Activities designed to teach children about nature, animals, art, music, food, and health.

Project Areas

  • Animal Science
  • Civic Engagement and Leadership
  • Communications and Expressive Arts
  • Environmental Science and Shooting Sports
  • Healthy Living and Wellness
  • STEM

Start a new club

4-H is all about exploration! If you do not see a project or a club that looks like the right fit, you can start a new club.

4-H Clubs require:

  • At least 5 youth (from at least two families)
  • An adult club leader as point of contact with the 4-H Educator
  • A minimum of 2 screened adult volunteers
  • Hold regular educational meetings

Contact your county 4-H educator to discuss the process of developing a new club.


Community Clubs

Community clubs offer many different projects each year and members complete community service on the county, state and national level.

Equine Clubs

There are several 4-H Horse Clubs in Bucks County that provide the opportunity for members to learn about horses. We have competitive teams such as 4-H Horse Judging and Horse Bowl, as well as the County, Regional, and State 4-H Horse Shows. There are also numerous opportunities within these clubs for those who do not own a horse to learn about horses.

Judging Teams

Team consisting of members of 4-H clubs that want to test their animal knowledge at competitive events.

Livestock Clubs

Livestock clubs provide the opportunity to learn about and raise beef, sheep, goats, pigs, alpacas, llamas and dairy cattle.

Shooting Sports Clubs

Clubs that focuses in shooting sports, such as air rifle, air pistol, .22 rifle, muzzleloader, shotgun, and archery.

Small Animal Clubs

4-H animal club focuses solely on one specific animal including poultry, cats, pets, rabbits, guinea pigs, and reptiles

Specialty Clubs

A 4-H “Specialty” club is a club that focuses on learning one project or skill. Some of these clubs are “county-wide”, meaning there is only one club in Bucks County for that particular project or skill. The following are the specialty clubs for Bucks County:

4-H Ambassadors

Bucks County 4-H Ambassadors are the spokesyouth of the program and are tasked with recruiting and promoting the 4-H program across the county. The 4-H Ambassadors program was created to help build confidence, self-esteem, and self-expression in our youth.