HAVE A GARDENING QUESTION? If you have a plant question or concern, please send a detailed description via email to washingtonmg@psu.edu. You can attach two or three clear photos. Master Gardeners will retrieve your email and respond. The Garden Hotline is a free service offered through the Penn State extension office to help Washington County residents with gardening questions and concerns.

Ask a Master Gardener!

Ask a Master Gardener!

While Master Gardeners will make every effort to address all of your questions through email, our response times may be slower as we conduct additional research. We appreciate your patience during this time. Keep gardening and please stay safe and healthy!

Soil Test Kits and Water Test Kits

Water test kits can be obtained at most Penn State Extension county offices.

Soil test information go to- https://agsci.psu.edu/aasl/soil-testing/fertility/soil-fertility-submission-forms. Information is also available at the office.

Master Gardeners answer questions on a variety of topics including growing vegetables, fruits, ornamentals and turf grass, plant identification, pruning, and insect and disease problems. Master Gardeners encourage the use of integrated pest management and environmentally sound practices.

To help with identification and diagnosis, digital photos for plant or insect identification can be submitted directly:



If necessary, plant and insect specimens may also be brought to the extension office in Courthouse Square in downtown Washington. For identification, select fresh plant samples with intact parts including flowers, if present. For diagnosis, bring a live sample that shows both healthy and unhealthy growth. Enclose live insect specimens and infested plants in an airtight container. If you cannot keep the insect alive, place it in a jar with rubbing alcohol or freeze it for several days to preserve the specimen.


Gardening Questions?

Start with our Garden Hotline Email: washingtonmg@psu.edu

Extension Office Phone: 724-207-2010

Extension Office Location: Courthouse Square, 100 West Beau Street, Suite 601, Washington, PA 15301