enjoyment. Our Master Gardeners are knowledgeable on a wide variety of topics. Given sufficient notice, we may be able to accommodate requests for topics not listed in this brochure.
Scheduling a Speaker
To schedule a speaker or for more info:
Master Gardeners of Bucks County
Phone: 267-483-2020
It is highly recommended you reach out as far in advance as possible. We cannot guarantee the ability to honor all requests. We attempt to accommodate all requests; however, Master Gardeners are volunteers and accept speaking engagements as their personal schedules allow.
Presentations are free although we gratefully receive donations that are used to purchase and maintain equipment like computers, projectors, speakers, software, etc., to develop and support new topics, and to help volunteers with travel and parking expenses where applicable. Checks should be made out to Penn State University, and mailed to:
Penn State Extension Bucks County
576 Penns Park Rd
Newtown, PA 18940
In the check notation field, please indicate if the donation is for the Master Gardener program of Bucks County.
About the Master Gardener Program
The Master Gardener Program is an outreach educational program of Penn State Extension. Master Gardeners are volunteers who receive 50 hours of intensive horticultural training from Penn State. In return, Master Gardeners volunteer at least 50 hours during their first year and a minimum of 20 hours per year afterward to maintain their title. Master Gardeners also pursue ten hours of Continuing Education each year. Master Gardeners work on a variety of approved activities with the goal of educating the public about good home gardening practices. Volunteer and training services are coordinated at the county level through the Master Gardener Coordinator.
Available Topics
- Flower Gardening
- Garden Care
- Houseplants
- Seed Starting
- Garden Planning
- Native Plants
- Trees and Shrubs
- Soil and Compost
- Vegetable Gardening
- Pollinators
- Others - please inquire