4-H Teens from Westmoreland County 4-H Clubs who serve as ambassadors and teen leaders in their clubs and at the county level. These are the youth leaders of the Westmoreland County 4-H Program.
What is Teen Leadership Council?
Its purpose is to help teen 4-H members develop leadership skills, while helping to build a strong county 4-H program that benefits all members and volunteers. Teen Council members meet regularly to plan and implement 4-H educational programs, participate in fun activities as well as service learning. Members help promote interest in the 4-H program and plan county wide activities and events.
Who can join?
Any enrolled 4-H member ages 13-18 in Westmoreland County.
Meetings are held at the Westmoreland County Extension Office on the 3rd Monday of the month. Contact leader for more information.
TLC members participate in different activities each year. They help to plan Achievement Night, they help to plan and run the county's Officer Training, and the Paper Clover Campaign with Tractor Supply Company in the spring and fall. The members also are responsible for disseminating information they have learned or developed back to the clubs.
How to Contact Us
If you are interested in joining TLC, contact MaryAnn Herd at maherd@comcast.net
Westmoreland County 4-H
214 Donohoe Road, Suite EDonohoe Center
Greensburg, PA 15601
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Please call ahead to ensure someone is available to assist you.
- Email WestmorelandExt@psu.edu
- Office 724-837-1402