Butler County Master Gardeners Speaker's Bureau
Need A Speaker? We can help!
Trained Master Gardener speakers are available for groups of all sizes, interests and ages.
Our passion is gardening and our mission is education! We would be happy to share our horticulture knowledge with homeowners in our county and surrounding areas. Following is a list of presentations we have available. Other topics can be developed given enough preparation time.
Basic Gardening Skills (7)
Preparing Your Garden for Spring
Spring is a wonderful time to make garden plans but where do you begin? This class covers the basics: assessing your space, making a plan, preparing tools, evaluating your soil, composting, mulching, basic pruning, dividing existing plants, and selecting new plants for your space.
Soils 101
Have you ever wanted to improve your soil health? Through this presentation we will take a look at what soil is, what makes a soil healthy, and what you can do to improve your soil health at home.
Learn what compost is and how to make it in your backyard.
15 Easy House Plants
This program identifies 15 houseplants that are easy to grow. Incorporating houseplants into your living space brings cleaner air and adds beauty to your home.
Identifying Weeds
Is it a weed or a plant you want to keep? This program identifies common weeds and ways of tackling them.
Garden Tools and Their Care
This class covers different tools that improve your gardening experience. You will also learn how to care for those tools keeping them in tip-top condition.
Pruning Shrubs and Small Trees
Pruning plants can be a little intimidating but, when done correctly, can really help the plant's health. This class covers the basics of how to prune shrubs and small trees (not fruit trees) both in Spring and mid-season.
Garden Design (4)
Designing a Garden for All Seasons
This presentation steps through six blooms in a single bed showing examples of continuous bloom. The on-paper design process is also demonstrated in a series of slides. Basic design principles are reviewed. The proper creation of raised beds are discussed. Examples of various circular beds are highlighted.
Landscaping (Intermediate Class) Virtual only
Plants for the Shade Gardening
Have you wondered what does well in the shade? This program talks about successfully gardening in shady conditions. Tips are given about the best plants for dry, moderate, or wet soil in spring, summer and fall for a great shade garden!
Pollinator Gardening for Small Yards
This program will show the basics of how to plant a small scale pollinator garden, from a small flower bed to a flower pot or two on your porch. We will provide information on small scale plant species that will provide food for butterflies, caterpillars and hummingbirds. With just a small garden spot or even a few flower pots on a porch or patio, you can create a habitat for pollinators that will fulfill their need for food, water, and shelter. This presentation will feature five easy-to-grow plants and some smaller shrubs that will bring a variety of pollinators to your garden.
Birds (1)
Birds in Your Garden
An introduction to common birds of Pennsylvania found in the backyard. Discussing permanent and migratory species, and some of their habitat needs.
Children’s/School Programs (1)
Monarch Butterflies
PowerPoint and talk, in person, 30 minutes
Edibles (3)
Growing Herbs 101
The historical uses of much loved herbs as well as how to grow them.
An introduction to much loved herbs and how to grow them.
Do you grow a handful of garden vegetables but would like to branch out to different types and varieties? This program is for you. We will explore things like how to grow different beans, peas, ocra, asparagus, tomatoes etc.
Ornamental Plants (6)
Cut Flower Gardening
Learn the basics of growing a cut flower gardening utilizing perennials and annuals. This program will present suggestions for cut flower varieties, tools, care, and arrangement ideas to brighten your home throughout the summer!
Flowering Vines
This presentation will include examples of climbing vines, both annuals and perennials, that grow in the Western Pennsylvania climate. Hints about their cultivation will also be provided.
The Incredible Hydrangea!
Hydrangeas are wonderful, versatile shrubs to include in your garden. Lovely to look at, they are also easy to grow and a great addition to any garden. In this presentation we discuss how to select a hydrangea that is perfect for your landscape and how to care for them year round.
Native Gardening in Suburbia
This class covers the definition and identification of native plants, the benefits of gardening with native plants, and why using native plants for landscaping is gardening for nature. In the presentation we will discuss choosing the proper plant for the location.
Orchids 101
Learn the basics about buying and caring for this beautiful houseplant. We also learn more about different varieties of orchid.
Using Shrubs in the Landscape
This program identifies flowering and non-flowering shrubs (azaleas, viburnums, forsythia, evergreens) that perform well in our area with tips on care.
Encouraging Pollinators (6)
Pollinator Friendly Gardening
This program provides an overview of the requirements of pollinators and what a pollinator garden should contain. We discuss the basic preparation and design elements of a pollinator garden as well as examples of the native shrubs and perennials that are good pollinator plants. We also provide a basic outline of how to certify your garden as pollinator friendly with Penn State Extension and resources to help you get started.
How to Certify Your Garden as Pollinator Friendly
Penn State offers a program for gardeners who would like to have their pollinator garden certified as "Pollinator Friendly". This presentation will provide step-by-step instructions on how to plant a garden that will provide for the needs of pollinators and how to have your garden certified and added to the " Pollinator Friendly Garden" map.
How to Plant a Small Scale Pollinator Garden
This program will show the basics of how to plant a small scale pollinator garden, from a small flower bed to a flower pot or two on your porch. We will provide information on small scale plant species that will provide food for butterflies, caterpillars and hummingbirds. This Small Scale Pollinator Garden presentation will help gardeners with small gardens or even just a patio to provide plantings that will draw pollinators to their yards and meet the pollinator's needs for nectar and host plants, this presentation will cover some smaller shrubs and plants that are best suited for smaller gardens
Native Trees and Shrubs for Pollinator Gardens
This program will introduce native trees and shrubs including lesser known species that provide services (food, shelter, habitat) for pollinators. Species covered will be described by physical characteristics, growing conditions, and, when applicable; what pollinators they “host”.
Preparing a Pollinator Garden for Winter
This program will provide guidance for when to cut back, clean up and tidy your pollinator garden yet still maintaining shelter for overwintering pollinators.
Honeybees and Beekeeping
Learn all about honeybee biology and products from the hive. We will also discuss beekeeping equipment and what it takes to become a beekeeper.
Garden Pests and other Problems (2)
Spotted Lanternfly (No charge)
Spotted Lanternfly is a new threat to Pennsylvania and the United States, and experts are still learning how to combat it. It is quite common now in Allegheny County and has spread north into Butler County. The class will explore this insect’s biology and some of the methods that can be used to control it.
Replacing Invasive Plants with Natives
This presentation identifies invasive plants and makes suggestions for better native choices!
We request a $50 donation which goes towards developing our program. Master Gardeners are also available to give tours of our demonstration gardens located throughout the county.
Information presented by Penn State Master Gardeners is consistent with Penn State recommendations and research-based information on best practices in consumer horticulture and environmental stewardship.
Call the Coordinator of the Butler County at 724-287-4761 extension 6 to discuss your presentation now!