The Victory Garden demonstrates how to grow vegetables.

Abundance of fresh vegetables from Victory Garden Workshop

Abundance of fresh vegetables from Victory Garden Workshop

The area inside the fence is divided into two sections dedicated to growing vegetables. The upper half, closer to the greenhouse and high tunnel is used by the commercial horticulture educators for variety trials, research, and growing the tomatoes for Tomato Tasting Day. The lower half is used to conduct a season-long, hands-on vegetable gardening workshop for the public, which we call The Victory Garden.

The Victory Garden is a weekly, summer long class held during the growing season from April to September. The class is held every Monday from 9:00 to 11:00am. It provides a unique experience for class members to learn about and to participate in the process of vegetable gardening starting from soil preparation in spring to the final fall harvest and preparing the garden for winter.

A combination of weekly classes designed to increase knowledge and hands-on work in the garden, and create a greater confidence in the abilities of the participants to grow their own gardens at home. They also earn the reward of taking home all produce grown in the garden.

Master Gardeners teach the classes and provide individualized assistance in the garden. As the summer progresses, the group bonds and shares garden experiences, methods of preserving the harvest, seeds and plants, and recipes. It becomes a community garden where the love of vegetable gardening is nurtured.

In the eight years since the garden's inception upwards of 125 people have been taught how to grow their own gardens and provide a summer abundance of fresh vegetables.