The Penn State Master Gardener volunteer program supports the outreach mission of Penn State Extension by utilizing unbiased research-based information to educate the public and our communities on best practices in sustainable horticulture and environmental stewardship.
Core Values
Master Gardener programs vary greatly in terms of size of programs, number of volunteers, funding for coordinators (or lack thereof), and local priorities and interests. We share a commitment to environmental stewardship through public education and by demonstrating best practices.
Focus Areas
1. Focus: educational outreach to gardeners and communities
- Provide workshops, programs, demonstration gardens, web-based products
- Ensure that projects meet the Master Gardener educational mission
- Identify and address statewide priority topics
- Enhance responsiveness to consumer inquiries
2. Focus: the role and viability of the Master Gardener program in Extension
- Set minimum requirements and expectations for any county Master Gardener program
- Make all county coordinators, at minimum, part-time paid positions
- Maintain dialogue with key players in Extension, Plant Sciences and the College of Ag Sciences
- Increase the state endowment to sustain the role of the state wide Master Gardener Coordinator and support our mission
3. Focus: volunteers and coordinators
- Invest in training and education for Master Gardeners and coordinators
- Attract a diversity of volunteers to the Master Gardener program
- Increase networking and support for coordinators
4. Focus: community partnerships
- Build linkages with health and wellness initiatives
- Work with local governments, schools, and community organizations to support environmentally sustainable practices
5. Focus: marketing the Master Gardener program
- Improve statewide marketing and visibility of the Master Gardener program
A detailed action plan accompanies this plan. Implementation of the action plan will be the responsibility of the State Steering Committee. The Strategic Planning Committee will provide annual oversight and review of the plan, and will have a liaison on the Steering Committee.