Math/Basic Science Courses

(3 credits are required for this category)
Course Title
AGRO 28 Principles of Crop Management
ANSC 201 Animal Science
BIOL 11 Introductory Biology I
BIOL 110 Biology: Basic Concepts and Biodiversity
BIOL 127 Introduction to Plant Biology
BIOL 141 Introductory Physiology
BMB 211 Elementary Biochemistry
CHEM 112 Chemical Principles II
CHEM 202 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry I
GEOSC 1 Physical Geology
HORT 101 Horticultural Science
MATH 220 Matrices
MATH 240 Mathematical Methods for Biology and the Life Sciences
MICRB 201 Introductory Microbiology
PHYS 213 General Physics: Fluids and Thermal Physics
PHYS 214 General Physics: Wave Motion and Quantum Physics
PHYS 237 Introduction to Modern Physics
SOILS 101 Introductory Soil Science

Engineering Science/Design Courses

(6 credits are required for this category)
Course Title
AE 308 Introduction to Structural Analysis
AE 310 Fundamentals of Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning
AE 402 Design of Concrete Structures for Buildings
AE 403 Advanced Steel Design for Buildings
AE 444 Micro CADD Applications for Buildings
AE 470 Residential Building Design and Construction
BE 461 Design of Fluid Power Systems
BE 462 Design of Wood Structures
BE 463 Design Principles of Mechatronics for Biosystems
BE 464 Bioenergy Systems Engineering
BE 465 Food and Biological Process Engineering
BE 467 Design of Stormwater and Erosion Control Facilities
BE 468 Microbiological Engineering
BE 477 Land-Based Waste Disposal
BE 487 Watershed Modeling for Water Quality Design
CE 310 Surveying
CE 335 Engineering Mechanics of Soils
CE 340 Structural Analysis
CE 341 Design of Concrete Structures
CE 342 Design of Steel Structures
CE 370 Introduction to Environmental Engineering
CE 410 Sustainable Residential Subdivision Design
CE 435 Foundation Engineering
CE 461 Water-resource Engineering
CE 462 Open Channel Hydraulics
CE 465 Water Resources Capstone Course
CE 473 Ecological Design of Regenerative Aquatic Systems
CE 475 Water Quality Chemistry
CE 476 Solid and Hazardous Wastes
EDSGN 452 Projects in Humanitarian Engineering
EDSGN 453 Design for Developing Communities
EDSGN 468 Engineering Design and Analysis with CAD
EMCH 315 Mechanical Response of Engineering Materials
EMCH 316 Experimental Determination of Mechanical Response of Materials
EMCH 416 Failure and Failure Analysis of Solids
IE 312 Product Design and Manufacturing Processes
MATSE 259 Properties and Processing of Engineering Materials
ME 370 Vibration of Mechanical Systems
ME 405 Indoor Air Quality Engineering
ME 410 Heat Transfer
ME 431 Internal Combustion Engines
ME 433 Fundamentals of Air Pollution
ME 444 Engineering Optimization
ME 450 Modeling of Dynamic Systems
ME 452 Vehicle Road Dynamics
ME 456-IE 456 Industrial Robot Applications
ME 462 Lubrication in Machine Design

Agricultural/Biological Science Courses

(3 credits are required for this category)
Course Title
AGRO 28 Principles of Crop Management
AGRO 423 Forage Crop Management
AGRO 425 Field Crop Management
ANSC 201 Animal Science
ANSC 309 Beef Cattle Production and Management
ANSC 310 Dairy Cattle Production and Management
ANSC 311 Poultry Production and Management
ASM 309-ERM 309 Measurement & Monitoring of Hydrologic Systems
ASM 320 Combustion Engines for Mobile Equipment
ASM 420 Principles of Off-Road Machines
ASM 424 Precision Agriculture Technology
BIOL 110 Biology: Basic Concepts and Biodiversity
BIOL 141 Introductory Physiology
BIOL 220W Biology: Populations and Communities
BIOL 240W Biology: Function and Development of Organisms
BRS 350 Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment
BRS 411 Biobased Fiber Science
BRS 417 Processing and Manufacturing Systems for Bioproducts
BRS 423 Deterioration and Protection of Bioproducts
BRS 426 Safety and Health in Agriculture and Biorenewable Industries
ERM 402 Foundations of Sustainable Business
ERM 412 Resource Systems Analysis
ERM 430-PPEM 430 Air Pollution Impacts to Terrestrial Ecosystems
ERM 431-VBSC 431 Environmental Toxicology
ERM 435-WFS 435 Limnology
ERM 447 Stream Restoration
ERM 448 Rural Road Ecology and Maintenance
ERM 450-WFS 450 Wetland Conservation
FOR 455 Remote Sensing and Spatial Data Handling
FOR 470 Watershed Management
HORT 101 Horticultural Science
HORT 315 Environmental Effects on Horticultural Crops
HORT 402W Plant Nutrition
HORT 412W Post-Harvest Physiology
HORT 451 Hydroponics and Aquaponics
HORT 453 Flower Crop Production and Management
SOILS 101 Introductory Soil Science
SOILS 401 Soil Composition and Physical Properties
SOILS 404 Urban Soils
SOILS 416 Soil Genesis, Classification, and Mapping
SOILS 418-AGECO 418-ANSC 418 Nutrient Management in Agricultural Systems
TURF 235 The Turfgrass

Technical Elective Courses

Any course acceptable as a Math/Basic Science, Engineering Science/Design or Biological/Agricultural Science Requirement may be taken as a Technical Selection, plus CMPSC 121, CMPSC 131, CMPSC 200, CMPSC 201, ENGR 310, ENGR 407, ENGR 408, ENGR 451, ENGR 455, MGMT 215, GEOSC 452. 6 credits are required for this category.

Biological Engineering Courses

(6 credits are required for this category)
Course Title
BE 461 Design of Fluid Power Systems
BE 462 Design of Wood Structures
BE 463 Design Principles of Mechatronics for Biosystems
BE 464 Bioenergy Systems Engineering
BE 465 Food and Biological Process Engineering
BE 467 Design of Stormwater and Erosion Control Facilities
BE 468 Microbiological Engineering
BE 477 Land-Based Waste Disposal
BE 487 Watershed Modeling for Water Quality Design

Other courses may be taken to meet the engineering science/design, agricultural/biological science, and technical requirements if the student submits a petition approved by the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering.