Long He, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Musselman Building Room 223
Biglerville, PA 17037
- Email luh378@psu.edu
- Office 717-778-4599
Areas of Expertise
- Mechanization and Automation for Specialty Crops
- Robotic Solutions for Agricultural Applications
- Precision Agriculture
- Electro-Hydraulic Control System
- PhD, Mechatronics Engineering, Yanshan University (YSU), China, 01/2010
- BS, Mechanical Engineering, Yanshan University (YSU), China, 07/2003
Dr. Long He is a Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, and physically located at the Fruit Research and Extension Center at Biglerville. He received his Ph.D. degree on Mechatronic Engineering at Yanshan University in China. Before joining Penn State, Dr. He worked as Postdoc Research Associate/Research Engineering at Washington State University and University of California at Davis. Dr. He's research interest is agricultural machinery and automation, including mechanical harvesting technologies for tree fruit crops, robotic solutions for agricultural application, and sensor application in agriculture.
Research Topics and Projects
1. Robotic Crop Load Management
Goal: Develop robotic solutions for improved tree fruit yield and quality
- Green fruit removal dynamics and robotic green fruit thinning system (USDA-AFRI, 2020-2023, PI)
- Precision crop load management for apples (USDA-SCRI, Led by Cornell, 2020-2024, PI for PSU)
- Advancing robotic approaches to pollination for improved yield and quality in fruit crops (USDA-AMS, Specialty Crop Multi-State, Led by WSU, 2020-2023, PI for PSU)
- CPS: Medium: Integrated design of sensing, networks, and cooperative control of multi-vehicle systems for preventing frost and freeze damage to flowers and buds of fruit trees. National Science Foundation. (NSF/USDA, 2019-2022, Co-PI)
- Targeted blossom/green fruit thinning with variable rate sprayer (State Horticultural Association of Pennsylvania (SHAP), 2020-2021, PI)
2. Precision Application for Specialty Crops
Goal: Develop sensor-based systems for reducing agricultural inputs and costs
- An intelligent spraying system for tree fruit crops pest management: technology enhancement, evaluation, and outreach. (USDA-NIFA, 2019-2021, PI)
- Precision and automated pest/disease management for tree fruit crops. (Penn State SNIP Grant, 2018-2019, PI)
- Sensor-based precision irrigation system for tree fruit and vegetable crops. (USDA Northeast SARE, 2019-2022, PI)
- A sensor-based irrigation test system for apple orchards. (SHAP, 2018-2020, PI)
- Crop Heath Scouting and Identification for Fruit Orchards using UAVs (SHAP, 2020-2021, PI)
3. Robotic Solutions for Specialty Crops
Goal: Develop robotic/mechanical systems for specialty crop productions
- Robotic pruning system development for fruit trees (USDA-SARE Graduate, Penn State Sunday Grant, 2019-2021, PI)
- Development of a computer vision and a robotic end-effector for automated harvesting of Pennsylvania mushroom. (Giorgi Funds for Mushroom Research, 2018-2020, Co-PI)
- Branch and fruit accessibility for mechanical operations with various tree canopies. (SHAP, 2019-2021, PI)
4. Mechanization for Specialty Crops (focus on Extension)
Goal: Mechanization and commercialization
- A harvest-assist system for tree fruit growers: performance analysis, workforce development, and product enhancement. (Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 2019-2022, PI)
- Zhang, Q., L. He, H. J. Charvet. 2013. Knot-tying device and method. U.S. Patent. US 8,573,656 B1
- Vougioukas, S., D. Slaughter, D. Sadowski, L. He, A. Durand-Petiteville. 2015/2020. Automated strawberry orientating and capping machine. International Patent No. WO/2017/019775 A1 (2015); U.S. Patent. US 10,729,167 (2020).
A recursive segmentation model for bok choy growth monitoring with Internet of Things (IoT) technology in controlled environment agriculture
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Kang, Chenchen, Mu, Xinyang, Novaski Seffrin, Aline, Di Gioia, Francesco, He, Long, 2025
Advanced technologies for precision tree fruit disease management: A review
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Yang, Yanqiu, Mali, Priyanka, Arthur, Lawrence, Molaei, Faezeh, Atsyo, Sena, Geng, Jiarui, He, Long, Ghatrehsamani, Shirin, 2025
Precision heating strategy based dynamic heater path planning for frost protection in apple orchards
Biosystems Engineering, Hua, Weiyun, He, Long, Heinemann, Paul, Zhu, Minghui, 2025
Heat transfer modeling with fixed and mobile heaters for frost protection in apple orchards
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Hua, Weiyun, Heinemann, Paul, Long, He, 2024
Assessment of spray patterns and efficiency of an unmanned sprayer used in planar growing systems
Precision Agriculture, Kang, Chenchen, He, Long, Zhu, Heping, 2024
Canopy protection cyber-physical system (CPCPS) for smart agricultural management of frost damage in apple orchards
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Hua, Weiyun, Heinemann, Paul Heinz, He, Long, 2024
Green Fruit-Stem Pairing and Clustering for Machine Vision System in Robotic Thinning of Apples
Journal of Field Robotics, Hussain, Magni, He, Long, Schupp, James Rawlinson, Lyons, David, Heinemann, Paul, 2024
Bok Choy Growth Monitoring Using IoT Technology and a Recurrent Segmentation Model
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Kang, Chenchen, Mu, Xinyang, Novaski Seffrin, Aline, Seffrin, Aline Novaski, Di Gioia, Francesco, He, Long, 2024
Journal of the ASABE, Mao, Wulan, Murengami, Bryan, Jiang, Hanhui, Li, Rui, He, Long, Fu, Longsheng, 2024
Advancing Orchard Fruit Detection: An Innovative Agricultural Foundation Model Approach, Li, Jiajia, Lammers, Kyle, Yin, Xunyuan, Yin, Xiang, He, Long, Lu, Renfu, Li, Zhaojian, 2024
UGV-Based Precision Spraying System for Chemical Apple Blossom Thinning on Trellis Trained Canopies
Journal of Field Robotics, Mu, Xinyang, He, Long, Heinemann, Paul, Schupp, James Rawlinson, Karkee, Manoj, Zhu, Minghui, 2024
Editorial: Artificial intelligence-of-things (AIoT) in precision agriculture
Frontiers in Plant Science, Majeed, Yaqoob, Fu, Longsheng, He, Long, 2024
Detection and infected area segmentation of apple fire blight using image processing and deep transfer learning for site-specific management
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Mahmud, Md Sultan, He, Long, Zahid, Azlan, Heinemann, Paul, Choi, Daeun, Krawczyk, Grzegorz, Zhu, Heping, 2023
Green fruit segmentation and orientation estimation for robotic green fruit thinning of apples
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Hussain, Magni, He, Long, Schupp, James Rawlinson, Lyons, David, Heinemann, Paul, 2023
Studies in precision crop load management of apple
Acta Horticulturae, Robinson, T. L., Gonzalez, L., Cheng, L., Ziang, Y., Peck, G., Arnoldussen, B., Gomez, M., Guerra, M., Sazo, Mario Miranda, Kahlke, C., Einhorn, T., Wallis, A., Musacchi, S., Serra, S., Lewis, K., Schmidt, T., Heinemann, P., He, L., Kon, T., Sherif, S., Clements, J., Layer, C., 2023
Mechanical Management of Modern Planar Fruit Tree Canopies, He, Long, 2023
UAV Photogrammetry-Based Apple Orchard Blossom Density Estimation and Mapping
Horticulturae, Yuan, Wenan, Hua, Weiyun, Heinemann, Paul Heinz, He, Long, 2023
Journal of the ASABE, Hua, Weiyun, Heinemann, Paul, He, Long, Yuan, Wenan, 2023
Smart Irrigation in Orchards, Gohil, Hemantkumar, He, Long, 2023
Journal of the ASABE, Mu, Xinyang, Hussain, Magni, He, Long, Heinemann, Paul, Schupp, James, Karkee, Manoj, Zhu, Minghui, 2023
Implementing internet of things (IoT) sensor-based precision irrigation with LoRaWAN technology for enhancing yield, quality, and resource use efficiency of soilless basil
Acta Horticulturae, Zhang, Haozhe, He, Long, Di Gioia, F., 2023
Smartphone-assisted Apple Scab Identification and Quantification Using Artificial Intelligence, Yang, Yanqiu, He, Long, Peter, Kari A., 2023
Design of End-effectors for Apple Robotic Thinning in the Green Fruit Stage, Pawikhum, Kittiphum, Heinemann, Paul H., He, Long, Sommer, III, Henry Joseph, Bock, Randall, 2023
Multi-agent Path Planning in Apple Orchard with Tight Tree Rows Based on Improved A-Star Algorithm for Frost Protection, Hua, Weiyun, Heinemann, Paul, He, Long, 2023
Real-Time Bud Detection Using Yolov4 for Automatic Apple Flower Bud Thinning, Sahu, Rashmi, He, Long, 2023
Mask R-CNN based apple flower detection and king flower identification for precision pollination
Smart Agricultural Technology, Mu, Xinyang, He, Long, Heinemann, Paul, Schupp, James, Karkee, Manoj, 2022
Remote sensing detection algorithm for apple fire blight based on UAV multispectral image
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Xiao, Deqin, Pan, Yongqi, Feng, Jianzhao, Yin, Jianjun, Liu, Youfu, He, Long, 2022
An Apple Tree Branch Pruning Analysis
HortTechnology, Zahid, Azlan, Mahmud, Md S, He, Long, Schupp, James, Choi, Daeun, Heinemann, Paul, 2022
A Heat Transfer Model for an Apple Orchard Equipped with Mobile Heaters During Frost, Hua, Weiyun, He, Long, Heinemann, Paul, 2022
LoRaWAN based internet of things (IoT) system for precision irrigation in plasticulture fresh-market tomato
Smart Agricultural Technology, Zhang, Haozhe, He, Long, Heinemann, Paul, Di Gioia, Francesco, Di Gioia, F, Choi, D, Heinemann, Paul, Choi, daeun, Elia, Antonio, Elia, Antonio, Heinemann, P, 2022
Robotic tree fruit harvesting: status, challenges, and prosperities, He, Long, Zahid, Azlan, Mahmud, Md Sultan, 2022
Variable rate Technologies for Precision Agriculture, He, Long, 2022
Journal of the ASABE, Mahmud, Md Sultan, Zahid, Azlan, He, Long, Zhu, Heping, Choi, Daeun, Heinemann, Paul, Krawczy, Grzegorz, Choi, Daeun, Krawczyk, Grzegorz, Heinemann, Paul, 2022
Sensitivity examination of YOLOv4 regarding test image distortion and training dataset attribute for apple flower bud classification
International Joural of Remote Sensing, Yuan, Wenan, Choi, D, Bolkas, Dimitrios, Heinemann, Paul Heinz, He, Long, 2022
Green Fruit Removal Dynamics for Development of Robotic Green Fruit Thinning End-Effector
Journal of the ASABE, Hussain, Magni, He, Long, Schupp, James, Heinemann, Paul, Heinemann, Paul, Schupp, James, 2022
Unmanned aerial vehicle based tree canopy characteristics measurement for precision spray applications
Smart Agricultural Technology, Mahmud, Md Sultan, He, Long, Choi, Daeun, Zhu, Heping, Choi, Daeun, Heinemann, Paul, Zhu, Heping, 2022
On-tree apple fruit size estimation using stereo vision with deep learning-based occlusion handling
Biosystems Engineering, Mirbod, Omeed, Choi, Daeun, He, L, Heinemann, Paul, Heinemann, Paul, He, Long, Marini, Richard P., Marini, Richard, 2022
Harvest-assist platforms for apple growers
Penn State Extension, He, Long, Weber, Daniel, 2022
Spray based on canopy density can reduce chemical usage and drift
Penn State Exension, He, Long, Peter, Kari, Weber, Daniel, 2022
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle based Tree Canopy Characteristics Measurement for Precision Spray Applications, Mahmud, Md Sultan, He, Long, 2022
An Advanced Cartesian Robotic System for Precision Apple Crop Load Management, Mu, Xinyang, He, Long, 2022
LiDAR-sensed tree canopy correction in uneven terrain conditions using a sensor fusion approach for precision sprayers
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Sultan Mahmud, Md, Zahid, Azlan, He, Long, Choi, Daeun, Krawczyk, Grzegorz, Zhu, Heping, 2021
Technological advancements towards developing a robotic pruner for apple trees: A review
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Zahid, Azlan, Mahmud, Md Sultan, He, Long, Heinemann, Paul, Choi, Daeun, Schupp, James, 2021
Introduction of automatic irrigation systems for tree fruit orchards, He, Long, 2021
Unmanned aerial vehicle-based crop scouting in fruit trees, He, Long, Shannon, Tyler, Mahmud, Md Sultan, 2021
Overcurrent-driven LEDs for consistent image colour and brightness in agricultural machine vision applications
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Mirbod, Omeed, Choi, Daeun, Thomas, Roderick, He, Long, 2021
Development of a machine vision active lighting source using overcurrent-driven LEDs for constant colour and brightness in agricultural field images
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Mirbod, Omeed, Choi, Daeun, Thomas, Roderick, He, Long, 2021
Picking dynamic analysis for robotic harvesting of Agaricus bisporus mushrooms
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Huang, Mingsen, He, Long, Choi, Daeun, Pecchia, John, Li, Yaoming, 2021
Opportunities and possibilities of developing an advanced precision spraying system for tree fruits
Sensors, Mahmud, Md Sultan, Zahid, Azlan, He, Long, Martin, Phillip, 2021
Investigation of effective irrigation strategies for high-density apple orchards in pennsylvania
Agronomy, Jiang, Xiaohu, He, Long, 2021
Development of a LiDAR-guided section-based tree canopy density measurement system for precision spray applications
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Sultan Mahmud, Md, Zahid, Azlan, He, Long, Choi, Daeun, Krawczyk, Grzegorz, Zhu, Heping, Heinemann, Paul, 2021
Development of a robotic harvesting mechanism for button mushrooms
Transactions of the ASABE, Huang, Mingsen, Jiang, Xiaohu, He, Long, Choi, Daeun, Pecchia, John, Li, Yaoming, 2021
Internet of things (IoT)-based precision irrigation with LoRAWAN technology applied to vegetable production
ASABE, Zhang, Haozhe, He, L, Di Gioia, Francesco, Choi, Daeun Dana, Heinemann, Paul Heinz, 2021
Investigation of computer vision system and robotic picking mechanism for mushroom harvesting.
Mushroom News, He, L, Choi, D, Pecchia, John, 2021
Investigation of branch accessibility with a robotic pruner for pruning apple trees
Transactions of the ASABE, Zahid, Azlan, He, Long, Choi, Daeun, Schupp, James, Heinemann, Paul, 2021
In-field apple size and location tracking using machine vision to assist fruit thinning and harvest decision-making, Mirbod, Omeed, Choi, Daeun, He, L, Heinemann, Paul, He, Long, Heinemann, P, Marini, R, Schupp, James, 2021
Correction of LiDAR-sensed tree canopy in uneven terrain conditions using a sensor fusion approach for precision sprayers
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Mahmud, Md Sultan, Zahid, Azlan, He, Long, Choi, Daeun, Krawczyk, Grzegorz, Zhu, Heping, 2021
Evaluation of Branch Cutting Torque Requirements Intended for Robotic Apple Tree Pruning, Zahid, Azlan, Mahmud, Md Sultan, He, Long, 2021
Mask R-CNN based king flowers identification for precise apple pollination
Smart Agricultural Technology, Mu, Xinyang, He, Long, Heinemann, Paul, Schupp, James, Karkee, Manoj, 2021
Development of an integrated 3R end-effector with a cartesian manipulator for pruning apple trees
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Zahid, Azlan, Mahmud, Md, He, Long, Choi, Daeun, Schupp, James, Heinemann, Paul, Heinemann, Paul, Schupp, James, 2020
Semantic segmentation of sparse 3D point cloud based on geometrical features for trellis-structured apple orchard
Biosystems Engineering, Zeng, Lihua, Feng, Juan, He, Long, 2020
Determination of key canopy parameters for mass mechanical apple harvesting using supervised machine learning and principal component analysis (PCA)
Biosystems Engineering, Zhang, Xin, He, Long, Zhang, Jing, Whiting, Matthew D., Karkee, Manoj, Zhang, Qin, 2020
Development of a robotic end-effector for apple tree pruning
Transactions of the ASABE, Zahid, Azlan, He, L., Zeng, Lihua, Choi, D., Schupp, J., Heinemann, P., 2020
Bruise patterns of fresh market apples caused by fruit-to-fruit impact
Agronomy, Fu, Han, Karkee, Manoj, He, Long, Duan, Jieli, Li, Jun, Zhang, Qin, 2020
Field evaluation of targeted shake-and-catch harvesting technologies for fresh market apple
Transactions of the ASABE, Zhang, Xin, He, Long, Karkee, Manoj, Whiting, Matthew David, Zhang, Qin, 2020
Drip irrigation and sensor-based precision irrigation, He, Long, 2020
Measuring tree canopy density using a lidar-guided system for precision spraying, Mahmud, Md Sultan, He, Long, 2020
Investigation of soil wetting pattern in drip irrigation using LoraWAN technology, Jiang, Xiaohu, He, Long, Tong, Jin, 2020
Internet of Things (IoT)-based precision irrigation with LoRaWAN technology applied to high tunnel vegetable production
ASABE Annual International Meeting, Zhang, Haozhe, He, Long, Di Gioia, Francesco, Choi, Daeun Dana, Heinemann, Paul, 2020
Collision free path planning of a robotic manipulator for pruning apple trees, Zahid, Azlan, He, Long, Choi, Daeun Dana, Schupp, James, Heinemann, Paul, 2020
Hand-picking dynamic analysis for robotic agaricus mushroom harvesting, Huang, Mingsen, Jiang, Xiaohu, He, Long, Choi, Daeun, Pecchia, John, 2020
Monitoring soil moisture level for precision irrigation in apple orchards, He, Long, Weber, Daniel, 2019
Specialty crop innovations: intelligent spraying systems, He, Long, Weber, Daniel, 2019
Apple fruit recognition algorithm based on multi-spectral dynamic image analysis
Sensors, Feng, Juan, Zeng, Lihua, He, Long, 2019
Effect of shaking location and duration on mechanical harvesting of fresh market apples
Applied Engineering in Agriculture, He, Long, Zhang, Xin, Ye, Yunxiang, Karkee, Manoj, Zhang, Qin, 2019
Development of a robotic end effector for apple tree pruning, Zahid, Azlan, He, Long, Zeng, Lihua, 2019
Investigation of sensor-based irrigation systems for apple orchards, He, Long, Zeng, Lihua, Choi, Daeun, 2019
Semantic segmentation of sparse 3D point cloud based on geometrical features for trellis structured apple orchard, Zeng, Lihua, Feng, Juan, He, Long, 2019
Development of a robotic end effector for apple tree pruning, Zahid, Azlan, He, Long, Zeng, Lihua, 2019
Effect of Shaking Amplitude and Capturing Height on Mechanical Harvesting of Fresh Market Apples
IFAC-PapersOnLine, Fu, Han, Duan, Jieli, Karkee, Manoj, He, Long, Xia, Hongmei, Li, Jun, Zhang, Qin, 2019
Drip irrigation for tree fruit orchards in Pennsylvania, He, Long, 2019
Development of a mushroom harvesting assistance system using computer vision, Lee, Cheng, Choi, Daeun, Pecchia, John, He, Long, Heinemann, Paul, 2019
Branch detection for apple trees trained in fruiting wall architecture using depth features and Regions-Convolutional Neural Network (R-CNN)
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Zhang, Jing, He, Long, Karkee, Manoj, Zhang, Qin, Zhang, Xin, Gao, Zongmei, 2018
Introduction of an intelligent spray system to PA growers
Fruit Times, He, Long, Weber, Daniel, 2018
Orchard manoeuvring strategy for a robotic bin-handling machine
Biosystems Engineering, Ye, Yunxiang, He, Long, Wang, Zhaodong, Jones, Dylan, Hollinger, Geoffrey A., Taylor, Matthew E., Zhang, Qin, 2018
Orchard automation - Engineering opportunities for fruit growers, He, Long, Baugher, Tara, 2018
Priorities for Penn State Fruit Research and Extension Center Engineering Investigations, He, Long, Baugher, Tara, 2018
Engineering opportunities for Pennsylvania tree fruit growers
PA Fruit News, He, Long, 2018
Signature of quantum Griffiths singularity state in a layered quasi-one-dimensional superconductor
Nature Communications, Zhang, E., Zhi, J., Zou, Y.-C., Ye, Z., Ai, L., Shi, J., Huang, C., Liu, S., Lin, Z., Zheng, X., Kang, N., Xu, H., Wang, W., He, L., Zou, J., Liu, J., Mao, Z., Xiu, F., 2018
A precision pruning strategy for improving efficiency of vibratory mechanical harvesting of apples
Transactions of the ASABE, Zhang, X., He, L., Majeed, Y., Whiting, M. D., Karkee, M., Zhang, Q., 2018
Fruit accessibility for mechanical harvesting of fresh market apples, He, Long, Zhang, Xin, Karkee, Manoj, Zhang, Qin, 2018
Tree canopy estimation for mechanical pruning based on 3D Lidar, Feng, Juan, He, Long, 2018
Evaluation of a Leveling System for a Weeding Robot under Field Condition
6th IFAC Conference on Bio-Robotics BIOROBOTICS 2018: Beijing, China, 13-15 July 2018, Chen, Lin, Karkee, Manoj, He, Long, Wei, Yunlong, Zhang, Qin, 2018
Field Evaluation of Data-based Pruning Severity Levels (PSL) on Mechanical Harvesting of Apples
6th IFAC Conference on Bio-Robotics BIOROBOTICS 2018: Beijing, China, 13-15 July 2018, Zhang, Xin, Fu, Longsheng, Majeed, Yaqoob, He, Long, Karkee, Manoj, Whiting, Matthew D., Zhang, Qin, 2018
Quantifying fruit quality affected by mechanical impact for selected apple varieties
6th IFAC Conference on Bio-Robotics BIOROBOTICS 2018: Beijing, China, 13-15 July 2018, Fu, Han, Duan, Jieli, Karkee, Manoj, He, Long, Chen, Du, Sun, Daozong, Zhang, Qin, 2018
Sensing and automation in pruning of apple trees: A review
Agronomy, He, Long, Schupp, James, 2018
Bin-dog: A robotic platform for bin management in orchards
Robotics, Ye, Yunxiang, Wang, Zhaodong, Jones, Dylan, He, Long, Taylor, Matthew E., Hollinger, Geoffrey A., Zhang, Qin, 2017
Effect of fruit location on apple detachment with mechanical shaking
Biosystems Engineering, He, Long, Fu, Han, Karkee, Manoj, Zhang, Qin, 2017
Evaluation of a localized shake-and-catch harvesting system for fresh market apples
Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, He, Long, Fu, Han, Xia, Hongmei, Manoj, Karkee, Zhang, Qin, Whiting, Matthew, 2017
Shake-And-catch harvesting for fresh market apples in trellis-Trained trees
Transactions of the ASABE, He, L., Fu, H., Sun, D., Karkee, M., Zhang, Q., 2017
'Jazz' apple impact bruise responses to different cushioning materials
Transactions of the ASABE, Fu, H., He, L., Ma, S., Karkee, M., Chen, D., Zhang, Q., Wang, S., 2017
A study of the influence of pruning strategy effect on vibrational harvesting of apples, Zhang, X., He, L., Majeed, Y., Karkee, M., Whiting, M. D., Zhang, Q., 2017
Branch detection with apple trees trained in fruiting wall architecture using stereo vision and Regions-Convolutional Neural Network(R-CNN), Zhang, Jing, He, Long, Karkee, Manoj, Zhang, Qin, Zhang, Xin, Gao, Zongmei, 2017
Field evaluation of a mechanical-assist cherry harvesting system
Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food, Zhou, Jianfeng, He, Long, Whiting, Matthew, Amatya, Suraj, Larbi, Peter A., Karkee, Manoj, Zhang, Qin, 2016
Orchard worker localisation relative to a vehicle using radio ranging and trilateration
Biosystems Engineering, Vougioukas, Stavros G., He, Long, Arikapudi, Rajkishan, 2016
Analysis of shaking-induced cherry fruit motion and damage
Biosystems Engineering, Zhou, Jianfeng, He, Long, Karkee, Manoj, Zhang, Qin, 2016
Effect of catching surface and tilt angle on bruise damage of sweet cherry due to mechanical impact
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Zhou, Jianfeng, He, Long, Karkee, Manoj, Zhang, Qin, 2016
A string twining robot for high trellis hop production
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, He, Long, Zhou, Jianfeng, Zhang, Qin, Charvet, Henry J., 2016
A string twining robot for high trellis hop production
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, He, Long, Zhou, Jianfeng, Zhang, Qin, Charvet, Henry, 2016
A robotic platform “Bin-Dog” for bin management in orchard environment, Ye, Yunxiang, He, Long, Zhang, Qin, 2016
Impact bruise responses for “Jazz” apple on different materials of catch surface, Fu, Han, He, Long, Ma, Shaochun, Karkee, Manoj, Chen, Du, Zhang, Qin, Wang, Shumao, 2016
Steering Control Strategies for a Four-Wheel-Independent-Steering Bin Managing Robot
IFAC-PapersOnLine, Ye, Yunxiang, He, Long, Zhang, Qin, 2016
Effect of Fruit Location on Apple Detachment with Mechanical Shaking
IFAC-PapersOnLine, He, Long, Fu, Han, Karkee, Manoj, Zhang, Qin, 2016
Bruise Responses of Apple-to-Apple Impact
IFAC-PapersOnLine, Fu, Han, He, Long, Ma, Shaochun, Karkee, Manoj, Chen, Du, Zhang, Qin, Wang, Shumao, 2016
Design and Evaluation of a Levelling System for a Weeding Robot
IFAC-PapersOnLine, Chen, Lin, Kaewkorn, Supod, He, Long, Zhang, Qin, Karkee, Manoj, 2016
A Shake and Catch Harvesting System for 'Jazz' Apples Trained in Vertical Fruiting Wall Architecture, He, Long, Fu, Han, Sun, Daozong, Karkee, Manoj, Zhang, Qin, 2016
Impact bruise responses for "Jazz™ apple on different materials of catch surface, Fu, Han, He, Long, Ma, Shaochun, Karkee, Manoj, Chen, Du, Zhang, Qin, Wang, Shumao, 2016
A robotic platform "bin-dog" for bin management in orchard environment, Ye, Yunxiang, He, Long, Zhang, Qin, 2016
The energy saving factor research of secondary regulation system of cement coating machine
ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications, Kong, Xiangdong, Luo, Hongliang, Ai, Chao, He, Long, Dong, Yanwu, 2015
Evaluation of multipass mechanical harvesting on ‘skeena’ sweet cherries trained to Y-trellis
Hortscience: A Publication of the American Society for Hortcultural Science, He, Long, Zhou, Jianfeng, Zhang, Qin, Karkee, Manoj, 2015