Emphasis Technical (Biological/Food Science) Courses
Course | Title |
ANSC 300 | Integrated Animal Biology |
BE 306 | Machines for Agricultural and Biological Processing |
BMB 212 | Elementary Biochemistry Laboratory |
BMB 251-MICRB 251 | Molecular and Cell Biology I |
BMB 428 | Physical Chemistry with Biological Applications |
BMB 442 | Laboratory in Proteins, Nucleic Acids, and Molecular Cloning |
BMB 460-MICRB 460 | Cell Growth and Differentiation |
BMB 464 | Molecular Medicine |
BIOL 110 | Biology: Basic Concepts and Biodiversity |
BIOL 141 | Introductory Physiology |
BIOL 161 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I |
BIOL 162 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I - Laboratory |
BIOL 163 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II |
BIOL 164 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II - Laboratory |
BIOL 220W | Biology: Populations and Communities |
BIOL 222 | Genetics |
BIOL 230W | Biology: Molecules and Cells |
BIOL 240W | Biology: Function and Development of Organisms |
BIOTC 416-MICRB 416 | Microbial Biotechnology |
BIOTC 459-HORT 459-BIOL 459 | Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology |
BIOTC 479 | Methods in Biofermentations |
BIOTC 489 | Animal Cell Culture Methods |
BME 201 | Fundamentals of Cells and Molecules |
BME 437 | Biomedical Data Science for Bioengineers |
BME 455 | Stem Cell Biology and Therapy |
BRS 350 | Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment |
CHEM 112 | Chemical Principles II |
CHEM 113 | Experimental Chemistry II |
CHEM 203 | Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry II |
FDSC 200 | Introductory Food Science |
FDSC 207-ANSC 207 | Animal Products Technology |
FDSC 208-ANSC 208 | Animal Products Technology Laboratory |
FDSC 400 | Food Chemistry and Analysis |
FDSC 404 | Sensory Evaluation of Foods |
FDSC 406W | Physiology of Nutrition |
FDSC 407 | Food Toxins |
FDSC 408 | Food Microbiology |
FDSC 409 | Laboratory in Food Microbiology |
FDSC 410 | Food Chemistry and Analysis (II) |
FDSC 411 | Managing Food Quality |
FDSC 413 | Science and Technology of Plant Foods |
FDSC 414 | Science and Technology of Dairy Foods |
FDSC 415 | Science and Technology of Muscle Foods |
FDSC 417 | Food Laws and Regulations |
FDSC 444 | Arguing about Food |
FDSC 450 | Food Innovation and Product Design |
HORT 101 | Horticultural Science |
HORT 402 | Plant Nutrition |
HORT 412W | Post-Harvest Physiology |
HORT 420 | Plant Growth Regulators |
HORT 451 | Hydroponics and Aquaponics |
HORT 453 | Flower Crop Production and Management |
PPEM 456 | Applied Microbial Ecology |
VBSC 331 | Pharmacology I: Drug Actions and Reactions |
VBSC 438 | Introduction to Molecular Pharmacology |
Engineering Science/Design Courses
Course | Title |
BE 306 | Machines for Agricultural and Biological Processing |
BE 461 | Design of Fluid Power Systems |
BE 463 | Design Principles of Mechatronics for Biosystems |
BE 464 | Bioenergy Systems Engineering |
BE 477 | Land-Based Waste Disposal |
BME 406 | Medical Imaging |
BME 410 | Biomedical Applications of Microfluidics |
BME 413 | Mass Transport in Biological Systems |
BME 419 | Artificial Organs and Prosthetic Devices |
BME 423 | Reaction Kinetics of Biological Systems |
BME 433 | Drug Delivery |
BME 443-MATSE 403 | Biomedical Materials |
BME 444-MATSE 404 | Surfaces and the Biological Response to Materials |
BME 445 | Tissue Engineering: Concepts, Calculations and Applications |
BME 446 | Polymers in Biomedical Engineering |
CHE 340 | Introduction to Biomolecular Engineering |
CHE 449 | Bioseparations |
CHE 455 | Drug Delivery, Pharmacokinetics, and Artificial Organs |
CE 370 | Introduction to Environmental Engineering |
CE 371 | Water and Wastewater Treatment |
CE 473 | Ecological Design of Regenerative Aquatic Systems |
EDSGN 452 | Projects in Humanitarian Engineering |
EDSGN 453 | Design for Developing Communities |
EDSGN 468 | Engineering Design and Analysis with CAD |
ENVSE 400 | Safety Engineering |
ENVSE 427 | Pollution Control in the Process Industries |
ENVSE 450 | Environmental Health and Safety |
IE 312 | Product Design and Manufacturing Processes |
IE 327 | Introduction to Work Design |
IE 405 | Deterministic Models in Operations Research |
IE 425 | Stochastic Models in Operations Research |
IE 467 | Facility Layout and Location |
ME 405 | Indoor Air Quality Engineering |
ME 410 | Heat Transfer |
ME 420 | Compressible Flow I |
Technical Selection Courses
Any course acceptable as Engineering/Science Design or Emphasis Technical Elective may be taken as a Technical Elective, plus CMPSC 121, CMPSC 131, CMPSC 200, CMPSC 201, ENGR 310, ENGR 407, ENGR 408, ENGR 451, ENGR 455, ERM 402, MATH 220, MATH 240, MGMT 215, and STAT 319. 6 credits are required for this category.
Other courses may be taken to meet the engineering science/design, biological/food science, and technical requirements if the student submits a petition approved by the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering.