Activities designed to teach children about nature, animals, art, music, food, and health.

Westmoreland County Clubs

Westmoreland County 4-H has a unique program offered to educate the youth of the surrounding area. We offer projects for youth for all ages from Cloverbuds (5 years of age) to 18 year olds from sewing to large animals! Explore your interests! 4-H Grows Here!

Project Areas

  • Animal Science
  • Civic Engagement and Leadership
  • Communications and Expressive Arts
  • Environmental Science and Shooting Sports
  • Healthy Living and Wellness
  • STEM

Start a new club

4-H is all about exploration! If you do not see a project or a club that looks like the right fit, you can start a new club.

4-H Clubs require:

  • At least 5 youth (from at least two families)
  • An adult club leader as point of contact with the 4-H Educator
  • A minimum of 2 screened adult volunteers
  • Hold regular educational meetings

Contact your county 4-H educator to discuss the process of developing a new club.


4-H Gears 4 Years

Club that offers STEM, Leadership, Communication, and Mentoring projects.

Beaver Run Community 4-H Club

Club that offers a variety of projects, including woodworking, cooking, sewing, crocheting, gardening, first aid, Cloverbud, etc.

Biscuit Buddies 4-H Dog Club

Club that offers dog related projects.

Blazing Saddles 4-H Club

A Club that offers horse projects.

Brush Creek 4-H Club

Club that offers projects in all shooting sports.

Chestnut Ridge 4-H Club

Club that offers a variety of projects, including Livestock & Breeding (Beef, Swine, Sheep, Goat, Poultry, Rabbit), Dairy, Food and Nutrition, Textile Science, Dog, Pet Care, Rocketry, Beekeeping, Wildlife, Leadership, Vegetable and Flower Gardening, Arts & Crafts, Photography, Shooting Sports (Archery, Air Rifle), etc.

Blue Ribbon Ag. 4-H Club

Club that offers a variety of projects, including livestock, gardening, rocketry, foods and nutrition, Cloverbuds, etc.

Westmoreland County 4-H Teen Leadership Council

4-H Teens from Westmoreland County 4-H Clubs who serve as ambassadors and teen leaders in their clubs and at the county level. These are the youth leaders of the Westmoreland County 4-H Program.

Covered Bridge 4-H Club

Club the offers a variety of projects such as rabbit, poultry, pet care, rocketry, Cloverbuds, canning, photography, gardening, etc.

Extreme Stockman 4-H Club

Club that offers all livestock projects, including dairy, beef, swine, sheep, and goat.

Hoofbeats 4-H Club

Club that offers 4-H Horse and Horseless projects.

Laurel Highlands 4-H Horse Club

Club that offers Horseless, Horse, and Leadership projects

Laurel Mountain 4-H Horse & Pony Club

Club that offers 4-H Horse and Leadership projects.

Loyalhanna Creek 4-H Club

Club that offers a variety of projects including livestock, STEM, environmental science, home economics, shooting sports, gardening, etc.

Mavericks 4-H

Club that offers a variety of projects including livestock, photography, pet care, plants, archery, sewing, scrapbooking, citizenship, etc.

New Alexandria Home Ec. 4-H Club

Club that offers a variety of projects including Food and Nutrition, Clothing and Textile, Needlework, Woodworking, Legos, Child Care, Crafts, etc.

New Alexandria Ag. 4-H Club

Club that offers almost all project areas except horses.

Next Level 4-H

Club that offers a variety of projects including breeding and market Livestock, home economics, gardening, etc.

Gaited Hoofs 4-H Horse Club

Club the offers 4-H Horse projects.

Salem Saddle 4-H Horse Club

Club that offers horse and horseless projects.

Southwest Dairy 4-H Club

Club that offers dairy projects.

Sugar Loaf 4-H Club

Community club that offers all projects.

Sunshine 4-H Club

Club that offers a variety of projects, including market lamb, pig, goat, steer and poultry, shooting sports, sewing, pet care, rabbits, scrapbooking, rocketry, food and nutrition and cake decorating.

Trails and Tails 4-H Club

Club that offers all projects, including Cloverbud, pet care, STEM, poultry, model horse, horseless and all horse projects.

Westmoreland County 4-H Travel-All

Club that participates in citizenship projects.

Westmoreland County 4-H Club

Club that introduces members to a variety of projects, including animal science, citizenship, consumer and family science, environmental science, and more. Club that will help you find the right club when you aren't sure which one is best for you.

Westmoreland County 4-H Homeschool Club

Club that participates in all 4-H projects except for Shooting Sports.

Westmoreland County Cake Decorating Club

Club that offers cake decorating projects.

Westmoreland County Cloverbuds

Club that introduces members to all projects.

Westmoreland Squares 4-H Club

Club that offers square dancing projects.