Explore 4-H through a variety of summer 4-H programs for youth aged 5-18! These short-term programs expose youth to a variety of project areas.

Camp Shehaqua

Camp Shehaqua is a five day camping experience that will provide youth with the opportunity to learn about nature, meet new friends, gain responsibility, and learn to live and work with others while having FUN. Workshops offered at camp include: nature, recreation, crafts, and archery. Other activities are campfires, hikes, skits, outdoor adventure project, and swimming. Camp Shehaqua is a 4-H overnight camp located in White Haven, PA.

Days Camps

Located in various venues throughout the county covering many different topics.

For information on any of our summer programs, contact the Bucks County Extension office at 267-483-2020 or bucksext@psu.edu.