A 4-H “Specialty” club is a club that focuses on learning one project or skill. Some of these clubs are “county-wide”, meaning there is only one club in Bucks County for that particular project or skill. The following are the specialty clubs for Bucks County:
For more information, contact the Bucks County Extension office, 267-483-2020, bucksext@psu.edu.
Sew Much Fun!
Club Leader: Sheila Wiltshire (msrew2@gmail.com)
Meetings are held on the last Tuesday of the month 7:00 PM. at Plumsteadville Grange. This club focuses on sewing and textiles.
Toastmaster's Junior Leadership Club
Toastmaster's Junior Leadership Club is for teens, ages 13 -19 years old that would like to gain self-confidence while improving their public speaking skills. The club meets eight times a year for members to learn and practice parliamentary procedures, write and deliver speeches. Both impromptu and research topics are two means used to improve the teen's public speaking skills and confidence. The Club meets January-March.
Tractor Safety
Youth will learn safety concerning tractor rollovers, power take-offs (PTO's), tractor implements, grain storage, silo safety, mowers, ATV's, and daily maintenance checks. This course is taught every other year (on even years). *12-13 can take the class however only youth over the age of 14 will be allowed to drive during the program. The course will certify youth who are 14 years of age and older to drive tractors off their farm.* Last held Spring 2024, Next held will be Spring 2026
Veterinary Science
Covers the basic knowledge and skill factors for the young animal enthusiast. Youth will gain a basic understanding of animal behavior, attitudes and body systems. Participants will practice taking pulse and respiration rates, body temperatures and diagnosing the health of an animal.
Bucks County 4-H
576 Penns Park RoadSuite EXT
Newtown, PA 18940
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Please call ahead to ensure someone is available to assist you.
- Email BucksExt@psu.edu
- Office 267-483-2020