Adams County

Community Garden

Adams County

Photo by Phil Peters

The Community Garden provides plots to 20 county residences and supplies the local soup kitchen and Gleaning Project with over 450 pounds of fresh produce. Partnering with the Conservation District and Gettysburg Area School District Vo-tech School, Master Gardeners created a green roof shed at the Community Garden to store their tools. The project also provided an opportunity for Master Gardeners to teach best practices for stormwater management, as well as give tours each semester to environmental science students from Harrisburg Area Community College, Gettysburg.

Program founded in 1989

  • 54 active Master Gardeners
  • 5 Master Gardeners trained
  • 2,687 volunteer hours
  • 1,579 continuing education hours
  • 2,350 adult contacts
  • 1,374 youth contacts
  • 107 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 35 educational outreach presentations
  • 64 gardening articles published
  • 450 pounds of produce donated
  • 44 Poison Prevention Program presentations
  • 10 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 11,500 square feet of demonstration gardens

Allegheny County

Plant Trials at North Park Demo Garden

Allegheny County

Photo by Lyn Lang

Since 1990, the Master Gardeners of Allegheny County have maintained a demonstration garden in North Park, the largest county park in Allegheny County. Two years ago, the demonstration garden was designated as a satellite trial garden for Penn State's Southeast Agricultural Research and Extension Center (SEAREC).

The Master Gardeners plant, maintain, and evaluate approximately 85 varieties of yet-to-be released annuals. The North Park site provides a different growing climate than that at SEAREC, and the annuals are planted directly in the ground rather than in containers. These growing conditions provide additional data to industry leaders as the annuals are evaluated. An average of 10 Master Gardeners perform weekly maintenance for about four to six hours per volunteer--this doesn't include the additional watering and maintenance that may occur during particularly dry or weedy seasons. During the weekly maintenance of the garden, the Master Gardeners answer visitor questions: and both specific questions about the plants in the trial, and general gardening questions. These weekly visitors make up a portion of the thousand-plus visitors to the garden, including at least 800 during Garden in the Parks Field Day.

Program founded in 1989

  • 177 active Master Gardeners
  • 28 Master Gardeners trained
  • 13,691 volunteer hours
  • 2,404 continuing education hours
  • 8,189 adult contacts
  • 2,138 youth contacts
  • 701 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 47 educational outreach presentations
  • 22 gardening articles published
  • 700 pounds of produce donated
  • 47 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 7,000 square feet of demonstration gardens

Armstrong County

Environmental Learning Center, Castle Herb and Pollinator Gardens

Armstrong County

Photo by Andrea Parrish

The Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Armstrong County invite community residents to attend presentations and demonstrations at the Environmental Learning Center Castle Herb and Pollinator Gardens at Crooked Creek State Park near Apollo. The presentations and gardens are enjoyed by many community groups, scout troops, teacher and volunteer organizations, summer camps, and school children. Plants are labeled to educate all who wander through the gardens and brochures are available to provide additional information.

Program founded in 2002

  • 25 active Master Gardeners
  • 5 Master Gardeners trained
  • 1,758 volunteer hours
  • 1,900 adult contacts
  • 86 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 18 educational outreach presentations
  • 15 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 3,921 square feet of demonstration gardens

Beaver County

The Senior Gardens

Beaver County

Photo courtesy of the Beaver County Times / Dave Miller

The Senior Gardens Program in Beaver County is a collaborative effort with the Beaver County Office on Aging and the Master Gardeners. The project provides garden plots and education to 75 senior citizens and community groups, including Girl Scouts, New Horizon School of Beaver Valley Intermediate Unit 27, Beaver County Rehabilitation Center (BCRC), a youth group from a local church, and Churches Are Serving Together. New Horizon and BCRC are facilities for students and adults with developmental disabilities, both physical and intellectual.

Master Gardeners taught many of the participants how to grow vegetables and prepare their harvest. A majority of the Master Gardener harvest is donated to the local women's shelter--over 100 pounds of vegetables this year--with senior gardeners joining in with their contributions as well.

The Beaver County Commissioners have been very supportive of these efforts, providing much of the materials needed for the project.

Program founded in 1990

  • 70 active Master Gardeners
  • 17 Master Gardeners trained
  • 5,037 volunteer hours
  • 1,746 adult contacts
  • 911 youth contacts
  • 356 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 22 educational outreach presentations
  • 46 gardening articles published
  • 125 pounds of produce donated
  • 29 Poison Prevention Program presentations
  • 6 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 12,000 square feet of demonstration gardens

Berks County

Spotted Lanternfly Education

Berks County

Since the first detection of the invasive pest Lycorma delicatula (spotted lanternfly) in 2012 in Berks County, Master Gardeners have served as front-line educators, aiding Penn State researchers and the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture in promoting public awareness. Master Gardeners have provided identification and management information to thousands of homeowners and have fielded 128 queries about spotted lanternfly this season on the Garden Hotline. Master Gardeners have a unique role in this effort in that they are positioned and mandated to work directly with residents. Whether communicating via the Garden Hotline, meeting with drop-ins to the extension office, coming face-to-face at community events, or doing public presentations, Master Gardeners can provide situation-appropriate advice to help home gardeners deal with this pest effectively and safely.

Program founded in 1982

  • 144 active Master Gardeners
  • 13,367 volunteer hours
  • 5,436 adult contacts
  • 1,031 youth contacts
  • 1,120 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 38 educational outreach presentations
  • 31 gardening articles published
  • 348 pounds of produce donated
  • 62 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 10,706 square feet of demonstration gardens

Blair County

Altoona Library Project

Blair County

Photo by Jim Dixon

In 2017, Altoona Public Library approached the Master Gardeners of Blair County about creating demonstration gardens on the library grounds. The Master Gardeners chose two sites, one near each entrance, and submitted plans to library personnel. The actual planting was a collaboration between Master Gardeners, who supervised the planting, and library staff. Inspired by the project, one of the library staff members is now enrolled in the Master Gardener training class in Blair County. Completed in September, the demonstration gardens will serve as a site for future children's programming. The library has also encouraged the Master Gardeners to use the gardens to promote their programs.

Program founded in 1983

  • 14 active Master Gardeners
  • 895 volunteer hours
  • 2,422 adult contacts
  • 257 youth contacts
  • 107 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 50 educational outreach presentations
  • 20 Poison Prevention Program presentations
  • 3 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 500 square feet of demonstration gardens

Bradford / Sullivan Counties

Pesticide Safety Presentations

Bradford County

Photo by Tom Maloney

Rural Health and Safety Day is an annual event in Bradford County in which community organizations provide safety education on various topics to fifth grade students from across the county.

For the 2016/2017 year, two Master Gardeners from Bradford County, one trainee from Sullivan County, and one horticulture extension educator staffed three stations and collectively taught 15-minute pesticide safety programs in a total of 26 rotations to 474 fifth graders from seven school districts.

Learning focuses were:

  • how pesticides enter the body
  • signal words
  • look-alikes
  • good bug/bad bug
  • identifying the lowest impact means of control, including pesticide alternatives
  • what's on the label
  • safe storage of pesticides

Key impact: the event increased the pesticide safety and poison prevention awareness of 474 fifth graders and their teachers and chaperones.

Program founded in 1995

  • 16 active Master Gardeners
  • 908 volunteer hours
  • 315 adult contacts
  • 544 youth contacts
  • 51 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 31 educational outreach presentations
  • 4 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 5,000 square feet of demonstration gardens

Bucks County

Mulch Madness!

Bucks County

Photo by Kara Hall

The Master Gardeners of Bucks County answer many questions about mulch throughout the year. Based on these inquiries, they determined there was a need to educate the public about types, applications, and relative costs of mulch. In a response to this community need, the Master Gardeners organized a hands-on public open house at the extension office. "Mulch Madness," a play on words for the college basketball tournament "March Madness", showcased 16 different types of mulch ("the sweet 16") and how to use them in home gardens. Participants were also taught how to properly apply mulch to avoid killing plants and save homeowners money. Nearly 100 people attended this free event, with 98 percent of attendees identifying that they "learned something new" and 90 percent of attendees indicating they would "adopt a new practice."

Program founded in 1990

  • 91 active Master Gardeners
  • 24 Master Gardeners trained
  • 7,992 volunteer hours
  • 7,333 adult contacts
  • 545 youth contacts
  • 699 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 97 educational outreach presentations
  • 16 gardening articles published
  • 18 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 1,778 square feet of demonstration gardens

Butler County

Spring Garden Market and Home Show

Butler County

Photo by Justine Brown

The Master Gardeners of Butler County collaborated with Butler County Parks and Recreation during the annual Spring Garden Market and Home Show at Alameda Park for a day of educational outreach for the community. Over 3,000 people attended this event. Master Gardeners provided research-based information on home gardening via the "Ask a Master Gardener" table and sponsored a plant sale to help provide funding for the Master Gardener Program. Because of Master Gardener outreach, there has been an increased interest in and practice of sustainable gardening by homeowners in the Butler area.

Program founded in 1991

  • 78 active Master Gardeners
  • 3,367 volunteer hours
  • 485 adult contacts
  • 127 youth contacts
  • 251 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 30 educational outreach presentations
  • 18 gardening articles published
  • 5 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 1,000 square feet of demonstration gardens

Cambria County

Fall Garden Day

Cambria County

Photo by Christine Gillin

The Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Cambria County reach community members by providing research-based information most effectively through presentations. The "Getting Ready for Fall" program included timely presentations on perennial division, seed stratification, lady beetles, what to plant in the fall, and what not to clean up in the fall. Participants received brochures with more in-depth information and a giveaway so that the knowledge they have learned can be taken home and put into practice. Items we have shared include milkweed seeds for pollinators, plant divisions, and cuttings.

Program founded in 1983

  • 28 active Master Gardeners
  • 10 Master Gardeners trained
  • 2,493 volunteer hours
  • 2,658 adult contacts
  • 610 youth contacts
  • 106 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 5 educational outreach presentations
  • 18 Poison Prevention Program presentations
  • 10 county certified pollinator gardens

Carbon County

Good Bug, Bad Bug

Carbon County

Photo by Eileen East

Good Bug, Bad Bug was a presentation created by the Master Gardeners to help home gardeners identify the differences between harmful insects and beneficial insects. In addition to the presentation, attendees viewed an insect display and were shown how to identify insect mouthparts that are used to feed on plants, as opposed to ones used to feed on other insects. With this knowledge, the attendees learned how to identify good bugs and encourage them to their gardens as a method of integrated pest management.

Program founded in 1991

  • 13 active Master Gardeners
  • 8 Master Gardeners trained
  • 2,136 volunteer hours
  • 5,417 adult contacts
  • 5 county certified pollinator gardens

Centre County

Bellefonte Community Children's Garden

Centre County

Photo by Cynthia Dawso Van Druff

The Master Gardeners of Centre County at the Bellefonte Community Children's Garden hosted three classes of second graders from the Bellefonte Elementary School for an eight-week spring growing session. The children had varied lessons each week. They planted lettuce, spinach, and radishes, visited the garden weekly for plant science and environmental conservation lessons, and then celebrated the end of the session by harvesting their crops for a salad party.

Lessons started in mid-April and concluded in June. There were two culminating events this year: a salad party for all the second-graders and a pumpkin-planting party for first grade classes. Those second-graders then returned in the fall to harvest their pumpkins--plus potatoes and turnips.

Students kept garden journals. Their teachers shared that the journals and conversations back at school indicated the students were engaged and retaining plant science and environmental conservation lessons.

Program founded in 1992

  • 82 active Master Gardeners
  • 10 Master Gardeners trained
  • 6,943 volunteer hours
  • 1,166 continuing education hours
  • 27,413 adult contacts
  • 17,743 youth contacts
  • 119 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 24 educational outreach presentations
  • 37 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 154,534 square feet of demonstration gardens

Chester County

Container Gardening: Growing Edibles and Flowers on Your Deck and Patio Workshop

Chester County

Photo by Audrey Young

Master Gardeners of Chester County presented a container gardening workshop at Easttown Library as part of the library's Gardening Lecture Series. The 20 attendees had varying levels of experience and enjoyed interacting with the Master Gardeners and one another as they learned how to grow flowers and vegetables in small spaces. The lecture part of the workshop covered container selection, choosing the right potting media, container-friendly plants, cultural practices, and design tips. During the demonstration, attendees watched the creation of a container garden and concluded with investigating sample gardens. This connection between the Easttown Library and the Master Gardeners of Chester County is the beginning of a larger outreach to communities through local library initiatives.

Program founded in 1988

  • 70 active Master Gardeners
  • 3,022 volunteer hours
  • 1,923 adult contacts
  • 438 youth contacts
  • 490 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 54 educational outreach presentations
  • 22 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 1,234 square feet of demonstration gardens

Clinton County

Native Plant Demonstration Garden

Clinton County

Photo by Deb Burrows

The Master Gardeners of Clinton County installed a native plant demonstration garden at the Clinton County Fairgrounds. In preparation for developing the garden, they toured the Snetsinger Butterfly Garden and received guidance and assistance from the Master Gardeners of Centre County. The Master Gardeners of Clinton County applied for and received Pollinator Friendly certification in August. The garden is open every week from May through September in conjunction with an "Ask a Master Gardener" table at the Farmers Market.

Program founded in 1991

  • 13 active Master Gardeners
  • 2 Master Gardeners trained
  • 1,214 volunteer hours
  • 137 continuing education hours
  • 6,235 adult contacts
  • 1,491 youth contacts
  • 73 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 12 educational outreach presentations
  • 79 gardening articles published
  • 5 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 700 square feet of demonstration gardens

Columbia County

Weekly Gardening Column

Columbia County

Photo by Vincent Fayock

Master Gardeners have expanded their weekly newspaper column from the Bloomsburg Press-Enterprise to include the Shamokin News Item. From April through September, sixteen Master Gardeners wrote 29 articles that reached over 22,000 readers. Topics were timely and based on questions received at the Garden Hotline, farmers market booths, and the Master Gardener booth in the horticulture building of the Bloomsburg Fair. Readers were encouraged to submit gardening questions to the hotline and to request topics for future columns. The columns also served to promote the Master Gardener Basic Training course, free monthly presentations at McBride Library, and the Spring and Fall into Gardening workshops. This spring, Shawn Stair, editor of special editions at the Press-Enterprise, interviewed Master Gardeners and wrote an article about the people who have written the column for the past nine years.

Program founded in 1990

  • 35 active Master Gardeners
  • 14 Master Gardeners trained
  • 26,638 volunteer hours
  • 1,980 adult contacts
  • 743 youth contacts
  • 617 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 4 educational outreach presentations
  • 29 gardening articles published
  • 28 Poison Prevention Program presentations
  • 175 pounds of produce donated
  • 3 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 320 square feet of demonstration gardens

Crawford County

Lilac Springs Veterans Services Project

Crawford County

Photo by Annabelle Menla

The Master Gardeners of Crawford County partnered with Lilac Springs Veterans Services Project to establish a teaching and healing garden for veterans of all wars. Lilac Springs, located in Meadville, is a respite for veterans -- "Every Combat Vet, Every Era, Everywhere." With Master Gardener supervision, women from the Cambridge Springs Prison project helped to construct a moon garden at Lilac Springs. Future plans are to certify the garden as a Penn State Extension pollinator-friendly garden and to involve the veterans as citizen scientists in the statewide bee count research project. The veterans will spend time in the garden and learn about native bees and their nectar preferences. Our hope is that the veterans' involvement in the garden will aid in the healing of their emotional, mental, psychological, and spiritual well-being. The healing garden is helping to make Lilac Springs a place of understanding and beauty for all who visit, and it plays a part in the betterment of the community.

Program founded in 1991

  • 50 active Master Gardeners
  • 13 Master Gardeners trained
  • 3,716 volunteer hours
  • 2,043 adult contacts
  • 1,536 youth contacts
  • 49 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 25 educational outreach presentations
  • 4 gardening articles published
  • 14 Poison Prevention Program presentations
  • 9 county certified pollinator gardens

Cumberland / Perry Counties

Summer H.E.A.T.: (Horticulture Exploration and Adventure for Teens)

Cumberland County

Photo by Annette MaCoy

Master Gardeners held two all-day sessions of Summer H.E.A.T. (Horticulture Exploration and Adventure for Teens) in June, with 10 teens ages 12 to15 attending. The goal of this program is to strengthen this age-group's knowledge of and interest in plant science as they consider future college and career options. Teen campers participated in a variety of activities and field trips, including leaf casting, plant propagation, sustainability, soils, vine grape production, and fruit tree research and production. One teen commented, "I learned about a new type of gardening called raised beds, which can be an alternative to big gardens." A Master Gardener reported, "It makes me smile inside to know that there are teens out there with an appreciation for botany and gardening."

Program founded in 1988 (Cumberland) and 2006 (Perry)
  • 87 active Master Gardeners
  • 19 Master Gardeners trained
  • 9,695 volunteer hours
  • 3,749 adult contacts
  • 2,275 youth contacts
  • 319 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 53 educational outreach presentations
  • 400 pounds of produce donated
  • 43 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 18,000 square feet of demonstration gardens

Dauphin County

State Capitol Hunger Garden

Dauphin County

Photo by Shawna Raymond

The Capitol Hunger Garden broke ground in 2010 with one simple goal: to create a garden that would provide healthy food to help those in need and to serve as a valuable tool to raise awareness of hunger issues in Pennsylvania. It is located on the State Capitol grounds between the Main Capitol Building and the Ryan Office Building. The Capitol Hunger Garden is a partnership of the Master Gardeners of Dauphin County and the Pennsylvania Legislative Hunger Caucus (co-chaired by Senator Scarnati and Representative Jake Wheatley), Central Pennsylvania Food Bank, Feeding America, Hunger-Free Pennsylvania, and Downtown Daily Bread, a soup kitchen. The 1,000-square-foot garden attracts volunteers from the general public in addition to Master Gardeners. It typically yields between 675 and 800 pounds of vegetables and herbs annually, which are donated to Downtown Daily Bread in Harrisburg. Kate Eckhart, communications director for Senator Scarnati, writes, "The Master Gardeners of Penn State Extension come to the garden to work side by side with the volunteers to help harvest the produce and provide a teaching tool to those of every age."

Program founded in 1987

  • 77 active Master Gardeners
  • 8 Master Gardeners trained
  • 3,739 volunteer hours
  • 7,545 adult contacts
  • 1,357 youth contacts
  • 629 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 22 educational outreach presentations
  • 3 gardening articles published
  • 666 pounds of produce donated
  • 6 Poison Prevention Program presentations
  • 28 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 6,450 square feet of demonstration gardens

Delaware County

Boys' and Girls' Club of Chester

Delaware County

Photo by Lisa Craft

The Master Gardeners of Delaware County partnered with the Boys and Girls Club of Chester (BGCC) to teach children about growing fruits and vegetables and healthy eating. Topics included where food originates, seed starting, proper planting methods, conservation techniques, food prep for storage and meals, and how to live a lifetime of good eating. The Master Gardeners worked with the children using outdoor raised beds, helping them to grow over 33 different vegetables, fruits, and herbs, as well as flowers that attract butterflies. Master Gardeners also conducted both summer camp and afterschool programs. Funding was available to take the children to farms, parks, and arboretums as part of the teaching healthy eating and food preparation curriculum. Over the course of the year, the Master Gardeners educated and inspired 1,083 future gardeners and environmental stewards!

Program founded in 1989

  • 108 active Master Gardeners
  • 26 Master Gardeners trained
  • 9,139 volunteer hours
  • 5,710 adult contacts
  • 1,270 youth contacts
  • 817 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 147 educational outreach presentations
  • 26 gardening articles published
  • 1,044 pounds of produce donated
  • 14 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 25,000 square feet of demonstration gardens

Erie County

Erie County Pumpkin Walk

Erie County

For the sixth year, the Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Erie County hosted a community Pumpkin Walk. Over 3,500 people attend this popular event, which serves as the main fundraiser for the Master Gardener Program.

The Master Gardeners purchase approximately 1,000 pumpkins from local farmers (to support them) and then deliver them to various non-profit organizations, including schools, boys' and girls' clubs, scout groups, and senior centers, who carve the pumpkins. Cultural information on growing, harvesting, and preparing pumpkins is provided so that teachers and leaders can educate the children.

The Master Gardeners pick up the carved pumpkins, equip each pumpkin with a LED light, and place them along a one-mile trail at the Erie County Conservation District. Families with toddlers walk the trail while it is still light; however, once it gets dark, the lit pumpkins are a most impressive site!

Master Gardeners also set up an educational display in the pavilion that folks can visit after they complete the pumpkin walk.

Program founded in 2004

  • 87 active Master Gardeners
  • 5,758 volunteer hours
  • 2,239 adult contacts
  • 1,100 youth contacts
  • 280 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 16 educational outreach presentations
  • 2,140 pounds of produce donated
  • 4 Poison Prevention Program presentations
  • 29 county certified pollinator gardens

Fayette County

The MOLE: (Menallen Outdoor Learning Environment)

Fayette County

Photo by Louise Geary

Fostering a connection between children and the outdoors is the goal of the Menallen Outdoor Learning Environment (MOLE) located at the Menallen Elementary School in Uniontown.

The curriculum involves indoor and outdoor lesson plans that promote hands-on and observational learning experiences. The importance of insects, pollinators, native plants, and weeds are some of the topics discussed. Children are able to benefit from the expertise of the Penn State Extension Master Gardeners while using a hands-on approach in the examination of their very own horticultural microcosm, with the insects being a favorite.

The program began in the fall of 2016 in a partnership between the Master Gardener Program and the school. Several Master Gardeners, the school's principal, science teacher, librarian, students, and parents are involved. Students of all grade levels are participating, with special focus on grades four, five, and six. Commitment is strong, and the anticipation is that the MOLE will be a long-term project reaching many more children in Fayette County.

Program founded in 1991

  • 42 active Master Gardeners
  • 12 Master Gardeners trained
  • 2,136 volunteer hours
  • 1,903 adult contacts
  • 1,016 youth contacts
  • 334 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 46 educational outreach presentations
  • 7 gardening articles published
  • 30 Poison Prevention Program presentations
  • 5 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 100 square feet of demonstration gardens

Franklin County

Community Container Garden Program

Franklin County

Photo by Jay Eury

For the third year, the Gleaning Project collaborated with the Master Gardeners of Franklin County to organize a container gardening project for lower-income members of our community who are struggling to obtain fresh vegetables.

"Bucket Build 2017" included a build night at the Master Gardener greenhouse where volunteers and Master Gardeners worked together to plant 150 container gardens made from salvaged buckets. The buckets were planted with a vegetable and herb combo, and tagged with contact information for the garden hotline, as well as an invite to our Facebook new gardener support group--Community Container Gardens. We also planted two big, beautiful display container gardens for the South Central Community Action Programs (SCCAP) Produce Stand in Chambersburg.

All buckets were distributed through the SCCAP Produce Stand and Chambersburg WIC office over the next three days. But that wasn't all--return trips distributed 1,500 leftover transplants from the annual Master Gardener plant sale to food-insecure individuals and families living in our community.

This partnership is building a stronger community that is able to grow and enjoy good food, regardless of income.

Program founded in 1993

  • 74 active Master Gardeners
  • 7 Master Gardeners trained
  • 11,039 volunteer hours
  • 1,579 continuing education hours
  • 3,579 adult contacts
  • 503 youth contacts
  • 347 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 77 educational outreach presentations
  • 26 gardening articles published
  • 727 pounds of produce donated
  • 5 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 66,153 square feet of demonstration gardens

Fulton County

Youth Programs

Fulton County

Photo by Lois Miklas

The Master Gardeners of Fulton County have had many opportunities to share horticulture knowledge with area students in the past year. Collaboration with the Conservation District led to participation in a county vocational agriculture day. As part of this program, Master Gardeners were able to teach all of the sixth-graders in Fulton County about the importance of pollinators. At the suggestion of students, Central Fulton High School invited Master Gardeners to establish a gardening program for juniors and seniors. In 2016-2017 a small group of high school students took part in an immersive course in the Fulton County demonstration "Victory Garden," learning about the culture of vegetables and small fruit.

Program founded in 2009

  • 14 active Master Gardeners
  • 4 Master Gardeners trained
  • 1,834 volunteer hours
  • 1,205 adult contacts
  • 382 youth contacts
  • 125 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 70 educational outreach presentations
  • 7 gardening articles published
  • 50 pounds of produce donated
  • 4 Poison Prevention Program presentations
  • 1 county certified pollinator garden
  • 4,000 square feet of demonstration gardens

Greene County

Sauté and Save Program

Greene County

Photo by Cheryl Brendel

The Master Gardeners of Greene County are continuing to work with the Greene County Food Security Partnership to provide education focusing on food safety, menu preparation, smart shopping, and home gardening. At each Sauté and Save Program, a meal is prepared with instructions on shopping for the most economical ingredients and actual food preparation. The Master Gardeners complement the class by teaching a related topic. In the pictured session, Master Gardener Bridget Vilenica discussed how to grow herbs indoors and gave hints on keeping them fresh longer. The Master Gardeners have also taught container gardening and sent participants home with tomato plants they planted in containers.

Program founded in 1991

  • 16 active Master Gardeners
  • 4 Master Gardeners trained
  • 896 volunteer hours
  • 248 adult contacts
  • 823 youth contacts
  • 25 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 12 educational outreach presentations
  • 4 gardening articles published
  • 18 Poison Prevention Program presentations
  • 384 square feet of demonstration gardens

Huntingdon County

Blair Park Historical Garden

Huntingdon County

Photo by Deb Ridgeway

Blair Park is a hidden jewel in Huntingdon County with a rich history that is often overlooked by residents. The Master Gardeners of Huntingdon County partnered with Huntingdon Borough's Parks and Recreation committee to raise visibility of Blair Park by adding a period-appropriate garden. The Master Gardeners researched the history of the site, determined that a Victorian garden was appropriate, and submitted a plan for entrance plantings in colors of blue, pink, and white. Master Gardens contributed plant selection and labor to make this project a reality; in the future they plan to add signage and programs. An Earth Day event was held at the site this past year, with the Master Gardener program providing the keynote speaker.

Program founded in 2014

  • 7 active Master Gardeners
  • 3 Master Gardeners trained
  • 553 volunteer hours
  • 49 adult contacts
  • 7 youth contacts
  • 16 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 5 educational outreach presentations
  • 4 gardening articles published
  • 4 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 100 square feet of demonstration gardens

Indiana County

Blue Spruce Park Demonstration Garden

Indiana County

Photo by Dianna Kerr

Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Indiana County maintain demonstration gardens in two parks, Indiana County's Blue Spruce Park and Yellow Creek State Park. The educational plantings illustrate best cultural practices and provide examples of a variety of plant material. The Blue Spruce Park Demonstration Garden includes herbs, native plants, and a pollinator garden that is used to monitor bee populations as part of the Master Gardener statewide initiative. The Master Gardener Program works in partnership with the Friends of the Parks to provide educational programs throughout the season.

Program founded in 1991

  • 50 active Master Gardeners
  • 4 Master Gardeners trained
  • 2,677 volunteer hours
  • 4,460 adult contacts
  • 50 youth contacts
  • 110 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 20 educational outreach presentations
  • 1 gardening article published
  • 3 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 2,486 square feet of demonstration gardens

Jefferson County

Demonstration Gardens

Jefferson County

Photo by Cheryl Shenkle

The demonstration gardens in Jefferson County are designed to teach the public how to grow everything from the soil up. Master Gardeners provide education on a wide variety of topics from common vegetables like tomatoes and peppers to the more uncommon vegetables and fruits they most likely have never eaten. The demonstration gardens include specialty areas: native plants for pollinators, lasagna gardening, containers, herbs, and trellised gardens. The gardens are used as a visual, interactive display of best practices and design principles that can be utilized by any homeowner in a variety of residential settings throughout the seasons.

Program founded in 2009

  • 13 active Master Gardeners
  • 4 Master Gardeners trained
  • 491 volunteer hours
  • 220 adult contacts
  • 48 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 5 educational outreach presentations
  • 5 Poison Prevention Program presentations
  • 388 square feet of demonstration gardens

Juniata / Mifflin Counties

Community Garden, Mifflin County

Juniata County

Photo by Colby Guyer

The Jim Tunall Memorial Community Garden is now two years old, initiated by a few community groups that wanted to bring something positive to the downtown area of Lewistown for education, aesthetics, and inspiration. The garden is located behind the Mifflin County library in Lewistown, and is used for folks who don't have a space to garden, those with limited space to expand their gardening, and a local restaurant to grow herbs and vegetables. Master Gardeners hope to expand the programming next year with youth education, growing food for local shelters and food banks, and conservation efforts, including pollinator plants, rain barrels, and waterwise gardening.

Program founded in 2004

  • 16 active Master Gardeners
  • 2 Master Gardeners trained
  • 665 volunteer hours
  • 41 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 8 educational outreach presentations
  • 3 gardening articles published
  • 5 pounds of produce donated
  • 7 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 75 square feet of demonstration gardens

Lackawanna County

"Earth Day Is Your Day"

Lackawanna County

Photo by Michele Davis

For three consecutive years, the Master Gardeners of Lackawanna County organized a special Earth Day event.

The goal of this outreach is twofold:

  • Interact with the public and encourage them to be better stewards of the environment. "Information stations" on timely topics, including composting, vegetable gardening, tree care, native plants, and container gardening, were staffed by Master Gardeners who shared research-based information with a personal touch.
  • Create awareness of our community partners and encourage the public to "get to know" them. The groups included Lackawanna Heritage Valley Authority, Lackawanna River Conservation Association, Lackawanna College Environmental Education Center, the Office of Sustainability and Community Relations, Lackawanna County, the Greenhouse Project, Lackawanna Backyard Beekeepers Association, and Penn State Extension Master Watershed Steward Program.

Program founded in 1991

  • 44 active Master Gardeners
  • 1,401 volunteer hours
  • 9,711 adult contacts
  • 886 youth contacts
  • 591 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 22 educational outreach presentations
  • 15 gardening articles published
  • 2,000 pounds of produce donated
  • 41 Poison Prevention Program presentations
  • 7 county certified pollinator gardens

Lancaster County

Lancaster County Prison Garden

Lancaster County

Photo by Lois Miklas

Master Gardeners of Lancaster County work with incarcerated women at Lancaster County Prison from April through September, with about 10 women participating in each weekly session. The main focus is a large fruit and vegetable garden, but also includes a bed of native plants and annuals. In addition to hands-on instructions about working in the garden, Master Gardeners teach short lessons on topics such as the natural history of plants and animals in the garden, soil testing, and how to make healthy dishes from seasonal fruits and vegetables. The participants kept a watchful eye on the garden between weekly sessions and discovered several butterfly chrysalides this summer. Program recipients enthusiastically great the Master Gardeners at each session and often express that they intend to use their new-found knowledge to create their own gardens at home.

Program founded in 1988

  • 96 active Master Gardeners
  • 22 Master Gardeners trained
  • 7,216 volunteer hours
  • 4,154 adult contacts
  • 3,060 youth contacts
  • 360 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 20 educational outreach presentations
  • 4 gardening articles published
  • 100 pounds of produce donated
  • 24 Poison Prevention Program presentations
  • 86 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 12,057 square feet of demonstration gardens

Lawrence County

Seed to Shining Seed

Lawrence County

Photo by Nancy Knauss

The Master Gardeners of Lawrence County partnered with the Lawrence County Community Action Partnership (LCCAP) to provide horticultural expertise with a grant that they received. The LCCAP reaches out to low-income people in Lawrence County to address their multiple needs through a comprehensive approach. They develop partnerships with other community organizations, and through these partnerships a full range of coordinated programs designed to have an impact on poverty are administered.

The "Seed to Shining Seed" program was designed to have youth learn about and grow their own vegetable crops in hydroponic gardens from seedlings to ready-to-harvest crops. In this three-month program, the youth each created a mega fresh veggie box. The workshops had interactive activities that engaged youth in learning about sustainable gardening and making healthy food choices. The Master Gardeners provided education and assisted the youth in planting the seeds, transplanting the seedlings into the indoor garden, and harvesting. When the project was completed, the youth were able to take their mega fresh veggie box home to enjoy. Going forward, the Master Gardeners have several upcoming projects to educate youth by assisting the LCCAP with this garden.

Program founded in 1991

  • 28 active Master Gardeners
  • 2 Master Gardeners trained
  • 1,722 volunteer hours
  • 1,821 adult contacts
  • 547 youth contacts
  • 68 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 22 educational outreach presentations
  • 14 Poison Prevention Program presentations
  • 1 county certified pollinator garden
  • 48 square feet of demonstration gardens

Lebanon County

Amateur Herbalist Project

Lebanon County

Photo by Mark Krotulski

The Amateur Herbalist Project in Lebanon County includes nine courses that are offered from January to November. Back to Basics covers plant selection, pruning herbs for healthy growth, and tips for creating a healthy garden. Other sessions include Herb and Spice Bends, Herbal Pollinators, and Herbal Aromas for the Home. In May, Master Gardeners offered the Amateur Herbalist Plant Exchange and attendees were encouraged to bring their favorite herb plants for the exchange. The June program, Looking Beyond Basics, featured guest speaker Kathy Musser of Cloverleaf Herb Farm. October's program culminated with an herbal dinner prepared by the committee.

Program founded in 1988

  • 54 active Master Gardeners
  • 11 Master Gardeners trained
  • 3,609 volunteer hours
  • 4,476 adult contacts
  • 1,317 youth contacts
  • 567 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 24 educational outreach presentations
  • 15 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 6,967 square feet of demonstration gardens

Lehigh / Northampton Counties

Creating Habitat on a Budget

Lehigh County

Photo by Erin Frederick

Many beginning gardeners struggle with plant selection and garden design. Master Gardeners can encourage planting natives, but often homeowners struggle with plant selection, siting, and an understanding of the ultimate size and habit of the plant. To address these issues, Master Gardeners of Northampton and Lehigh Counties partnered with the Lehigh Gap Nature Center to sell native plant kits, complete with a garden design. As a pilot project, the Master Gardeners offered two garden designs: a mailbox garden and a downspout garden. The kits utilized plugs, which are more economical than larger, container-grown nursery stock. Once an order was placed, the Master Gardener volunteers sent a packet of educational information about site preparation for the customers to review before picking up their plants. The volunteers sold 17 mailbox gardens and 13 downspout gardens, establishing 1,747 square feet of habitat. The volunteers plan to improve the sale next year by selling the kits in the spring, rather than the fall, and adding a pollinator kit to support the statewide Master Gardener pollinator initiative.

Program founded in 1988

  • 120 active Master Gardeners
  • 5,576 volunteer hours
  • 6,609 adult contacts
  • 3,659 youth contacts
  • 1,181 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 73 educational outreach presentations
  • 96 gardening articles published
  • 8,737 pounds of produce donated
  • 50 Poison Prevention Program presentations
  • 20 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 5,000 square feet of demonstration gardens

Luzerne County

Spring into Gardening

Luzerne County

In 2017, the Master Gardeners of Luzerne County held their annual "Spring into Gardening" event. This year, the Master Gardeners decided to take on a new location and asked well-known author and researcher Doug Tallamy to be the keynote speaker. Over 100 community members attended the event from Luzerne County and surrounding areas. Surveys showed that most participants adopted a new practice and gained knowledge on new topics that included container gardening, fruit trees, tree diseases, lawn care, natives, and rain gardens. The Master Gardeners also held a plant sale at the event to help gain some funds for their continued programming.

Program founded in 1978

  • 40 active Master Gardeners
  • 12 Master Gardeners trained
  • 1,741 volunteer hours
  • 8,280 adult contacts
  • 461 youth contacts
  • 164 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 12 educational outreach presentations
  • 13 gardening articles published
  • 5 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 289 square feet of demonstration gardens

Lycoming County

Riverside Senior Center

Lycoming County

Photo by Ann Bering

From March through October, Master Gardeners of Lycoming County held a weekly garden class at the Riverside Senior Center. Most classes were hands-on or make and take, but all included information and conversation on the topic of the day! Plants, seeds, cuttings, and supplies were often donated for the programs. As the sessions continued, it was common to hear the seniors using terms or knowledge taught in the previous classes. The seniors planted vegetables in raised beds and containers on the back patio, and new flower beds were amended and planted. This was the first year of a very successful program and plans are already under way for 2018!

Program founded in 1999

  • 44 active Master Gardeners
  • 6 Master Gardeners trained
  • 3,540 volunteer hours
  • 2,802 adult contacts
  • 599 youth contacts
  • 64 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 65 educational outreach presentations
  • 36 gardening articles published
  • 35 pounds of produce donated
  • 14 Poison Prevention Program presentations
  • 7 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 23,375 square feet of demonstration gardens

McKean County

McKean County

Photo by Richard Putnam

The Master Gardener Program in McKean County is fortunate to have three Master Gardeners who own greenhouses and are willing to share greenhouse space and their gardening expertise.

When the training class ended last year, the Master Gardeners continued to meet every Thursday at a greenhouse. Master Gardeners grew onion plants, petunias, peppers, and a variety of tomatoes.

In spring, Master Gardeners sponsored a plant sale at the Tractor Supply Store in Bradford and scheduled an "Ask the Master Gardener Day" to answer gardening questions. The following week this effort was duplicated at the Penn State Extension office in Smethport. The leftover plants were used for outreach projects and for the demonstration garden.

Program founded in 1989

  • 19 active Master Gardeners
  • 5 Master Gardeners trained
  • 838 volunteer hours
  • 75 continuing education hours
  • 325 adult contacts
  • 52 youth contacts
  • 25 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 6 educational outreach presentations
  • 1,048 square feet of demonstration gardens

Mercer County

Buhl Park Tailgate Talks

Mercer County

Photo by Andrew Gent

A series of monthly talks were given by the Master Gardeners of Mercer County in cooperation with Buhl Park in Hermitage during the spring and summer. The programs included a 15-minute presentation followed by a 30- to 45-minute hands-on demonstration. The topics chosen for presentations were timed to meet the maintenance and pruning needs of the plants in the park. For example, "Pruning Forsythia and Lilacs" was held in early spring right after the plants had finished flowering. This series by the Master Gardeners provided research-based information with hands-on training for the residents of Mercer County.

Program founded in 1991

  • 27 active Master Gardeners
  • 22 Master Gardeners trained
  • 2,647 volunteer hours
  • 558 adult contacts
  • 98 youth contacts
  • 64 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 10 educational outreach presentations
  • 10 gardening articles published
  • 4 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 2,000 square feet of demonstration gardens

Monroe County


Monroe County

Photo with permission from Monroe County

The Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Monroe County offered a vermicomposting class for the community. The presentation covered the amazing diversity of life that exists in healthy soil, the benefits of vermicomposting, and the procedure to set up and maintain vermicomposting bins. The attendees learned what can go wrong, as well as what can go right, with bins, giving them confidence to get started. Many attendees left with containers of worms and the knowledge to start vermicomposting!

Program founded in 1991

  • 24 active Master Gardeners
  • 2,973 volunteer hours
  • 1,100 adult contacts
  • 85 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 17 educational outreach presentations
  • 13 gardening articles published
  • 84 pounds of produce donated
  • 6 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 228 square feet of demonstration gardens

Montgomery County

ACLAMO Gardening Program

Montgomery County

Photo by Diane Diffenderfer

ACLAMO (Accion Comunal Latinoamericana de Montgomery County) is a vibrant community center based in downtown Norristown. The center provides a variety of classes for adults and youth, including academic tutoring as part of its afterschool program.

One Master Gardener developed a gardening program for ACLAMO's youth. She visited the community center a few times each week from early spring through fall and helped the kids plant and tend a small raised bed garden located behind the building. The raised beds are built on a cement slab and surrounded by the building on one side and a parking lot on the other. Perhaps an unlikely spot for a garden; however, during the summer the beds are bursting with peas, tomatoes, a variety of greens, beans, squash, and more! Sunflowers welcome birds passing by, and bird feeders and potted plants grace the fire escape that opens into the garden.

The Master Gardener showed 120 children how to plant vegetable seeds and transplants donated by a local organic vegetable farm. Throughout the season, the kids learned how to care for the plants, and ultimately, ate the fruits of their labors!

Program founded in 1990

  • 81 active Master Gardeners
  • 5,978 volunteer hours
  • 2,404 continuing education hours
  • 10,677 adult contacts
  • 625 youth contacts
  • 555 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 268 educational outreach presentations
  • 17 gardening articles published
  • 2,000 pounds of produce donated
  • 15 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 15,000 square feet of demonstration gardens

Montour County

River Front Park, Danville

Montour County

Photo by Harriet Perez

One hundred years ago, River Front Park was a thriving park nestled next to the Susquehanna River. Over the years the gardens, beautiful fountain, and lamp posts were neglected or removed. The park, the gateway to the town of Danville, became an eyesore.

In 2005, the Master Gardeners, with support from the Danville Borough and local grants, brought River Front Park back to life. The Master Gardeners installed plant identification signs and held several hands-on educational workshops in the park.

Shortly thereafter, the Master Gardeners of Montour County helped form a group of community volunteers called "Friends of River Front Park" to provide ongoing maintenance of the garden beds. When the community group gathers to work in the garden, Master Gardeners are there to provide guidance by helping and teaching proper pruning and basic gardening techniques.

Over the years, Master Gardeners have staffed the park during the local Iron Heritage Garden Tours, offering educational advice and answering gardening questions for the tour participants.

Program founded in 1988

  • 9 active Master Gardeners
  • 1 Master Gardener trained
  • 290 volunteer hours
  • 320 adult contacts
  • 3 county certified pollinator gardens

Northumberland County

Power of Produce

Northumberland County

Photo by Kathy Klinger

Master Gardeners of Northumberland County have brought the Power of Produce (POP) program to the Mt. Carmel Farmers' Market in Atlas. POP provides a fun opportunity for children to engage in the local food system through conversations with farmers, educational games and demonstrations, and exposure to new fruits and vegetables. In addition to participating in educational activities, POP Club kids receive vouchers to spend at the market, allowing them to make their own shopping decisions at fruit and vegetable stands.

POP empowers children ages five through 12 to make healthy food choices by offering educational activities, cooking demonstrations, and food sampling. This incentive provided an effective way for children to engage in the local food system through direct contact with farmers, buying local, and understanding the importance of healthy food choices.

One of the topics the Master Gardeners talked about was "what part of the plant do we eat." This topic taught the children about roots, stems, leaves, and flowers. At each event Master Gardeners have a game and food or plant samples for the children.

Program founded in 1991

  • 3 active Master Gardeners
  • 2 Master Gardeners trained
  • 161 volunteer hours
  • 92 adult contacts
  • 31 youth contacts
  • 20 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 1 educational outreach presentation
  • 1 county certified pollinator garden

Philadelphia County

Master Classes: Ecological Landscaping and Intensive Gardening Skills

Philadelphia County

Photo by Anna Herman

Penn State Extension Master Gardeners in Philadelphia maintain several demonstration gardens. Three specifically highlight native plantings and pollinator habitats, one is a collection of city-scale edible landscapes and vegetable gardens, and yet another is a unique partnership with the Philadelphia Department of Parks and Recreation and the Philadelphia Orchard Project that demonstrates permaculture in the form of a Food Forest Orchard. Three of these gardens are within several hundred yards of one another in Philadelphia's historic Fairmount Park, just behind the Horticulture Center Greenhouses (where many of the plants the Master Gardeners use in their gardens are propagated). These demonstration gardens are widely visited by Philadelphia natives and tourists. In 2017, the Master Gardeners launched a series of "Master Classes" using these gardens as the classroom to highlight multiple ecological landscaping and intensive gardening skills for each season. The Master Gardeners hosted over 600 visitors for workshops, talks, and tours.

Program founded in 1989

  • 95 active Master Gardeners
  • 47 Master Gardeners trained
  • 3,750 volunteer hours
  • 2,431 adult contacts
  • 675 youth contacts
  • 67 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 28 educational outreach presentations
  • 45 gardening articles published
  • 830 pounds of produce donated
  • 17 Poison Prevention Program presentations
  • 11 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 44,554 square feet of demonstration gardens

Pike County

Ready, Set, Garden

Pike County

Photo by Mary Ciccolella

Master Gardeners organized a series of nine monthly educational programs for the public. The programs included two tracks: "Edibles" and "Beautiful Blooms." Attendance totaled approximately 70 people.

Program founded in 1991

  • 13 active Master Gardeners
  • 4 Master Gardeners trained
  • 779 volunteer hours
  • 1,130 adult contacts
  • 52 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 9 educational outreach presentations
  • 8 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 1,600 square feet of demonstration gardens

Potter County

Pruning Workshop

Potter County

In April, the Master Gardeners of Potter County presented a fruit tree pruning workshop at a local farm in Coudersport. The workshop, conducted by Master Gardener coordinator Tom Murphy, provided an introduction to fruit tree pruning.

Attendees were given detailed pruning instructions for trees of various ages using the most current pruning practices. They learned two basic cuts, heading and thinning. The workshop lasted approximately 2.5 hours and the attendees were able to try their hand at pruning one of the several trees on the farm, ranging in age from three to 200 years old.

Program founded in 2008

  • 11 active Master Gardeners
  • 376 volunteer hours
  • 25 continuing education hours
  • 95 adult contacts
  • 33 youth contacts
  • 18 educational outreach presentations
  • 4 gardening articles published

Schuylkill County

A Garden Gathering: Feeding Body and Soul

Schuylkill County

Photo by Susan Hyland

This year's Garden Gathering was a combination of two previous programs. It served as a fundraiser through sales of Master Gardener produce, plants, cut flowers, baked goods, pollinator T-shirts, roasted local corn, and lunch sandwiches. Added to those stations were the products of local vendors: honey, lavender, and garden clothing. The event also showcased local artists, who demonstrated their nature-inspired work in paint, fabric, yarn, metal, and glass. Docents interacted with visitors interested in the Master Gardener Demonstration and Pollinator Gardens. The object was to offer a variety of topics of interest to attract visitors.

Master Gardeners recorded 856 contacts from the visiting crowd, indicating that attendees stopped and talked with every station. Evaluations from the public recorded that all questions were answered fully and visitors increased their knowledge on the topics.

Program founded in 2001

  • 49 active Master Gardeners
  • 11 Master Gardeners trained
  • 2,942 volunteer hours
  • 3,617 adult contacts
  • 1,015 youth contacts
  • 186 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 4 educational outreach presentations
  • 32 gardening articles published
  • 13 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 3,000 square feet of demonstration gardens

Snyder / Union Counties

West End Fair Informational Pest Display

Snyder County

Photo by Nancy Normann

Master Gardeners participated in the annual Union County West End Fair, held in August. Attendance at this event averages about 25,000 visitors, who come to enjoy the livestock, carnival rides, food, tractor pulls, domestic crafts, music, and pageants.

At the Penn State Extension booth, Master Gardeners presented four educational displays on horticultural pests of concern to home gardeners and the agricultural community: allium leafminer, spotted lanternfly, thousand canker disease, and the fourlined plant bug. Informational handouts were provided. In addition, they highlighted the upcoming Master Gardener training program, resulting in two new trainees for the fall class.

Saturday of the fair is Kids' Day, for which the Master Gardeners provided educational games, including Bug Bingo. This year both kids and parents were curious about a Master Gardener's insect-eating pitcher plants!

Program founded in 1988

  • 9 active Master Gardeners
  • 276 volunteer hours
  • 145 adult contacts
  • 101 youth contacts
  • 23 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 17 educational outreach presentations

Somerset County

Art Garden Project

Somerset County

Photo by Bridget Mayak

Members of the Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Somerset County collaborated with a local elementary school and art teacher, Erin Glessner, to create an "Art Garden." The main purpose of the Art Garden was to showcase the artwork of the students at the school and to provide an opportunity for students and staff to enjoy and contribute to the outdoor garden space. The students worked all year long to create group art projects to display in the garden, using wood, paint, metal, concrete, wire, and recycled materials.

The first gardening phase involved instructing and planting flower seeds with the kindergarten, first, and second graders in the school. Each of the 412 primary school students planted two peat pots of seeds, one to be taken home and the other to be used in the school's Art Garden.

The second phase focused on landscaping the area, with Master Gardeners working side by side with members of the school staff to spread mulch and river rock; plant shrubs, perennials, and flowers; and install the students' artwork, murals, benches, and sign.

An opening reception was held in the fall to showcase the project. Future plans involve additional plantings and more collaborative artwork.

Program founded in 1999

  • 20 active Master Gardeners
  • 4 Master Gardeners trained
  • 900 volunteer hours
  • 643 adult contacts
  • 725 youth contacts
  • 72 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 5 educational outreach presentations
  • 8 Poison Prevention Program presentations
  • 3 county certified pollinator gardens

Susquehanna County

Historical Garden at Salt Spring State Park

Susquehanna County

Photo by Lori Voll-Wallace

The 2016 Master Gardener trainees collaborated with Salt Springs State Park to develop an interactive historical garden indicative of the 1860 time period of the structures within the park. This 842-acre park with two historical homes, period barns, and pavilions is used as an educational facility, attracting over 50,000 visitors per year.

The 12-foot by 12-foot Historical Garden is now an integral, highly visible, permanent part of the park, which is located next to the Wheaton farmhouse. The kitchen-style garden is fenced with traditional handmade pickets and bluestone stepping stones. The garden is planted with heirloom vegetables and flowers that would have been used in the 1860s, including sunflowers that are over 12 feet tall! Accompanying signage details history, uses, and growing needs.

Master Gardeners partner with Salt Springs to host several educational gardening programs yearly at the park. Produce from the garden, 35 pounds in 2017, is donated and also used for program attendees to enjoy.

Program founded in 1981

  • 40 active Master Gardeners
  • 10 Master Gardeners trained
  • 3,363 volunteer hours
  • 5,805 adult contacts
  • 1,463 youth contacts
  • 931 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 51 educational outreach presentations
  • 190 pounds of produce donated
  • 10 Poison Prevention Program presentations
  • 5 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 5,795 square feet of demonstration gardens

Tioga County

Pollinator Garden at W.L. Miller School

Tioga County

Photo by Kim Furry

The pollinator garden at W.L. Miller School is a collaboration between Penn State Extension Master Gardeners and local businesses to create an immersive garden for the students to enjoy year-round. Master Gardeners organized several stations where the children learned about vermicomposting, insects, pollination, and seeds. Students planted their own mini-gardens with seeds donated by the local Agway and natives donated by Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Big Flats, NY Plants Materials Centers, and The People's Garden Initiative. The PTO and Martin's Garden Center also assisted in funding the project by donating soil and amendments to prepare the garden bed for planting.

Master Gardeners maintain the garden throughout the year and have installed informational signs with QR codes providing pollinator, native plant, and garden care information. As part of the K-1st life cycles program about monarch butterflies, milkweed seeds were planted and are now in abundance in the garden. 2017 was especially exciting as Governor Wolf visited the garden on his tour of the school and was very impressed!

Program founded in 1993

  • 9 active Master Gardeners
  • 284 volunteer hours
  • 552 adult contacts
  • 910 youth contacts
  • 23 educational outreach presentations
  • 50 pounds of produce donated
  • 8 Poison Prevention Program presentations
  • 1 county certified pollinator garden
  • 2,575 square feet of demonstration gardens

Venango County

Sugar Creek Station Rehabilitation

Venango County

Photo by Stacey Young

Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Venango County work with the residents of Sugar Creek Station Rehabilitation facility to enrich their lives through horticultural therapy. The goal of this ongoing project is to provide therapy through gardening and related activities to help the residents feel productive and viable in their community. Future plans are being made to include both vegetables and flowers in the projects, thus providing a wider range of learning opportunities. Many of the residents remember experiences from their younger years and are teaching the Master Gardeners and staff how life was years ago. This project is unexpectedly enriching for both the residents of Sugar Creek Station and the Master Gardener volunteers.

Program founded in 1991

  • 16 active Master Gardeners
  • 732 volunteer hours
  • 602 adult contacts
  • 329 youth contacts
  • 6 educational outreach presentations
  • 3 gardening articles published
  • 2 Poison Prevention Program presentations
  • 3 county certified pollinator gardens

Warren County

Grafting Workshops

Warren County

Photo by Ruth Valone

Warren County offered two grafting classes in the spring of 2017. The first class was offered to any Master Gardener in good standing and an invited guest.

The second class was held at the extension office and the public was invited to register. Prior to the class the participants were contacted and had the chance to talk to one of the instructors. They were asked to select what type of tree they wanted to graft, apple or pear. Several people wanted to "rescue" a tree of their own and were given instructions on how to collect scion wood.

During the workshop, grafts were made using an "omega" style grafting tool; this eliminates having to work with sharp knives. Attendees learned techniques of simple grafting and secured the grafted rootstock with Parafilm and rubber bands. Each person in the workshop went home with a grafted tree.

Program founded in 1991

  • 21 active Master Gardeners
  • 30 Master Gardeners trained
  • 841 volunteer hours
  • 212 adult contacts
  • 164 youth contacts
  • 6 educational outreach presentations
  • 5 gardening articles published
  • 1 county certified pollinator garden
  • 250 square feet of demonstration gardens

Washington County

Therapeutic Garden

Washington County

Photo by Kathleen Madigan

The Master Gardeners of Washington County partnered with the Washington County Health Center to create a therapeutic garden for the residents and staff. The goal was to create the garden and then have residents implement gardening into their daily activities. The Master Gardeners received donated funds from Washington County Arts and Cultural Center to construct the garden. The labor was provided by inmates from the Washington County jail and student volunteers from Washington and Jefferson College.

The therapeutic garden was designed to promote and improve people's well-being, both mentally and physically, as gardening can cause a recall of lifelong behaviors that are familiar and reassuring. Both residents and staff were afforded the chance to learn what it takes to turn a piece of land that was mostly grass into a therapeutic and teaching garden, thanks to the horticultural expertise of the Master Gardeners of Washington County.

Program founded in 1991

  • 55 active Master Gardeners
  • 15 Master Gardeners trained
  • 3,731 volunteer hours
  • 1,381 adult contacts
  • 488 youth contacts
  • 110 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 21 educational outreach presentations
  • 6 gardening articles published
  • 5 Poison Prevention Program presentations
  • 8 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 245 square feet of demonstration gardens

Wayne County

School Garden Program

Wayne County

Photo by William Theobald

This year, the School Garden Program reached 247 students. Master Gardeners begin the year with a basic seed-starting class, which covers germination and transplanting. Other classes include: soils, composting, fertilizers, basic botany, and flowering plants. Hands-on activities are also taught-- students learn how to make milk jug greenhouses so they can start seeds outdoors in late winter. Students learn how to grow potatoes in 5-gallon pails, and they are given a crop to grow in their assigned raised bed space. There are 20 teams and each team is provided an 18-square-foot space. Seeds and plants are donated to keep costs to a minimum. Students and faculty harvest and enjoy the crops as they ripen.

Program founded in 1991

  • 13 active Master Gardeners
  • 1,013 volunteer hours
  • 453 adult contacts
  • 247 youth contacts
  • 50 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 12 educational outreach presentations
  • 2 county certified pollinator gardens

Westmoreland County

Westmoreland Earth Day--"Living Green"

Westmoreland County

Photo by Ron Patun

Each year, the Master Gardeners of Westmoreland County staff a display at Winnie Palmer Nature Reserve in conjunction with the Earth Day celebration. The 2017 theme was "Living Green." Approximately 600 adults and children, interested in environmental and sustainability information attended the celebration.

The Master Gardeners created a colorful display of close-up photos and descriptions of herbs and edible flowers. Also included with the display were 22 live plants for sensory experience. Handouts that explained how to grow, preserve, and use herbs and edible flowers were available for the attendees. The display also included timely information on identifying blacklegged (deer) ticks, their life cycle, and protecting humans and pets from tick bites. Those who attended were able to participate in Master Gardener-led tours of the pollinator garden. Participants were informed about reducing pesticide use to protect pollinators. Master Gardeners who staffed the display answered a wide variety of general gardening questions.

Program founded in 1989

  • 131 active Master Gardeners
  • 16 Master Gardeners trained
  • 7,927 volunteer hours
  • 26,399 adult contacts
  • 3,116 youth contacts
  • 817 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 81 educational outreach presentations
  • 21 gardening articles published
  • 917 pounds of produce donated
  • 13 Poison Prevention Program presentations
  • 15 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 41,891 square feet of demonstration gardens

Wyoming County

Vegetable Demonstration Garden

Wyoming County

Photo by Lisa Kelly

In late June, a local organization approached the Master Gardeners of Wyoming County to partner with them to start a demonstration garden in the community. Although it was late in the season, the Master Gardeners jumped at the opportunity and began a vegetable demonstration garden at Creekside Gardens--the site of the Tunkhannock Farmers Market. Master Gardeners were able to plant the garden with minimal costs thanks to many donations. Master Gardeners spent every Saturday during the summer at the garden and farmers market educating the community. In the fall, the Master Gardeners hosted a free garlic workshop and the group is looking forward to planning additional programs at the site for the coming season.

Program founded in 1991

  • 20 active Master Gardeners
  • 522 volunteer hours
  • 234 adult contacts
  • 112 youth contacts
  • 56 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 2 educational outreach presentations
  • 3 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 720 square feet of demonstration gardens

York County

MAEscapes (Mid-Atlantic Ecological Landscapes)

York County

Photo by Connie Schmotzer

MAEscapes is a project of the Masters Gardeners of York County dedicated to teaching environmentally sustainable practices using native plants. MAEscapes sponsors an annual native plant fest where participants can attend talks, tour the gardens, talk to experts, and purchase native plants. Children's activities were added to the event this year. In 2017, utilizing over 13,000 feet of MAEscapes demo gardens, Master Gardeners offered garden walks monthly from June through October, showing participants how ecological plantings benefit wildlife and conserve water. A new events committee attracted several more volunteers to this group, which resulted in manned educational displays at seven events sponsored by Penn State Extension and community organizations.

Program founded in 1986

  • 128 active Master Gardeners
  • 25 Master Gardeners trained
  • 11,308 volunteer hours
  • 18,786 adult contacts
  • 6,719 youth contacts
  • 523 Garden Hotline contacts
  • 70 educational outreach presentations
  • 50 gardening articles published
  • 3,540 pounds of produce donated
  • 76 county certified pollinator gardens
  • 20,414 square feet of demonstration garden