I. Program Mission
The Penn State Extension Master Gardener volunteer program supports the outreach mission of Penn State Extension by utilizing unbiased research-based information to educate the public on best practices in sustainable horticulture and environmental stewardship.
II. Program Overview
Penn State Extension Master Gardeners are volunteers who support Penn State Extension's educational programs in consumer horticulture. They develop their horticultural expertise through participation in educational programs conducted by Penn State University faculty and Extension staff. Faculty, Extension specialists, and Extension educators also provide diagnostic support for horticultural issues and questions to Master Gardener volunteers actively participating in the program. Extension publications, teaching materials, and other program support materials are provided as deemed appropriate by the Extension specialist and county Master Gardener Coordinator. Information presented by Master Gardeners must be consistent with Penn State Extension recommendations concerning various aspects of consumer horticulture.
III. Qualifications
- Strong interest and knowledge in horticulture as evidenced by scoring a minimum of 80% on a final exam administered by Penn State Extension.
- Willingness and availability to undertake extensive training in horticulture.
- Dedication and willingness to perform the required hours of volunteer service for Penn State Extension.
- Ability to communicate in an effective, diplomatic, and professional manner with others by telephone, personal contact, group contact, email, and in writing.
- Willingness to support Penn State Extension staff in providing Extension audiences with unbiased, research-based consumer horticulture information.
- Must be at least 18 years old to apply.
IV. Standards of Behavior for Master Gardener Volunteers
- Respect and adhere to the policies and guidelines of the Penn State Extension Master Gardener program at both state and county levels.
- Promote and support Penn State Extension in developing effective county, state, and national programs.
- Work cooperatively with Penn State Extension staff and volunteers.
- Act in a professional, positive, respectful, and ethical manner.
- Encourage participation of and respect for individuals of diverse backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives.
- Participate in required training programs.
- Perform the required number of volunteer hours for Penn State Extension.
- Accept volunteer assignments and changes made by supervising Master Gardener Coordinator.
- Maintain a volunteer activity log and continuing education log and record it into the data management system, HandsOn Connect on a regular basis. Enter all volunteer and continuing education hours by September 30 of each year. Attend meetings as deemed necessary by supervising Master Gardener Coordinator to obtain information about continuing education opportunities, learn about horticultural issues, and assist in coordinating Master Gardener activities.
- Be accountable to supervising Master Gardener Coordinator by notifying of planned volunteer activities and by obtaining pre-approval for volunteer activities.
- Provide own transportation.
V. Basic Training
County Master Gardener programs offer a minimum of forty (40) hours of basic training. Each trainee is expected to attend all core classes with any missed sessions to be made up at the discretion of supervising Master Gardener Coordinator. Attendance at classes offered in addition to the 40 required hours is determined at the county level; supervising Master Gardener Coordinator may substitute locally relevant topics for any additional classes.
Core Classes
Topics required in all counties: 40 hours
- Ch 1. Teaching and Communication
- Ch 2. Basic Botany
- Ch 3. Plant Propagation
- Ch 4. Soil Health and Fertilizer Management
- Ch 5. Composting
- Ch 6. Controlling Pests Safely
- Ch 7. Basics of Entomology
- Ch 8. Plant Diseases
- Ch 9. Indoor Plants
- Ch 10. The Vegetable Garden
- Ch 11. Lawn Care
- Ch 12. Pruning Ornamental Plants
- Ch 13. Tree Fruit
- Ch 14. Small Fruit
- Ch 15. Landscape Design
- Ch 16. Woody Ornamentals
- Ch 17. Herbaceous Plants
- Ch 18. Native Plants
- Ch 19. Weeds
- Ch 20. Invasive Species
Additional classes (topics may vary by county):
- Chapter 21. Garden Wildlife
- Chapter 22 Gardening Equipment
Sustainable gardening concepts and practices are included as an integrated component throughout basic training. Weekly quizzes are available to ensure trainees keep up with class topics.
VI. Initial Certification
To obtain certification as a Penn State Extension Master Gardener, each trainee must complete the following requirements within a period of one (1) year from the start of basic training classes in October. The program year runs from October 1 through September 30.
- Pass the final examination administered on-site with a minimum score of 80%. The exam will be a closed book exam.
- Complete any county-required activity (e.g., post-training presentations, office orientation, additional training workshops, etc).
- Fulfill the 50-hour volunteer service commitment and record volunteer hours online using the data management system HandsOn Connect.
- Trainees may begin to volunteer as soon as training classes begin with supervision from a certified Master Gardener.
- Classes begin in October and trainees will have until September 30 or the following year to complete the 50 hours of volunteer service (Program year is October 1 - September 30.)
Upon successful completion, the trainee is awarded a Penn State Extension Master Gardener certificate. Master Gardener certification is restrictive in that it is valid only while the individual is participating in the Penn State Extension Master Gardener program. Certification in subsequent years is issued only to an individual who makes a commitment for participation in the program for the coming year as outlined below. When an individual ceases active participation in the program, his or her designation as a Penn State Extension Master Gardener becomes void. An individual not continuing in the program should be aware that continued representation as a Penn State Extension Master Gardener is a violation of the original commitment made to Penn State Cooperative Extension.
VII. Certification in Subsequent Years
To maintain certification for participation in the program in subsequent years, a Penn State Extension Master Gardener must recertify annually by following these guidelines:
- Commit to a minimum of twenty (20) hours of volunteer service to be completed each year; see Volunteer Activities and Guidelines for Volunteer Participation (Sections X and XI) below.
- Complete ten (10) hours of approved continuing education (CE) each year; see Guidelines below. At least five (5) of the ten (10) required continuing education hours must be Extension affiliated programming.
- Hours beyond the minimum requirement for annual volunteer service and annual continuing education may not be carried over to the following year.
- Exceptions to the requirements for annual recertification may be granted for hardship or extenuating circumstances at the discretion of supervising Master Gardener Coordinator.
VIII. Guidelines for Continuing Education (CE)
- The continuing education training must be pre-approved as acceptable by supervising Master Gardener Coordinator.
- At least five (5) of the ten (10) hours must be Extension-affiliated programming.
- Examples of continuing education are: basic Master Gardener training; advanced Master Gardener training; state, regional, and international Master Gardener conferences; approved university and/or community college courses; arboretum and/or botanical garden seminars and conferences; webinars; approved Extension-sponsored seminars and conferences; and Pennsylvania Federation of Garden Club courses.
- Only actual instructional hours may be counted toward the annual continuing education requirement. Travel, lunch, or break times are not included in counting continuing education hours.
IX. Guidelines for Volunteer Participation
General Guidelines
- Attendance at meetings is strongly encouraged and counts as volunteer service time.
- Volunteer service for outside organizations which satisfies the requirements for participation or membership in those organizations may not be counted as Penn State Extension Master Gardener volunteer activity, unless you are there to represent Penn State Extension Master Gardeners.
- Master Gardener participation in non-Extension sponsored programs/activities/events without prior approval of supervising Master Gardener Coordinator may not count as volunteer service time, at the discretion of supervising Master Gardener Coordinator.
- Travel time to and from approved Master Gardener volunteer activities counts toward volunteer service hours.
- Volunteers should wear the official Penn State Extension Master Gardener name badge while volunteering for Penn State Extension.
Use of Title
The title "Penn State Extension Master Gardener" is to be used only and exclusively by an individual trained and certified to assist Penn State Extension. The title is valid only when the volunteer is participating in the Penn State Extension Master Gardener program. The title "Penn State Extension Master Gardener" is to be used only when doing unpaid volunteer service in a program activity approved by supervising Master Gardener Coordinator.
A Penn State Extension Master Gardener must not advertise his name or his place of business or be listed on the advertisements of business places as a Penn State Extension Master Gardener. Because the Master Gardener program is a Penn State Extension public service program providing unbiased, research-based information, appearing as a commercial activity, having association with commercial products, or implying Penn State Extension endorsement of any product or place of business is improper and not allowed.
The training and experience gained by participating in the Penn State Extension Master Gardener program are valuable and may rightfully be listed as qualifications when seeking employment. Once employed and while serving as a paid employee, or if self-employed, a Master Gardener must not display credentials or give the appearance of being a Master Gardener at the place of business or in any literature, brochures, advertising, or marketing materials associated with that business.
Educational Recommendations
When making recommendations, which include the use of fertilizers and pesticides, a Penn State Extension Master Gardener must follow current Extension recommendations. Horticultural problems which are not specifically covered by Extension recommendations should be referred to an Extension educator or Extension specialist. Questions concerning commercial production of crops and pest control on such crops must be referred to an Extension educator or Extension specialist.
Written materials (news releases, newsletters, fact sheets, etc.) prepared by a Penn State Extension Master Gardener must be reviewed and approved by supervising Extension staff prior to release or publication.
X. MG Acceptable Volunteer Activities
There must be an educational purpose and/or teaching component to all approved activities. Examples of ACCEPTABLE Penn State Extension Master Gardener activities are:
- Answer consumer/home gardener's telephone and email inquiries and assist Extension office visitors with plant and insect samples for identification or diagnosis and give general pesticide recommendations (Garden Hotline).
- Assist with Extension educational programming, such as Poison Prevention programs, talks for local organizations, Extension-sponsored workshops, exhibits, displays, etc.
- Write research-based gardening and horticultural information for fact sheets, newsletters, newspapers, magazines, websites, blogs, etc.
- Design or assist with establishing educational gardens, including: rain gardens, school, pollinator, sensory, and edible teaching gardens.
- Maintain Penn State Extension Master Gardener educational demonstration gardens and/or state approved projects and gardens including The Arboretum at Penn State; Shaver's Creek Environmental Center; and Southeast Agricultural Research and Extension Center (SEAREC).
- Develop or assist with community-based environmental stewardship projects.
- Assist teachers, 4-H volunteers and youth, and/or children with gardening education projects.
- Conduct/teach horticultural related clinics, pruning, or other demonstrations, at Extension offices, local libraries, farmers markets, government centers, fairs, expos, garden clubs, civic groups, community events, flower shows, etc.
- Serve as neighborhood "plant expert" in own community by answering home gardening questions, diagnosing plant problems, and/or instructing neighbors on proper care of lawn, landscape, garden, or houseplants.
- Teach Master Gardener training sessions.
- Demonstrate safe use of pesticide sprayers and power garden equipment, including tractors (may not be University-owned), tillers, mowers, shredders, and/or chippers.
- Operate tractors. The equipment must be owned by the Master Gardener. MG programs may not use program (University) funds to purchase heavy equipment such as tractors, gators, golf carts, etc. Master Gardeners may not operate University-owned vehicles such as these.
- Operate tillers, mowers, shredders, or chippers; use other equipment such as hand pruners, loppers, hand saws, shovels, hoes, trowels, and sharp knives while doing MG activity.
- Serve on municipal street tree/shade tree committee representing Penn State Extension Master Gardeners by providing educational information.
- Create or prepare visuals/graphics, such as posters, flyers, program announcements, tabletop displays for horticultural programs and/or publications.
- Host, produce, or appear as guest on radio/ TV and/or use station's radio/ TV equipment.
- Photograph Extension/MG events.
- Solicit donations and/or sponsorships to benefit the Master Gardener program.
- Haul materials such as wood, pallets, soil, mulch, and plants in their own vehicle for Extension projects.
- Assist with community composting projects such as building compost bins for use in educational demonstrations.
- Build bird/bat boxes, raised beds/gardens, or teach others how to build each.
- Provide assistance to horticultural therapy programs for emotionally/physically/mentally disabled persons, nursing homes, hospitals, state/county prisons, youth detention centers.
- Teach 4-H school enrichment for plant science only, teach plant science at 4-H camp, serve as 4-H judging team coach for plant science only, provide programs related to horticulture for 4-H leaders.
- Judge horticultural projects for 4-H, school or fair projects, community fairs, flower shows, etc.
- Organize plant swaps and plant sales.
- Organize and/or lead educational bus trips/tours and garden tours related to horticulture.
- Open his/her garden to the public for educational tours/demonstration.
- Assist with planting and maintaining variety trials at experimental farms.
- Assist with data collection, testing, and evaluating new varieties of vegetable, turf, ornamentals, and/or flowers for research projects.
- Assist with or organize horticultural files in Extension office.
- Coordinate Master Gardener activities in the county.
- Serve on Extension Council.
- Serve as liaison between the Extension office and municipal officials.
- Serve on state/regional/national Master Gardener committee(s).
- May hold fundraisers approved by supervising Extension staff with bake sales being acceptable except for home preserved or canned foods.
- Grow or harvest crops for distribution to food bank/soup kitchen.
- Glean fields/orchards for distribution to food bank.
- Conduct other activities as determined by local needs and the prior approval of supervising Extension staff.
- Working with community gardens is acceptable in the role of educator/consultant on the design, construction, etc., but it is NOT acceptable for a Master Gardener to be involved in the planting and maintenance of a community garden without an educational component.
XI. MG Non-Acceptable Volunteer Activities
The following activities are not acceptable for Master Gardener volunteer service:
- Teach or make recommendations that are anecdotal remedies, i.e., not research-based or Penn State Extension approved.
- Perform pesticide application on public property without a commercial pesticide license, including using Round-up or Preen.
- Develop and deliver training for garden center employees, grounds managers, and nursery personnel, unless approved by Extension.
- Teach pruning to municipal tree trimmer (arborist).
- Design non-educational gardens/landscapes for schools or communities.
- Planting and/or maintaining gardens for schools, civic groups, community gardens, public gardens/arboreta, municipal parks, state/national parks.
- Serve as the operator or manager of a community garden, i.e., accept applications, collect rental fees, order supplies for the garden, cut the grass in the common areas, etc.
- Organize community garden club.
- Establish and manage a farmer's market.
- Clean up litter along the highway, at parks, or playgrounds.
- Recycling of cans and bottles, newspapers, plastic nursery pots.
- Serve 4-H as a judge, chaperone, or other for activities not related to horticulture.
- Serve as a 4-H leader, on Friends of 4-H committee, or 4-H Curriculum Development committee.
- Operate chain saws while performing Master Gardener activity.
- Operate University owned tractors, riding mowers, gators, motorized carts, etc.
- Teach or make recommendations on the use of medicinal herbs.
- Offer programming with religious or biblical references.
- Make home visits to diagnose pest problems or provide gardening advice.
- Any illegal activity.
All activities should be approved by the county Master Gardener Coordinator.
XII. Master Gardener Status
Titles Used in the Penn State Extension Master Gardener program
- Master Gardener Trainee - through completion of basic training.
- Master Gardener Apprentice - from completion of basic training through completion of initial volunteer service.
- Certified Master Gardener - active in the program and maintaining certification each year.
- Master Gardener, Leave of Absence - see guidelines below.
- Emeritus Status is to be bestowed to a Master Gardener who has served with distinction and retired with 1,500 volunteer hours and 10 or more years of exemplary service; title with certificate awarded after nomination or recommendation and acceptance by supervising Master Gardener Coordinator. Emeritus members are exempt from the annual service, education, and attendance requirements. They are entitled to attend monthly meetings, scheduled events, and tours. They may not vote, serve on committees, hold elected offices, or provide volunteer service. They will not be covered by liability insurance. They do not need Reporting Child Abuse (RCA) Training and may not obtain child clearances through the Master Gardener program. An Emeritus member cannot be returned to active status. Emeritus status may be bestowed posthumously.
Inactive Status Guidelines
- Inactive status may be requested by a Master Gardener who is unable to commit to an additional twenty (20) hours volunteer service plus ten (10) hours of continuing education at present, but would like the opportunity to recertify in the future.
- The request must be made in writing on the Inactive Status Request Form to the county Master Gardener Coordinator or supervising Extension staff.
- Approval is at the discretion of the Master Gardener Coordinator.
- A Master Gardener requesting inactive status must be in good standing, having completed the original commitment of training, exam, and volunteer service and having maintained certification in subsequent years up to the time of requesting inactive status.
- An inactive Master Gardener must attend ten (10) hours of acceptable continuing education for each year of inactive status. (See Section VIII for examples of continuing education, CE.)
- An inactive Master Gardener may recertify within three (3) years as long as the above criteria are met.
- An individual on inactive status for more than three (3) years is required to retake the basic Master Gardener training. A fee for tuition may be assessed to cover the basic training costs.
Out-of-State Transfers
A Master Gardener who is certified and in good standing in another state may be admitted to a Penn State Extension Master Gardener program at the discretion of supervising Master Gardener Coordinator and by meeting the following criteria:
- Provide verification of active status from your county program.
- Acquire or be provided with a current Penn State Extension Master Gardener training manual. A fee for program materials may be assessed.
- Acquire or be provided with a Penn State Extension Master Gardener name badge. A fee for materials may be assessed.
- Score a minimum of 80% on an open book final exam administered by Penn State Extension.
- Meet the requirements for annual certification listed in Section VII.
Years of service starts upon completion of requirements to become a Penn State Master Gardener. Hours, volunteer or CE, in another state's program do not count for Penn State Extension Master Gardeners.
County Transfers
A certified Penn State Extension Master Gardener in good standing in one county may transfer to another county within Pennsylvania at the discretion of supervising Master Gardener Coordinator in both counties. Written notice by the Master Gardener Coordinator must be provided stating the Master Gardener that requests the transfer is certified and in good standing.
XIII. Financial and Liability Information
To cover the cost of the training manual and supplies, a non-refundable fee determined by the county program is charged. Training may be live webinar, recorded webinar, or face-to-face as determined by each county program. Upon an individual's acceptance into the Master Gardener program, this fee is paid to the local county Extension office or to the Master Gardener program as per county policy.
Extension programs are open to all regardless of their ability to pay. Provisions must be made to reduce or waive fees when an individual is unable to pay.
Liability Insurance
Penn State Extension Master Gardener volunteers are insured under the P.W. Wood & Son, Inc. general liability insurance policy. Coverage applies only to individual volunteers while performing volunteer activities for Penn State Extension. The coverage does not extend to other organizations or groups with which a Master Gardener volunteer is working. A volunteer must not sign contracts or leases assuming liability responsibility on behalf of other organizations or groups. All contracts or "Facilities Use" agreements that require volunteer signature must be reviewed by the Woods office prior to signing. Contract submission must follow approved protocols and appropriate paperwork as identified by Penn State Cooperative Extension policy.
Each year, county Extension offices are asked to identify the number of volunteers to be covered and the appropriate premium charge is applied. P.W. Wood does not request volunteer names, as they understand volunteers are not static and move off and on active status throughout the policy year.
Speaking Engagements
All speaking engagements must be pre-approved by the Master Gardener Coordinator and follow your county's fee structure. When a Penn State Extension Master Gardener speaks before a group on a horticultural topic, it is permissible for him or her to accept reimbursement for travel expenses from the host organization. However, a Master Gardener is not allowed to seek personal paid speaking engagements while participating in an approved Extension function and while using the Penn State Extension Master Gardener title.
All fees and donations must be directed to the county office financial secretary for deposit within 30 days. Checks must be made payable to "Penn State Extension."
Clearance for Work with Youth and Other At-Risk Populations
A Penn State Extension Master Gardener must provide a safe environment by not harming youth or adults in any way, whether through discrimination, sexual harassment, physical force, verbal or mental abuse, neglect, or other harmful action. A Penn State Extension Master Gardener must commit no illegal or abusive act. At-risk populations include senior and disabled individuals.
- All Master Gardener volunteers who are interacting with minors in a youth program, activity or service must complete the Building a Safe Penn State: Reporting Child Abuse training prior to working within the program, activity or service, and must complete Building a Safe Penn State: Reporting Child Abuse training on an annual basis.
- Only Master Gardeners working with youth in a Penn State Extension sponsored program are required to obtain background clearances. In this situation, where the Master Gardener is working directly with children in small groups, background clearances are required. These clearances must be renewed every 60 months. The three background clearances include:
- PA State Police Criminal Background Check
- PA Child Abuse History Clearance Form
- Federal (FBI) Fingerprint Criminal Background Check
- When Master Gardeners are sponsoring and presenting youth programs, two or more "authorized" adults with background clearances must be in attendance.
Before completing the Master Gardener application, contact the county Extension office in your area for an updated training schedule and application procedure. Basic training for Master Gardeners is not offered annually in every county.