Hojae Yi, Ph.D.
- Assistant Research Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
- ABE Graduate Program Coordinator
Agricultural Engineering Building, Rm. 228
University Park, PA 16802
- Email huy1@psu.edu
- Office 814-865-2807
Areas of Expertise
- Engineering Mechanics of Materials; Characterization of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Agricultural and Biological Materials
- Powder Mechanics; Storage, Conveying, Mixing, Size Reduction, Flow, Segregation, and Compaction of Particulate Materials
- Mathematical/numerical modeling, simulation, and analysis of mechanical behavior of particulate materials and biological materials
- Applying mechanical engineering theories to the problems involving biological and particulate materials including renewable energy and consumer products
- 1998-2003 Ph. D. in Agricultural Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, S. Korea
- 1996-1997 M.S. in Engineering. Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, Seoul National University. Suwon, S. Korea
- 1992-1995 B.A. in Agricultural Engineering, Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, Seoul National University, Suwon, S. Korea
Professional Experience
- October 2018 - Current
Assistant Research Professor
Dept. of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, U.S.A - 2011 – 2018
Research Associate
Dept. of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, U.S.A - February 2006 – 2010
Post Doctorate Scholar
Dept. of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, U.S.A. - August 2003 – January 2006
Guest Researcher
Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea - December 2001 – October 2003
Assistant of the Computing Center
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea - September 2000 – August 2001
Visiting Scholar
Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, U.S.A.
Optimization of Cosolvent Enhanced Lignocellulosic Fractionation for Isolating Lignin with Distinct Structural Features from Switchgrass Using Response Surface Methodology
ACS Sustainable Resource Management, Godwin`, James, Godwin, James, Yi, Hojae, Seabright, Kendhl, Harper, David, Chmely, Stephen, 2024
Finite element modeling of biomass hopper flow
Frontiers in Energy Research, Yi, Hojae, Lanning, Christopher J., Dooley, James H., Puri, Virendra, 2023
Bottom-up multiscale modelling of guard cell walls reveals molecular mechanisms of stomatal biomechanics
In Silico Plants, Yi, Hojae, Anderson, Charles T., 2023
Turgor pressure change in stomatal guard cells arises from interactions between water influx and mechanical responses of their cell walls
Quantitative Plant Biology, Yi, Hojae, Chen, Yintong, Anderson, Charles T., 2022
Critical Review of the Characterization of Environmental and Mechanical Properties of Hemp Hurd and Hempcrete, Yi, Hojae, Griffin, Corey, Memari, Ali, 2022
Determination of fundamental mechanical properties of biomass using the cubical triaxial tester to model biomass flow
Biofuels, Yi, Hojae, J. Lanning, Christopher, Slosson, James C., Wamsley, Matt J., Puri, Virendra, Dooley, James H., 2022
Effects of moisture on the fundamental mechanical properties in the prediction of the flowability of biomass, Yi, Hojae, Lanning, Christopher, Wamsley, Matthew, Puri, V, Dooley, James, 2020
Finite Element Modeling of Biomass Hopper Flow, Yi, Hojae, Puri, V, Lanning, Christopher, Dooley, James, 2020
Thermal properties of ‘Gala’ apples during growing season for predicting harvest time
Transactions of the ASABE, Caliskan-Aydogan, Oznur, Puri, V, Yi, H., Schupp, J. R., Yi, Hojae, Schupp, J, Heinemann, P. H., Choi, Daeun, Heinemann, P, Puri, V. M., 2020
Design of a biomass scale cubical triaxial tester, Lanning, Christopher J., Yi, Hojae, Dooley, James H., Puri, Virendra, Whitt, Jordan M., 2020
Overview of DOE flowability measurement and modeling project at forest concepts and Penn State University, Dooley, James H., Lanning, Christopher J., Yi, Hojae, Puri, Virendra, 2020
Finite element modeling of biomass hopper flow, Yi, Hojae, Puri, Virendra M., Lanning, Christopher J., Dooley, James H., 2020
Effects of moisture on the fundamental mechanical properties of the biomass flow models, Yi, Hojae, Lanning, Christopher J., Wamsley, M., Puri, Virendra M., Dooley, James H., 2020
Determination of fundamental mechanical properties of biomass using the cubical triaxial tester to model biomass flow, Yi, Hojae, Puri, Virendra M., Lanning, Christopher J., Dooley, James H., 2020
MicroCT imaging to determine coordination number and contact area of biomass particles in densified assemblies
Powder Technology, Karamchandani, Apoorva, Yi, Hojae, Puri, Virendra M., 2019
The stomatal flexoskeleton: How the biomechanics of guard cell walls animate an elastic pressure vessel
Journal of Experimental Botany, Yi, Hojae, Chen, Yintong, Wang, James Z., Puri, V, Anderson, Charles T., 2019
Synergistic pectin degradation and guard cell pressurization underlie stomatal pore formation
Plant Physiology, Rui, Yue, Chen, Yintong, Yi, Hojae, Purzycki, Taylor, Puri, Virendra M., Anderson, Charles T., 2019
Micromechanical characterization of particle-particle bond in biomass assemblies formed at different applied pressure and temperature
KONA Powder and Particle Journal, Karamchandani, Apoorva, Yi, Hojae, Puri, Virendra M., 2019
Computational modeling of continuum scale constitutive equations to improve biomass feedstock material handling and conveying systems, Yi, Hojae, Puri, Virendra M., Lanning, Christopher J., Dooley, James H., 2019
Comparison of mechanical properties of ground corn stover, switchgrass, and willow and their pellet qualities
Particulate Science and Technology, Karamchandani, Apoorva, Yi, Hojae, Puri, Virendra M., 2018
Evaluation of dry steam preconditioning on switchgrass pellet quality metrics
Applied Engineering in Agriculture, Covelli, C. R., Yi, H., Karamchandani, A., Ciolkosz, D., Puri, V. M., 2018
Mechanical effects of cellulose, xyloglucan, and pectins on stomatal guard cells of arabidopsis thaliana
Frontiers in Plant Science, Yi, Hojae, Rui, Yue, Kandemir, Baris, Wang, James Z., Anderson, Charles T., Puri, Virendra M., 2018
Balancing strength and flexibility: how the synthesis, organization, and modification of guard cell walls govern stomatal development and dynamics
Frontiers in Plant Science, Rui, Yue, Chen, Yintong, Kandemir, Baris, Yi, Hojae, Wang, James Z., Puri, Virendra, Anderson, Charles, 2018
Computational modeling of continuum scale constitutive equations to improve biomass feedstock material handling and conveying systems, Yi, Hojae, Puri, V, Lanning, Christopher, Dooley, James, 2018
Critical review on engineering mechanical quality of green compacts using powder properties
KONA Powder and Particle Journal, Yi, Hojae, Pandeya, Anuranjan, Karamchandani, Apoorva, Puri, Virendra, 2018
POLYGALACTURONASE INVOLVED IN EXPANSION3 functions in seedling development, rosette growth, and stomatal dynamics in Arabidopsis thaliana
Plant Cell, Rui, Yue, Xiao, Chaowen, Yi, Hojae, Kandemir, Baris, Wang, James Z., Puri, Virendra M., Anderson, Charles T., 2017
A multiscale FEA framework for bridging cell-wall to tissue-scale mechanical properties: the contributions of middle lamella interface and cell shape
Journal of Materials Science, Shafayet Zamil, M., Yi, Hojae, Puri, Virendra M., 2017
Activation tagging of Arabidopsis POLYGALACTURONASE INVOLVED IN EXPANSION2 promotes hypocotyl elongation, leaf expansion, stem lignification, mechanical stiffening, and lodging
Plant Journal, Xiao, Chaowen, Barnes, William J., Zamil, M. Shafayet, Yi, Hojae, Puri, Virendra M., Anderson, Charles T., 2017
Single particle mechanical characterization of ground switchgrass in air dry and wet states using a microextensometer
Powder Technology, Karamchandani, Apoorva, Yi, Hojae, Puri, Virendra M., 2016
Comparison and explanation of predictive capability of pellet quality metrics based on fundamental mechanical properties of ground willow and switchgrass
Advanced Powder Technology, Karamchandani, Apoorva, Yi, Hojae, Puri, Virendra M., 2016
Integrating cell biology, image analysis, and computational mechanical modeling to analyze the contributions of cellulose and xyloglucan to stomatal function
Plant Signaling and Behavior, Rui, Yue, Yi, Hojae, Kandemir, Baris, Wang, James Z., Puri, Virendra M., Anderson, Charles T., 2016
The mechanical properties of plant cell walls soft material at the subcellular scale: the implications of water and of the intercellular boundaries
Journal of Materials Science, Zamil, M. Shafayet, Yi, Hojae, Puri, Virendra M., 2015
Fundamental mechanical properties of ground switchgrass for quality assessment of pellets
Powder Technology, Karamchandani, Apoorva, Yi, Hojae, Puri, Virendra M., 2015
Examination of biological hotspot hypothesis of primary cell wall using a computational cell wall network model
Cellulose, Nili, Abdolmadjid, Yi, Hojae, Crespi, Vincent Henry, Puri, Virendra, 2015
Farm-Scale biomass pelletizer performance for switchgrass pellet production
Applied Engineering in Agriculture, Ciolkosz, Daniel Edward, Hilton, R., Swackhamer, C., Yi, Hojae, Puri, Virendra, Swomley, D., Roth, Gregory Wayne, 2015
Multiscale stress–strain characterization of onion outer epidermal tissue in wet and dry states
American Journal of Botany, Kim, Keekyoung, Yi, Hojae, Shafayet Zamil, M., Amanul Haque, M., Puri, Virendra M., 2015