Invasive plants are those that grow aggressively, spread quickly and displace native plants in an ecosystem. Below is a list of invasive plants commonly planted and some of the native plants that you can use to replace them.
Invasive | Replacement | ||
Latin Name | Common Name | Latin Name | Common Name |
Acer platanoides | Norway maple | Acer rubrum Liriodendron tulipifera Quercus alba Tilia americana | Red maple Tuliptree White oak American basswood |
Pyrus calleryana | Bradford pear | Amelanchier sp Cercis canadensis Chionanthus virginicus Oxydendron arboretum | Serviceberry Redbud Fringetree Sourwood |
Invasive | Replacement | ||
Latin Name | Common Name | Latin Name | Common Name |
Berberis thunbergii | Japanese barberry | Ceanothus americanus Hypericum densiflorum Ilex glabra Ilex verticillata Itea virginiana Rosa palustris, R. carolina | New Jersey tea St. Johnswort inkberry holly winterberry holly Virginia sweetspire swamp rose, Carolina rose |
Buddleia davidii | Butterfly bush | Asclepias tuberosa Asclepias incarnata Cephalanthus occidentalis Clethra alnifolia Eutrochium sp. Phlox paniculata 'Jeana' | Butterfly weed Rose milkweed Buttonbush Summersweet Joe Pye Phlox Jeana |
Elaeagnus umbellata & E. angustifolia | Autumn & Russian olive | Cornus racemosa Cornus sericea Ilex verticillata Myrica pensylvanica Viburnum nudum | Gray dogwood Red twig dogwood Winterberry holly Northern bayberry Possumhaw viburnum |
Euonymus alatus | Burning bush | Photinia pyrifolia Fothergilla gardenii Itea virginica Vaccinium corymbosum Viburnum nudum | Red chokeberry Dwarf fothergilla Virginia sweetspire Highbush blueberry Possumhaw viburnum |
Ligustrum species | Privet | Ilex glabra Morella pensylvanica Thuja occidentalis 'Emerald' | Inkberry holly Northern bayberry Emerald arbovitae |
Lonicera species | Exotic bush honeysuckle | Ilex verticillata Lindera benzoin | Winterberry holly Spicebush |
Suggestion: Instead of planting a single species hedge, use a mixed border of different native shrubs
Vines and Groundcovers
Invasive | Replacement | ||
Latin Name | Common Name | Latin Name | Common Name |
Celastrus orbiculatus | Oriental Bittersweet | Aristolochia macrophylla Campsis radicans Parthenocissus quinquefolia | Dutchman's pipevine Trumpet creeper Virginia creeper |
Hedera helix | English ivy | Asarum canadense | Wild ginger |
Pachysandra terminalis | Japanese pachysandra | Carex spp. | Native sedges |
Vinca minor | Periwinkle | Pachysandra procumbens Parthenocissus quinquefolia Tiarella cordifolia Dryopteris sp; Matteuccia; Polystichum | Allegheny pachysandra Virginia creeper Foamflower Various native ferns |
Lonicera japonica | Japanese honeysuckle | Lonicera sempervirens | Trumpet honeysuckle |
Combine a variety of low, native woodland plants to create a diverse, wildlife friendly, attractive groundcover.
Invasive | Replacement | ||
Latin Name | Common Name | Latin Name | Common Name |
Coronilla varia | Crown vetch | Sporobolus heterolepis Schizachyrium scoparium Lysimachia lanceolata Solidago sp. | Prairie dropseed Little bluestem Lanceleaf loosestrife Goldenrod |
Lythrum salicaria | Purple loosestrife | Liatris spicata Lobelia siphilitica Physostegia virginica | Blazing star Great blue lobelia Obedient plant |
For slopes, combine a variety of plants that fit your sun and soil conditions
Invasive | Replacement | ||
Latin Name | Common Name | Latin Name | Common Name |
Miscanthus sinensis | Chinese silvergrass | Panicum virgatum Schizachyrium scoparium | Switchgrass Little bluestem |
Phyllostachys aurea | Golden bamboo | Use any of the taller shrubs noted on this sheet, native viburnums, bayberry, shrub dogwoods |
Revised, Connie Schmotzer, Penn State Extension 10/2020