Irmak to lead Penn State Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering

April 7, 2021

Suat Irmak, Harold W. Eberhard Distinguished Professor in the Department of Biological Systems Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, has been named head of Penn State's Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, effective July 1.

Wireless sensors track sanitizer use, optimize replacement and refill operations

March 29, 2021

In an effort to optimize Penn State's hand sanitizer management and maintenance operations, a team of engineering researchers designed, developed and installed a wireless sensor system on the hand sanitizer stations found in Hammond Building.

Dennis Murphy honored with Lifetime Achievement Award

March 26, 2021

Agriculture industry group announces safety leaders. Awards were presented at North American Agricultural Safety Summit, March 22-24.

Urban agriculture can help, but not solve, city food security problems

March 24, 2021

While urban agriculture can play a role in supporting food supply chains for many major American cities — contributing to food diversity, sustainability and localizing food systems — it is unrealistic to expect rooftop gardens, community plots and the like to provide the majority of nutrition for the population of a metropolis.

Keith Masser, 1973 Ag Engineering Alum, receives Distinguished Alumni Award 2021

March 15, 2021

The Board of Trustees is bestowing the Distinguished Alumni Award, the University's highest alumni honor, to eight individuals.

College of Ag Sciences doctoral student chosen as Next Generation Global Leader

February 19, 2021

Kelly Chege, a doctoral candidate in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences, has been selected as a member of the inaugural class of the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition’s Next Generation Global Leaders Network.

Research at Penn State aims to improve air quality in cage-free poultry houses

January 31, 2021

Research carried out by faculty in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences is helping commercial poultry operations — some with multiple buildings each housing between 20,000 and 50,000 hens — convert from traditional caged housing to noncaged systems while safeguarding animal and employee safety.

College of Agricultural Sciences students earn internship awards

January 26, 2021

Thirteen Penn State students have been selected as College of Agricultural Sciences Alumni Society 2020 Internship Award winners. Congratulations to one of our BE seniors, Jamie Weikel, who won an internship award.

U.S. school cafeterias waste more food than those in other developed countries

January 18, 2021

An innovative assessment of food waste at a U.S. school by an international team of researchers suggests that American school cafeterias waste more food than those in other developed countries, and the true costs extend well beyond just the weight of food not eaten.

Pulsed ultraviolet light technology to improve egg safety, help poultry industry

January 18, 2021

Novel decontamination method can be used with both table and hatching eggs

'Windows of opportunity' crucial for cutting Chesapeake nutrient, sediment loads

December 14, 2020

The vast majority of nutrients and sediment washed into streams flowing into the Chesapeake Bay are picked up by deluges from severe storms that occur on relatively few days of the year. That is the conclusion of a new study led by Penn State researchers, who say it offers clues for cleaning up the impaired estuary.

ABE graduate student Stephanie Herbstritt receives the College of Agricultural Sciences Outstanding Dissertation Award

December 10, 2020

After shipping, pallets pose big risk to public, cause many accidents, injuries

December 2, 2020

Shipping pallets — often used as display platforms in retail settings or seen as raw material for household projects — were responsible for sending more than 30,000 people to the emergency rooms of U.S. hospitals over a recent five-year period, according to a new study by a Penn State researcher.

Researchers aim to 'upcycle' nutrient waste on farms using duckweed

December 1, 2020

Best management practices for reducing runoff and other nutrient losses in agriculture have been difficult to implement, according to Penn State researchers. The team is hoping that duckweed could help make money for farmers and land managers while limiting nutrient pollution into the environment.

Biochar from agricultural waste products can adsorb contaminants in wastewater

November 16, 2020

Biochar — a charcoal-like substance made primarily from agricultural waste products — holds promise for removing emerging contaminants such as pharmaceuticals from treated wastewater. That’s the conclusion of a team of researchers that conducted a novel study.

Misleading mulch: Researchers find contents of mulch bags do not match claims

October 29, 2020

In response to complaints about misleading packaging and fraudulent behavior by some producers of bagged landscaping mulch, Penn State researchers conducted an investigation and devised a process to determine the wood species included in the products, and at what percentage.

Harvesting vegetation on riparian buffers barely reduces water-quality benefits

October 2, 2020

Allowing farmers to harvest vegetation from their riparian buffers will not significantly impede the ability of those streamside tracts to protect water quality by capturing nutrients and sediment — and it will boost farmers’ willingness to establish buffers.

Advanced biofuels show promise for replacing some fossil fuels

September 7, 2020

Tom Richard, professor of agricultural and biological engineering and director of the Penn State Institutes of Energy and the Environment along with a team of international scientists are successfully removing excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

NABEC Honors Presented at Virtual Meeting

August 31, 2020

NABEC’s 2020 Young Engineer of the Year is Heather Preisendanz, an associate professor in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. Congratulations Heather!

Biological Engineering Senior Wins National Paper Competition

August 27, 2020

Congratulations Marali! 1st Place – Marali Kalra, Penn State University

New ag engineering fabrication shop ready to enhance Penn State fruit research

August 5, 2020

A new agricultural engineering facility at Penn State's Fruit Research and Extension Center will enable the fabrication and testing of machinery and precision technologies designed to automate orchard production operations.

Novel cutting mechanism devised for automated, robotic apple-tree pruning system

July 24, 2020

The first robotic cutting mechanism — or “end-effector” — for a fully automated, computerized pruning system for modern apple orchards has been designed by a Penn State research team, an early step in the creation of a technology aimed at easing challenges facing tree-fruit growers.

Researchers offer solution for one of synthetic biology's biggest problems

July 22, 2020

Novel algorithm developed to prevent failure of engineered genetic systems

Harnessing biomass, manure to fuel farms through multi-institutional project

July 22, 2020

Transdisciplinary research team aims to create new value chains on U.S. farms, with emphasis on the generation of renewable natural gas, improved rural economic outcomes and protection of the environment.

Grants move College of Ag Sciences research toward commercialization

July 8, 2020

Researchers Ehsan Mahdinia, left, and Ali Demirci, in the College of Agricultural Sciences, are shown here in 2018 feeding microorganisms that produce the most potent form of vitamin K in a laboratory biofilm reactor in research that promises to reduce production costs and perhaps prices.

Professor Ali Demirci publishes a new book on "Food Safety Engineering"

June 1, 2020

Food Safety Engineering is the first reference work to provide up-to-date coverage of the advanced technologies and strategies for the engineering of safe foods.

Sustainable Communities Collaborative opens its Virtual Spring Expo

May 5, 2020

ABE faculty Megan Marshall and Jeffrey Catchmark along with Capstone students opened its Virtual Expo on May 1st showcasing students' work with Community Partners.

Li Named Biological Engineering Student Marshal

April 29, 2020

Yang Li has been named the biological engineering student marshal for Penn State’s virtual spring commencement on May 9. She will receive a bachelor of science degree in biological engineering with a minor in biomedical engineering.

Two ABE faculty win Gamma Sigma Delta awards for excellence in teaching and research

April 20, 2020

Gamma Sigma Delta announces 2020 faculty awards.

Assistant professor recognized for green stormwater infrastructure research

April 8, 2020

Lauren McPhillips, assistant professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering from Penn State and Cornell found that compost additions in green stormwater infrastructure, like the bioretention basin shown here, may lead to nutrient leaching.