Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Centre County can be found at AG Progress Days and The Grange Fair each August.

Master Gardeners demonstrate flower arranging to a crowd at the Grange Fair

Master Gardeners demonstrate flower arranging to a crowd at the Grange Fair

AG Progress Days

Ag Progress Days is Pennsylvania's largest agricultural exposition. Sponsored by the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences, it takes place at the Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center at Rock Springs, on PA Rt. 45. Penn State Extension Master Gardeners were very busy at last summer's 2011 AG Progress Days giving presentations and staffing the horticulture booth and answering gardening questions. In addition, Master Gardeners showcased the 2-year old Pollinator Friendly Garden, planned and maintained by Penn State Extension Master Gardeners working with Penn State, developed to support research geared towards the health of honeybees. We also enjoyed talking to the public at the Yard & Garden Tent about the gardens, educating the public about the importance of pollinators, and explaining how one can grow their own pollinator-friendly garden.

The Grange Fair

The Centre County Grange Fair is a tradition every late August in Centre Hall, Pa., as hundreds of families camp out in tents and enjoy the numerous exhibits, amusements, and competitions of the fair. Penn State Extension Master Gardeners were busy at last summer's fair giving presentations on a variety of gardening topics, including "Native Plants", "Starting a New Garden", "Nature Friendly Landscaping", "Flower Arranging", "Vermicomposting" and "Cheapskate Gardening". We also staffed a horticultural booth where the public could ask gardening questions or pick up gardening literature. Most of all, Master Gardeners enjoyed being able to talk to other gardeners at the fair, as we shared experiences and stories about our own gardens. We enjoyed meeting many local gardeners, as well as gardeners from other counties in PA and from other states such as Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey, and Florida.