Penn State Extension Master Gardeners are taking action to protect pollinators by encouraging PA residents to plant pollinator friendly gardens. The Penn State Master Gardener Program has developed a certification program to register pollinator-friendly gardens. In order for the garden to be certified, all invasive species must be removed from the property and the use of pesticides is discouraged. In 2015, 540 gardens in 55 PA counties were certified as pollinator friendly. This program has gained interest from other state MG programs and municipalities throughout the country who are adopting our program as a model.
2015 Statewide Highlights
- 2,788 active Penn State Master Gardener volunteers
- 297 newly trained Master Gardeners
- 190,000 volunteer hours reported for a value of $4,446,000
- 250,000 adult contacts
The Master Gardener program began in Pennsylvania in 1978 in Luzerne and Clearfield counties, and is now active in 63 of the 67 counties.
Master Gardeners in 28 counties helped assist with research projects, contributing to our understanding of pollinators, vegetable and flower varieties, sweet corn insect pests, and reintroduction of the American chestnut.
Master Gardeners maintained a garden helpline in 43 counties. They reported 15,458 contacts with people who sought this service via telephone, email or visits to the county office. Through their website, the Master Gardeners have been answering questions submitted by homeowners across Pennsylvania, connecting with the community, and delivering Penn State resources to home gardeners every day.
Topics Most Frequently Asked of Master Gardeners
- Insect Questions - 2,683
- Plant Disease Questions - 2,596
- Weed or Invasive Identification and Management - 961
- Cultural Problems - 1,863
- Soil Health - 1,334
Master Gardeners Speak
- 1,328 speaker's bureau talks
- 480 symposiums
- 143 radio, TV or internet spots
- 484,002 listeners for radio programs
Master Gardeners Write
- 1,017 articles published in a newspaper or blog
- 3,032,404 people reached by the newspapers
- 48,264 visited blogs
Master Gardeners in the News
- 253 news articles, radio, TV or Internet spots were published about their projects
Master Gardeners Partner
- 241 community organizations
Master Gardeners Contribute
- 15,220 pounds of fresh produce donated to local food banks from Master Gardener led gardens
Master Gardeners Teach Youth
- In 213 schools and 29 camps
- 44,219 children educated by Master Gardeners