The Pennsylvania 4-H horse program promotes knowledge of horsemanship and responsible, ethical equine use, care, and management. Youth who participate in 4-H horse programs develop skills that include leadership, responsibility, sportsmanship, teamwork, community service, a positive attitude, and a sense of self-worth.
Spurring on learning.
Kids in 4-H who work with animals understand them so much better when they learn about what to feed them, how to safely train them and how to enhance the animal’s environment. That's why it's called animal science! The Pennsylvania 4-H Horse Program promotes knowledge of horsemanship and ethical equine use, care, and management. Caring for an animal is a big deal, members participating in a 4-H horse animal science project will learn to be responsible, keep good records and engage in hands-on education. There's nothing like working with a horse to help young people feel connected and boost confidence.
Learn about:
- Safety practices around horses
- Animal Care and Ownership
- Animal Health and Management
- Animal Housing and Facilities
- Animal and Environment Relationships
- Horsemanship
- Basic Equine Science knowledge
- Career Exploration
Participant outcomes:
- Compassion
- Empathy
- Responsibility
- Self-Worth
- Leadership
- Communication
- Problem solving and critical thinking
- Sportsmanship
Youth interested in horses can explore careers like:
- Veterinary Science
- Equine Communications
- Farrier
- Professional Horseman
- Equine Nutritionist
- Feed Sales
- Apparel
- Equine Sales
- Event Management
- Equine Research
- Performance/Horsemanship (Level 1, Levels 2-5)
- Youth select and care for a horse or pony and keep a record of all activities with their horse at each level.
- Junior Horse
- Youth in junior horse projects raise and handle young horses from yearling to five years of age.
- Records are kept for each animal enrolled in the project.
- Competitive Trail Riding
- Youth learn to select and condition a horse for competitive trail riding.
- Youth maintain records on project horses and record trail riding experiences.
- Horseless
- This project is for youth who do not own horses but want to learn more about them.
- There are many opportunities for horseless members such as the safety and horsemanship skills programs, horse judging, hippology, horse bowl, skill-a-thon and communications contests, photography, model horse, ground roping, and much more!
- Model Horse
*Not all projects may be offered in every county, contact your County Educator for more information.
Cloverbud Horse Opportunities:
Youth between 5 and 7 can participate in our 4-H Cloverbud program! This non-competitive program introduces young children to the world of horses while focusing on safety.
Explore more programs and events
Pennsylvania 4-H horse programs promote knowledge of horsemanship and responsible, ethical equine use, care and management.

Horse projects for Pennsylvania 4-H youth are offered in four areas of interest, including a project for youth who do not own horse. We also offer two programs: Horsemanship Skills and Safety

A $500.00 scholarship will be awarded to the winner, along with a handmade tack trunk. The winner and finalists will be announced in the fall. Finalists will be awarded a handmade grooming box.
Pennsylvania State 4-H Office
- Email
- Office 814-863-3824
Pennsylvania State 4-H Office
- Email
- Office 814-863-3824