Our efforts are to provide learning opportunities through projects and activities. Members gain confidence, leadership skills, and project knowledge through practice and competition. This club offers dairy goat, horse and shooting sports projects. This club meet in Crystal Spring.

Club Information

Ghost Riders 4-H offers horse, breed goat, air pistol, and air rifle projects. For horse projects, in addition to county round-ups and the fair, our club often and successfully participates in the Keystone State Trail Ride. Once a month meetings on Sunday's in Crystal Spring from September through May. Shooting sports has additional meetings from March-July. June-August meetings are held at project events/shows. Depending on the member's choice of project(s), 12 to 26+ meetings/activities are offered during a year. Local and global Community Service projects and additional project learning opportunities are offered. Horses are available for lease including boarding. Club members meet often in Breezewood and Crystal Spring for group trail riding and ring work.

Ghost Riders began in 1998 as a Horse Club, by 2005 rabbit, goat, and photography projects were added. Ghost Riders is now a Community Club. Members are encouraged to seek learning opportunities for their project beyond 4-H meetings and events. For example, joining a school Rifle club, taking private riding lessons, and showing livestock in non-county events.

Our efforts are to provide learning opportunities through projects and activities. Members should become independent with their project(s) and gain confidence, leadership skills, and project knowledge through practice and competition. As leaders, we believe the member should work to "make their best better" by participating in "learn by doing" activities. This applies to character as well as knowledge and skill sets.


Most of the members are from the Breezewood and Everett area. It varies from year to year with members from both Fulton and all of Bedford County.


Meeting dates vary. Information about club activities is sent monthly by email. Meetings begin with horse information followed by any other project information. Qualities of character addressed in the 4-H code of conduct and the theme of "learn by doing" are always applied to projects and club activities by practice, discussion, and sharing of learning situations. When weather permits extra time is spent after the meeting working with goat or horse projects outdoors. Shooting members have extra shooting meetings during the shooting season March-July at a separate location in Breezewood.

Meeting Location - Crystal Spring, PA

Animal Projects

Dairy Goat and Horse

Other Projects

Shooting Sports


Lauren Carpenter, Missy Foreman