Spiderwort is a perennial with long green leaves and flowers with three petals that can be white, pink, various shades of purple or blue. This plant grows in the general shape of a mound.


Spiderwort (Tradescantia) is a perennial with long green leaves and flowers with three petals that can be white, pink, various shades of purple or blue. This plant grows in the general shape of a mound that can get between one to three feet tall. It has a large native area that ranges from southern Canada to northern Argentina covering growing zones 4 - 9. However, because spiderwort grows by underground runners it may spread and crowd out other plants.

Gardener Tips for Planting Spiderwort

Spiderwort grows best in shade and moist soil but will do well in sun if the soil is moist enough. It also likes acidic soil (pH 5 to 6). It is possible to amend your soil for pH, but it can be difficult. The best advice when choosing plants for your landscaping is to plant what will work best for the conditions you currently have. Doing a soil test before planting is the best way to discover the condition of your soil. It will also offer recommendations for modifying your soil conditions with things like lime and fertilizer.

You can cut this plant back every year after the flowers are spent. If you trim the flower stalks as each one starts to die and time it well, you may even get a few more flowers before the season is over. The flowers start to bloom in early-to-mid summer and last for about four to six weeks.

The best way to obtain spiderwort is through a nursery or getting a cutting from a friend. Because it spreads through underground runners, you will have no shortage of supply once it's established. However, because it spreads through underground runners you do run the risk of this plant out-competing others.

I would recommend planting this one near plants with a similar growing habit, such as irises or black eyed susans. The competition might help keep all of your spreading plants in check. Just be prepared to lose all control of what grows where.

You can start this plant from seeds if you provide a cold-period to break dormancy. Mix sand and perlite in a plastic bag with one tablespoon of hot water. Mix in the seeds and store in the refrigerator for up to four months. Eight weeks before the last frost remove the bag from the refrigerator, fill a seed-starting tray with a starter mix. Spread the sand mixture, with the seeds, over the starter mix. Spray the seed tray with water from a water bottle and cover it with plastic wrap. Place in a warm location and spray often enough to keep the seed mixture moist. Remove the plastic wrap when the seedlings emerge and place the try in a sunny spot or under grow lights. Water as needed. Transplant the seedlings outdoors when they're four inches high.

Source: https://www.gardeningchannel.com/how-to-grow-spiderwort/

Things To Know About Spiderwort

Spiderwort's scientific name, Tradescantia, comes from John Tradescant, who was a gardener for King Charles I of England.

The stems, leaves, and flowers are edible and can be eaten raw or cooked.
This plant can also cause allergic reactions resulting in red, itchy skin for cats and dogs.

Written By: Penn State Extension Master Gardener Jean Gomory