Posted: September 8, 2022
The Chester County 4-H Dairy Show was held at the Romano 4-H Center of Chester County on Friday, August 12, 2022 as part of the 4-H Fair Week.
Forty-one dairy animals were exhibited by 26 4-H youth participants. This year the show was divided by dairy breeds and Judge Raechel Sattazahn did an outstanding job placing the animals and giving the 4-H members constructive feedback.
The day started with the showmanship and fitting contests. The judge worked the members and the animals to see how they held up under pressure. In the senior age group of 15 and older, Cody Nolan of Cochranville was top Showman and Ava Kaskela of West Chester was top Fitter. In the intermediate division of youth 12-14 years old, Kerri Davis of Christiana was the top Showman and Fitter. In the junior age division of 9-11-year-olds, Bella Smith of Downingtown was the top Showman and Emma Dechert of Pottstown was the top Fitter. In the first-year members over 15-years-old division, congratulations go to Jenna Barbosa of Thornton as top Showman and Fitter In our first year members 8-14-years-old division, top honors go to Makayla Smith of Downingtown for best Showman, and Hanna Barbosa of Thornton as best Fitter.
In the Lineback Breed, Jenna Barbosa's winter calf, Holly, was Junior Champion and Grand Champion, and Ellie Harrop of Exton had the Reserve Junior Champion and Reserve Champion with her winter yearling, Hidden-Brook Sptrn Lark-RC.
In the Aryshire Breed, fall calf Dreamnol Gibbs Dawn shown by Wyatt Nolan of Cochranville, was the Junior Champion as well as the best junior Aryshire owned and bred by a 4-H member. The Reserve Junior Champion was a spring calf, Shining Star Affirm Rosebud, owned by Ava Kaskela. The Grand Champion and Senior Champion Aryshire was Pocopson Meadow FB Alberta owned by Tyler Parson of West Chester, and the Reserve Champion was Dreamnol Regan Grayce, a junior 2-year-old owned by Lainey Nolan of Cochranville. Dreamnol Regan Grayce was also the best Aryshire owned and bred by a 4-H member.
In the Brown Swiss Breed, honors go to Ava Kaskela with Udderconfusion SPD Olga NP as the Junior Champion and Grand Champion, and Ava's Pocopson Meadow Peppers Poppy was the Reserve Junior Champion and Reserve Champion of the breed.
In the Guernsey Breed, Tyler Parson was the Grand Champion with his 6-year-old cow Glen V DF Golden Camille. The judge commented that this was a fine animal worthy of more competition.
In the Holstein Breed, Preble-Lane Cheers Aura, shown by Sophie Griswold of Chadds Ford was the Junior Champion, the best owned and bred junior Holstein, and the Reserve Champion. Melissa Griswold's Preble-Lane Cheers Rey was the Reserve Junior Champion. Cody Nolan's 3-year-old cow, Kodiak-Creek Bixby PiJi, was Grand Champion and Senior Champion.
In the Jersey Breed, Jacob Pinciotti of Honey Brook showed his winter calf, Hillacres Hondo Rosebud, named the Junior Champion and Grand Champion. Maximiliano Teran's fall yearling, Pocopson Meadow Farm Matt Poinsettia, was the Reserve Junior Champion and Reserve Champion.
In the Red and White show, honors went to Emma Dechert with her spring yearling, Coffee Brook Ginger Red, who was named the Grand Champion and Junior Champion. Lily Bramm of Pottstown had the Reserve Junior Champion, and the best Red and White junior animal bred by a 4-H member, with her summer yearling, Bramm Rager Carmel-Red. Senior Champion honors went to junior 2-year-old EGW-Mill Rager Fancy-Red, shown by Emma Williams of Cochranville.
The judge selected Jacob Pinciotti's Jersey winter calf, Hillacres Hondo Rosebud, as the Supreme Champion of the show.
The Chester County 4-H Dairy Round-Up was one of the many shows that took place during the Chester County 4-H Fair Week, held August 8-13, 2022, at the Romano 4-H Center of Chester County along Route 322 in West Brandywine Township. We are proud of all our 4-H members and welcome youth with various project interests to participate in our program.
Chester County 4-H
601 Westtown Road, Suite 370Government Services Center
West Chester, PA 19380-0990
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Please call ahead to ensure someone is available to assist you.
- Email
- Office 610-696-3500