Specific information about the classes used in the state contest.

Each class is worth 100 points.

Class A, B, and BR - You will judge eight (8) hens for their past production qualities (4 hens in Class A and 4 in Class B). The birds which show the best production qualities should be placed first, worst last. This is comparison judging.

Birds in this class must be handled.

Contestants will give oral reasons on class B. No notes are allowed while giving reasons. Twenty (20) points will be deducted if notes are used. If contestants are not properly prepared or give inadequate reasons, they will be scored accordingly.

Class C - will be composed of ten (10) Ready-to-Cook Broilers. All carcasses will be judged according to the National 4-H Contest quality standards and graded A, B, C or No Grade.

Carcasses are not to be handled. Each class will be worth 100 points. In scoring the class, three (3) points will be deducted for each grade separation line crossed between A-B and B-C. Four (4) points will be deducted for crossing the C-No grade line. Ten (10) points will be deducted if the contestant fails to enter a grade or if more than one grade is entered.

Class D - will be composed of ten (10) Ready-to-Cook Broilers Parts. All parts will be judged according to the National 4-H Contest quality standards and graded A, B, C or No Grade.

Carcass Parts are not to be handled. Each class will be worth 100 points. Ten (10) points will be deducted if the contestant fails to enter a grade or if more than one grade is entered.

Class E - Will consist of ten (10) mixed poultry parts. Each contestant is to identify the parts by name. The parts cannot be handled. Ten (10) points will be deducted for each incorrect answer.

Class F - Will Consist of ten (10) further-processed poultry products, each product is worth ten (10) points. There are five possible factors and each factor is worth two (2) points. For each factor, the contestants are to indicate if it is present or not.

Class G - Will be composed of 20 white eggs to be judged for Interior Quality by candling them and grading them AA, A, B or Inedible. One (1) point will be deducted for each grade separation line crossed except when the line between B and inedible is crossed, then three (3) points will be deducted. Five (5) points will be deducted if a contestant fails to enter a grade or enters more than one grade for an egg.

Class H - Will be composed of 20 eggs (Any shell color can be used) for exterior quality. Each egg is worth five (5) points. There are four possible grades - A, B, Dirty, and Loss. In scoring the exterior egg quality class, two (2) points will be deducted when the A and B grade separation line is crossed. Two (2) points will be deducted when the line between "B" and "Dirty" is crossed. One (1) point will be deducted when the line between "Dirty" and "Loss" is crossed. Five (5) points will be deducted if a contestant fails to enter a grade for an egg or more than one grade is entered for the same egg.

Class I - Composed of ten (10) broken-out eggs to be judged for Interior Quality and graded AA, A, B or Inedible. Three (3) points will be deducted for each grade separation except when the line between B and Inedible is crossed, and then four (4) points will be deducted. Ten (10) points will be deducted if a contestant fails to enter a grade or enters multiple grades for an egg.

Total Possible Score - 1000 points