This club meets in Buffalo Mills and offers cavy, dairy beef, dairy goat, goat, horse, poultry, rabbit, sheep, swine, and Cloverbud projects.


Our club meetings take place the fourth Monday of every month. We have our meetings year round with the occasional holiday break. During fair we like to meet as much as possible at one of our leader's campers. We usually hold our meetings at Christ Lutheran Church in Buffalo Mills. Meetings include a business session and a hands on activity or presentation. If we are working with animals, the meeting place may vary.

Meeting Location - Buffalo Mills, PA


Our club has over 30 members. Most of our members come from Bedford, Hyndman and Chestnut Ridge areas. Visitors are always welcome. We are also involved in community service and participate in Fall Foliage.

Animal Projects

Cavy, Dairy Goat, Goat, Horse, Poultry, Rabbit, Sheep and Swine

Other Projects

Cloverbud and PA 4-H Science of Agriculture Challange


Erin Cromer, Julie Sarver, Chester Sewalk