There are several 4-H Horse Clubs in Bucks County that provide the opportunity for members to learn about horses. We have competitive teams such as 4-H Horse Judging and Horse Bowl, as well as the County, Regional, and State 4-H Horse Shows. There are also numerous opportunities within these clubs for those who do not own a horse to learn about horses.

The Bucks County 4-H Horse Program is comprised of a total of five horse clubs that represent all areas of the county. The program is all about equine education. If you want to learn more about horses, this is the place to be. Members have a variety of projects and opportunities to participate in and showcase their talents. Some of the individual and/or team programs offered in the county, region, and state are:

  • English and Western Horse and Pony Shows
  • Educational Horse Day Camp
  • Horse Bowl
  • Model Horse Exhibiting
  • Equine Hippology/Communications Contest

Horsin Around

Location: Hilltown

Club Leader: Lorrianne DeLeo (

Meetings are held the 3rd Sunday of the month 2:00-4:00 p.m. in Hilltown or Quakertown. Performance, Production, Horseless, and Model Horse projects available.

Pony Wranglers

Location: Feasterville-Trevose

Club Leader: Janet Cole (

Meeting are held the 2nd Monday of every month 7:00pm – 9:00pm. Performance and production horse projects.

Round A Bit

Location: Upper Black Eddy

Club Leader: Jan Cobb (

Meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of the month, 2:00 p.m. in Upper Black Eddy. Performance, Production, Horseless and Model Horse projects.

Ruff Riders

Location: Yardley

Club Leader: Jennifer Myers (

Meetings are held the 1st Monday of the month, 6:00 p.m. at Cambria stables in Yardley. Performance and production horse projects.

Spurs N Burrs

Location: Coopersburg

Club Leader: Terri Long (

Meetings are held the 2nd Sunday of the month 3:00-5:00 p.m. in Coopersburg. Performance, Production, Horseless, Model Horse projects, and Therapeutic Riding projects.