Volunteers hang a banner in preparation of our spring plant sale.

Volunteers hang a banner in preparation of our spring plant sale.

Our 2024 event, Spring Garden Market "Flower and Food Fest" was held on Saturday, May 18th from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM celebrating the twentieth-second anniversary of the event, and the eleventh year the Master Gardeners partnered with the Butler County Parks and Recreation for spring event.

Learn more about our event via Facebook including plant previews, vendor listings, and more! Flower & Food Fest at Alameda Park

The 2024 event will be held on Saturday, May 18th.

Each year the event focuses on your favorite plant, food, and garden vendors - and representatives from our Butler County Farmer's Markets. It is the perfect day for gardeners to get the season off to a great start.

The Master Gardeners present their spring plant sale as part of the event, bringing unique perennials and favorite vegetable varieties for the community to purchase. In addition, gardening themed apparel, gloves, and other must haves are available to purchase.

Have a question about picking out the perfect plant or a spring problem? Our Garden Hotline team is on site to answer your questions!

Little gardeners can enjoy face painting, the petting zoo, and learn about gardening in our children's areas.