These projects also support many of the contest offered in the poultry project area.
This video demonstrates how all 4-H members and leaders should handle chickens for the safety of the birds and handlers. It demonstrates the proper methods to secure a chicken from a cage and hold them properly while examining the birds. It also shows how to hand a bird to others and change hands while holding the bird in a safe and effective manner.
Available through extension distribution for 4-H Members
available only online for 4-H members
A0930C Leader's Help Guide is available through extension distribution or on-line.
Awarded annually at Youth Poultry 101. Nominations usually due in April 5th and awarded each year at Youth Poultry 101.
Poultry showmanship is a contest where the youth will be given an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of poultry as well as his/her ability to carry, examine and position their bird in the cage for a judge. It is intended to judge the youth for their knowledge and ability to care for their bird. Resources to develop this locally follows.
Publications available for PA 4-H leaders and members only on request
fact sheets to help 4-Her's and their leaders
Some very helpful information about the chicken, the egg and the modern poultry industry.
Pennsylvania State 4-H Office
- Email
- Office 814-863-3824
Pennsylvania State 4-H Office
- Email
- Office 814-863-3824