A beautiful quilt was made by the hands of students and teachers celebrating inclusivity and sustainability. The shapes on the fabric were patterned using the natural indigo dye and are abstract representations of microbial life, materials, and processes relevant to the ABE discipline. More detail is found on the hand carved foils that adorn the quilt. Features on the quilt are also connected to an augmented reality using your smart phone or device. You can learn more about the quilt and the stories from those who made it by examining the quilt with your device using Adobe Aero. The quilt is now a central feature in our ABE building and we plan to gather each fall to add to our story. Please come and be a part of our community!

More information can be found here:

We were led by Dr. Karen Keifer-Boyd, a professor of Art Education and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Dr. Michele Mekel, Assistant Director, Bioethics and Affiliate Faculty, Penn State Law and the Rock Ethics Institute.