This club was started years ago and meets in Loysburg. The main project-animal shown by club members is swine, but it now also offers beef, goat, rabbit and sheep projects.

Club Information

The Southern Cove Oinkers strive to teach the members, both young and adolescents, about leadership and how to be responsible. We push the members to complete all aspects of their projects by themselves, with little help from their parents or guardians if possible. We also like club members to work together as a team and help each other out when and if needed. The Southern Cove Oinkers meet seven months out of the year, February through August.


The members in the Southern Cove Oinkers are mainly from the New Enterprise area. We also have a few members from Martinsburg and Bedford.


The Southern Cove Oinkers meet at the St. Johns Reformed Church on Woodbury Pike in Loysburg, PA. During the warm months, we like to have outdoor meetings if we can. The club meetings usually last about an hour, sometimes a few minutes more. We cover how to pick out a project animal, the different body parts of the animals, which cuts of meat come from which parts of the animal, ear notches, different types of feed to put project animals on, how to treat a sick animal, a showing and fitting demonstration, and a judging demonstration. We like to cover the basics every year and start from there so every member is on the same page and refreshed.

Meeting Location - Loysburg, PA

Animal Projects

Beef, Goat, Rabbit, Sheep and Swine


Bryan Imler, Crystal Imler