Publications available for PA 4-H leaders and members only on request

Poultry Educational Resources linked to the PSU Poultry Extension Program site are excellent resources to help support the 4-H poultry program as well. Please check the extension poultry web page for more info.

National Avian Bowl Manual is the reference manual for the Avian Bowl contest. One (1) manual can be obtained for the coach of each team. Additional copies are available from Clemson University Bulletin Room, Room 82, Poole Agricultural Bldg., Clemson, SC 29634. $15.00 per copy.

National Poultry Judging Manual, teaches everything you need to know about 4-H Poultry Judging Contests. The manual covers judging of production hens and oral reasons. Grading eggs and ready-to-cook carcasses and teaches ready-to-cook broiler parts identification. This manual is now only available on the internet. You are able to print PDF versions if you wish.