We follow four guiding principles in our native plant demonstration gardens.

Four landscaping principles demonstrated in our gardens:

  • Use of Mid-Atlantic Native Plants! The use of native plants protects, restores and sustains the biodiversity of plants that wildlife needs to survive.
  • Reduce the Use! Truly native plants, located in their proper conditions, require less fertilizer, pesticide and labor to maintain. Fewer chemicals create a safer ecosystem for all, with the benefit of lower maintenance costs.
  • Conserve Water! Proper site preparation and careful plant selection will take advantage of natural conditions and control man-made sources of storm water runoff. This reduces the need for watering and slows sedimentation and pollution in the watershed.
  • Create Wildlife Habitats! The natural communities created by implementing conservation landscaping techniques will help replace our shrinking native habitats. Wildlife attracted to these communities will give your site unique beneficial beauty.

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