Jude Liu, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
- Machinery and Biomass Logistics
- Program contact for Agricultural Systems Management Minor; Off-Road Equipment Minor
Agricultural Engineering Building, Rm. 218
University Park, PA 16802
- Email jliu@psu.edu
- Office 814-863-6844
Areas of Expertise
- Agricultural Machinery
- Machine design and test
- Biomass harvesting, handling and logistics
- Biomass in-field processing and densification
- Hydraulics and Pneumatic system design and test
- Ph.D. in Biosystems Engineering, University of Manitoba, Canada
- B.S., M.S., Ph.D. in Automotive Engineering, Jilin University, China
- ASM 310 - Power Transmission in Agriculture
- B E 461 - Design of Fluid Power Systems
- B E 306 - Machines for Agricultural and Biological Processing
- ASM 420 - Principles of Off-Road Machines
- ABE 885 - Biomass Harvesting and Logistics
For information about courses please visit the LionPATH Course Catalog.
Research Interests
Machine Systems for Biomass and Specialty Crops
Machine Systems for Biomass Harvesting and Processing
Dr. Liu's research in this area focuses on (1) testing mechanical properties of dedicated energy crops; (2) studying field efficiency and capacity of different machine systems for biomass feedstocks harvesting and processing; and (3) modeling biomass feedstocks logistics systems.
Machinery for Specialty Crop Production
The cultivation and harvest of specialty crops for the fresh fruit market are labor intensive. Dr. Liu's research activities in this area include innovative technologies and equipment development for: (1) mechanical fruit thinning; and (2) mechanical harvest-assist systems of specialty crops.
Off-Road Equipment
Agricultural production related off-road equipment is another area of interest. Dr. Liu's interested topics include: soil compaction and relevant environmental issues, tillage and soil and water conservation, power performance, tractive efficiency and fuel consumption of off-road power units.
Membership And Certification In Professional Societies
- Professional Engineer, Registered in Saskatchewan, Canada
- Certification in Higher Education Teaching, University of Manitoba, Canada
- Member, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (since 2000)
- Member, SAE International
- Member, International Fluid Power Society
ASABE Conference Papers by Searching Author Jude Liu
Dynamic Cutting Properties of Miscanthus (giganteus) Stems Using an Impact Tester
AgriEngineering, Toleu, Zhankozy, Liu, Jude, 2024
Harvesting technologies and costs for switchgrass production
Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, Toth, Hana, Liu, Jude, 2024
Journal of the ASABE, Hofstetter, Daniel W., Liu, Jude, 2024
Case Study: Modeling a Grain Bin for Safe Entry Retrofit †
Safety, Dyer, Michael, Gorucu, Serap, Bock, Randall, Thomas, Roderick, Liu, Jude, Fetzer, Linda, 2023
The Effect of Mechanical Conditioning on Physical Conditions of Miscanthus Plants
American Journal of Plant Science, Redcay, Sebastian, Liu, Jude, 2023
Applied Engineering in Agriculture, Chahal, Azadwinder, Ciolkosz, Daniel E., Puri, Virendra, Liu, Jude, Jacobson, Michael Gregory, 2023
Modeling and Dynamics Analysis on Pseudo-Rigid-Body for the Swing Vibrator of the Caudal-Fin-Like Valve-Less Pump
International Journal of Acoustics and Vibrations, Hu, Xiaoqi, Hu, Caiqi, Du, Hui, Liu, Jude, 2022
Mechanical characteristics of wood-bark interface of shrub willow
Industrial Crops and Products, Chahal, Azadwinder, Ciolkosz, Daniel, Puri, V, Jacobson, Michael, Liu, Jude, 2021
Lab scale studies of miscanthus mechanical conditioning and bale compression
Biosystems Engineering, Fasick, Gregory T., Liu, Jude, 2020
Factors affecting wood-bark adhesion for debarking of shrub willow
Biosystems Engineering, Chahal, Azadwinder, Ciolkosz, Daniel, Virendra, p, Puri, V, Liu, Jude, Jacobson, Michael, 2020
Dimensional reduction and ionic gating induced enhancement of superconductivity in atomically thin crystals of 2H-TaSe 2
Nanotechnology, Wu, Y., He, J., Liu, J., Xing, H., Mao, Z., Liu, Y., 2019
Distinct Signatures of Electron-Phonon Coupling Observed in the Lattice Thermal Conductivity of NbSe 3 Nanowires
Nano Letters, Yang, L., Tao, Y., Liu, J., Liu, C., Zhang, Q., Akter, M., Zhao, Y., Xu, T.T., Xu, Y., Mao, Z., Chen, Y., Li, D., 2019
Angle-dependent magnetoresistance as a sensitive probe of the charge density wave in quasi-one-dimensional semimetal Ta 2 NiSe 7
Applied Physics Letters, He, J., Wen, L., Wu, Y., Liu, J., Tang, G., Yang, Y., Xing, H., Mao, Z., Sun, H., Liu, Y., 2018
Effects of combined pretreatment with rod-milled and torrefaction on physicochemical and fuel characteristics of wheat straw
Agricultural Wastes, Bai, Xiaopeng, Wang, Guanghui, Sun, Yue, Yu, Yan, Liu, Jude, Wang, Decheng, Wang, Zhiqin, 2018
Combined different dehydration pretreatments and torrefaction to upgrade fuel properties of hybrid pennisetum (Pennisetum americanum ×P. purpureum)
Agricultural Wastes, Yu, Yan, Wang, Guanghui, Bai, Xiaopeng, Liu, Jude, Wang, Decheng, Wang, Zhiqin, 2018
Effects of roll and flail conditioning systems on mowing and baling of Miscanthus × giganteus feedstock
Biosystems Engineering, Redcay, Sebastian, Koirala, Anil, Liu, Jude, 2018
A Triplet Resonance in Superconducting Fe1.03Se0.4Te0.6
Chinese Physics Letters, Liu, J., Savici, A.T., Granroth, G.E., Habicht, K., Qiu, Y., Hu, J., Mao, Z.Q., Bao, W., 2018
Signature of quantum Griffiths singularity state in a layered quasi-one-dimensional superconductor
Nature Communications, Zhang, E., Zhi, J., Zou, Y.-C., Ye, Z., Ai, L., Shi, J., Huang, C., Liu, S., Lin, Z., Zheng, X., Kang, N., Xu, H., Wang, W., He, L., Zou, J., Liu, J., Mao, Z., Xiu, F., 2018
Electron mass enhancement and magnetic phase separation near the Mott transition in double-layer ruthenates
Frontiers of Physics, Peng, J., Gu, X.M., Zhou, G.T., Wang, W., Liu, J.Y., Wang, Y., Mao, Z.Q., Wu, X.S., Dong, S., 2018
Using coherent phonons for ultrafast control of the Dirac node of SrMnSb2
Physical Review B-Condensed Matter, Weber, C.P., Masten, M.G., Ogloza, T.C., Berggren, B.S., Man, M.K.L., Dani, K.M., Liu, J., Mao, Z., Klug, D.D., Adeleke, A.A., Yao, Y., 2018
Energy Consumption of Herbaceous Biomass Bulk Densification
Innovative Energy & Research, Wang, Tianyi, Liu, Jude, 2017
The development of mechanical apple harvesting technology: A review
Transactions of the ASABE, Zhang, Zhao, Heinemann, Paul, Liu, Jude, Schupp, James, Baugher, Tara, 2016
Dynamics Analysis on Piezoelectric Laminated Vibrator and Optimization of PZT Position
Shock and Vibration, Hu, Caiqi, Hu, Xiaoqi, Ji, Jing, Liu, Jude, Li, Shengduo, 2016
Straight vegetable oil as a replacement fuel for diesel: Comparing tractor performance in stationary and field tests
Transactions of the ASABE, Julius, C., Heinemann, P. H., Schaufler, D. H., Roth, G. W., Liu, J., Boehman, A. L., 2016
Design and field test of a low-cost apple harvest-assist unit
Transactions of the ASABE, Zhang, Z., Heinemann, P. H., Liu, J., Schupp, J. R., Baugher, T. A., 2016
Analysis of flow field and pumping performance for a valveless piezoelectric pump with a hemisphere-segment group
Strojniski Vestnik/Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Hu, Caiqi, Ji, Jing, Hu, Xiaoqi, Liu, Jude, Li, Shengduo, 2015
Development of a selective automated blossom thinning system for peaches
Transactions of the ASABE, Lyons, D. J., Heinemann, P. H., Schupp, J. R., Baugher, T. A., Liu, J., 2015
Development of a Selective Automated Blossom Thinning System for Peaches
Transactions of the ASABE., Liu, Jude, Lyons, David, Heinemann, P, Schupp, J, Baugher, T, 2015