Four Master Gardeners working at the garden

Four Master Gardeners working at the garden

Four Class of 2023 trainees have been assisting with this garden. The garden was created to educate the public about pollinators and the native plants that attract them.

The garden has changed dramatically since its inception as Invasive plants, grass, shrubs, and trees have invaded the garden. The team has been working to remove the invasives and replace them with native plants. A stack stone border was donated and installed by a local contractor which serves to define the garden. A wood chip path lined with stones has been installed to an ADA width of 36".

Future plans are to label each plant with its common and botanical name (this process has begun). One goal is to plant more natives to cover the bare ground left by the removal of the invasives. The hope is to install a new sign that will have a QR code that will link visitors to information about the plants in the garden and the pollinators they attract. Tours of the garden can be scheduled once the renovation work is completed.

This is a public garden. It is located inside a park that includes walking paths, a large pond, benches, and doggie watering stations as well as doggie waste bags and plenty of waste and recycling receptacles. One of the walking paths is right by the north side of the Pollinator Garden. The Park is also the location of the Univest Performance Center, the amphitheater for live concerts throughout the summer.