A free service offered through Penn State Extension, York County office to help residents with gardening questions and concerns.

Spider mite eggs - closeup

Spider mite eggs - closeup

The Master Gardener Hotline volunteers can help you solve your garden problems.

Master Gardeners answer questions on a variety of topics including growing vegetables, fruits, ornamentals and turfgrass, plant identification, pruning, and insect and disease problems. Advice encourages the use of integrated pest management and environmentally sound practices.

The Garden Hotline is currently able to accept emails, telephone calls or plant or insect samples in-person. We welcome public visits, please call in advance. Send a detailed description to YorkMG@psu.edu. You may attach two or three high quality photos to help the Master Gardeners identify the issue. Reach us by phone at (717) 840-7408.

Plant Pathology Services

If the Garden Hotline is unable to diagnose your plant disease, the Penn State Plant Disease Clinic remains open and is accepting samples. However, they are prioritizing samples of life-sustaining crops/plants (e.g. field crops, vegetables, tree fruit, small fruit, etc...)

The Clinic is accepting digital sample submission and encourages submission of photos before mailing samples. Digital samples can be sent to their new email address PlantClinic@psu.edu. If necessary, physical samples can be mailed to the clinic via US Mail, FedEx and UPS. See the Clinic website for more specific information on submitting digital and physical samples.

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