Team consisting of members of 4-H clubs that want to test their animal knowledge at competitive events.

Livestock Judging

Livestock judging is a process of evaluating, selecting, placing, and learning the various livestock species-beef cattle, sheep, and swine. The basic level of livestock judging consists of two primary components:

  1. the placing of animals
  2. orally justifying your decision (reasons)

The team meets periodically throughout the year and competes at local and state livestock judging competitions.


Hippology is the study of horses. It is designed to encourage youths and leaders to study and obtain a more thorough and complete knowledge of horses and related subject matter. Youth study all things equine and compete at regional, state, and national events. The contest entails a test, stations of identification, and judging classes of horses.

Horse Bowl

The Horse Bowl team competes in a quiz contest that is made up of questions pertaining to horse topics. Pairs of four-person teams compete against each other responding to questions asked by a contest moderator. Our Horse Bowl teams compete at regional, state, and national events.

Poultry Judging

The 4-H contestant learns how to tell the difference between good and poor layers and how to determine the USDA grades of dressed poultry and identification of parts. The contestant also will learn how to grade eggs according to USDA standards. The team competes at the state event.