Posted: March 1, 2021

Penn State Master Gardeners partner with Penn State Pesticide Education Program to deliver the Poison Prevention Program to 1st graders across the commonwealth.

Pennsylvania 1st grade students learn 3 lesson topics including Pests, Integrated Pest Management and Poison Safety using Mr. YUK. The lesson meets first grade State Standards in Healthful Living (Standard 10.2: Health and the Environment; E) as well as Environment and Ecology-Humans and the Environment (Standard 4.5: Integrated Pest Management; B). Delivery of the 30 minute lesson takes place during the spring months each year to align with National Poison Prevention Month in March.

Did you know?

  • Poisoning is one of the leading causes of injury death in the US.
  • In 2016 children under 6 years of age accounted for 46% of all human exposures called into Poison Control Centers.
  • 93% of human exposure happen at a residence.

In 2019, 26 Master Gardener County Programs participated in teaching 13,691 youth! The program will be delivered virtually or in person in 2022 with 37 counties participating reaching over 10,000 youth!

For more information, contact your County Master Gardener Coordinator